900字范文 > 五参数坐标转换 5-parameter coordinate conversion英语短句 例句大全

五参数坐标转换 5-parameter coordinate conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-20 05:35:46


五参数坐标转换 5-parameter coordinate conversion英语短句 例句大全

五参数坐标转换,5-parameter coordinate conversion

1)5-parameter coordinate conversion五参数坐标转换

2)coordinate conversion坐标转换参数

1.The comparative analysis of the effects on RTK surveying due to different methods of deriving thecoordinate conversion parameters;坐标转换参数不同的求取方式对RTK测量影响的对比分析


1.Parameter-calculating Method for Coordinate Transformation of GPS Handset手持式GPS坐标转换参数解算方法

2.Calculating parameters of 3D coordinates transformation based on the method of Total Least Squares基于总体最小二乘法的三维坐标转换参数解算

3.Using RTK to solve WGS-84 and the discussion of coordinates with the city of transformation parameters利用RTK求解WGS-84与城市坐标转换参数的探讨

4.The Moving 9 Parameters Coordinate Transformation Method for GPS Coordinate ResultsGPS坐标成果的游动九参数转换法

5.The Way of Conditional Adjustment with Parameters in Two Dimensional Coordinates Transformation二维坐标转换的附有参数条件平差法

6.Three-dimensional Separation Regression the Model Parameters Robust Estimation Method of Transforming GPS CoordinateGPS坐标转换的三维分离回归模型参数的稳健估计

7.Research and Practice of Moving Nine Parameters used in Large Area GPS Coordinate Transformation游动九参数法用于大区域GPS坐标转换的研究与实践

8.resolution of polar to cartesian极坐标-直角坐标转换

9.Data Transformation for the Second National Land Resource Investigation between Local and Xi′an Coordinate System厦门市二调数据成果1980西安坐标转换

10.Under Microstation V8 vector data"s Coordinate Conversion Routine RealizesMicrostation V8下矢量数据的坐标转换程序实现

11.Method for the Data Rectification of the Coordinate Projection and Zone Exchange Parameters Entry Error坐标换带投影参数录入错误的数据纠正方法

12.Coordinate Transformations and Application of Database in Vehicle Monitoring System;车辆监控系统中的坐标转换及数据库应用

13.Coordinate Auto-Converting System for Leading Data of optical measuring equipment光测设备引导数据坐标自动转换系统设计

14.Mathematical Model for Converting of RTK Two Kinds of Coordianate and Its Adaptable ConditionsRTK两种坐标转换的数学模型及适用条件

15.The Research of the Transformation Among Different Coordinate Systems and Projections of Digital Map Based on DXF File基于DXF的数字地图投影与坐标系转换方法研究

16.Transition of LGO Coordinate Reference in GPS Data Processing System基于徕卡GPS数据处理系统LGO的坐标转换问题

17.Study on non-linear coordination conversion of space right angle coordination system;浅谈空间直角坐标系非线性坐标转换

18.Research about independent coordinate system conversion from Gaussian coordinate system独立坐标系向高斯坐标系转换的研究


coordinate conversion坐标转换参数

1.The comparative analysis of the effects on RTK surveying due to different methods of deriving thecoordinate conversion parameters;坐标转换参数不同的求取方式对RTK测量影响的对比分析

3)GPS coordinate conversionGPS数据坐标转换

4)coordinate digitizer坐标数字转换器

5)Coordinate transform坐标转换

1.Technology of coordinate transform for precision-guided bomb;精确制导炸弹坐标转换技术(英文)

2.RTK Application and Obtaining Methods of Engineering Coordinate Transform Parameters in Dredging Work with Real Time Difference GPS;RTK航道疏浚应用及工程坐标转换参数的获取

3.Determining Coordinate Transform Parameter in GPS Navigation Positioning Surveying;在GPS导航定位中坐标转换参数的确定

6)coordinate conversion坐标转换

1.Discussion of rectangularcoordinate conversion method;直角坐标转换方法的探讨

2.Through thecoordinate conversion, it can achieve quantitative fault describing accurately and quickly.通过坐标转换,可以准确、快速地完成对断层定量化描述,为计算机自动绘图、跨断层进行储层预测提供了有关断层的定量化信息。

3.Two important equations of kalman filtering algorithm are introduced withcoordinate conversion error.在坐标转换误差条件下,引入kalman滤波算法的两个重要公式。


