900字范文 > 语用石化 pragmatic fossilization英语短句 例句大全

语用石化 pragmatic fossilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 03:44:00


语用石化 pragmatic fossilization英语短句 例句大全

语用石化,pragmatic fossilization

1)pragmatic fossilization语用石化

1.The present research investigates the phenomena and causes ofpragmatic fossilization of English majors,with request speech act being the research target and by adopting the extended discourse completion test.本研究通过使用扩展的语篇完形测试,以请求言语行为为研究目标,对英语专业学习者的语用石化现象和成因进行了调查。

2.It leads to the conclusion that, compared with native speakers, Chinese English learners are in a state ofpragmatic fossilization in the learning process of discourse markers.对抽样调查中的中国高级和中级英语学习者以及英语为母语者真实口语语料的对比分析表明:英语学习者在话语标记语的习得上无法达到英语为母语者的同等水平,存在语用石化现象。

3.However, most researchers in China probe into fossilization at the level of linguistic forms: phonological, semantic or syntactic, while neglecting that non-native speakers may also systematically use certain forms inappropriately at the pragmatic level of communication and incurpragmatic fossilization in their language learning .然而,大多数研究者对石化现象的研究停留在语言层面上:语音,语义和语法,而忽略了外语学习者在语用层面上也会不可避免地重复语用错误从而导致语言学习过程中的语用石化。


1.A Corpus-Driven Study on Pragmatic Fossilization of Discourse Markers by Chinese EFL Learners中国英语学习者话语标记语习得的语用石化现象—语料库分析

2.On the Pragmatic Fossilization of Request by English Majors;英语专业学习者请求语用石化现象探究

3.A Survey of Non-English Majors’Pragmatic Fossilization非英语专业大学生语用石化现象的调查研究

4.On Pragmatic Fossilization in English LearnersAcquisition of Discourse Markers-An Investigation Based on Natural Spoken English Data;英语学习者话语标记语语用石化现象初探——基于真实口语语料的调查分析

5.The Phenomenon of Lnter-language Fossilization and the Use of Communicative Approach;中介语石化现象与交际教学法的运用

6.A Study on Fossilization from the Perspective of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility从边际效用递减规律看语言石化现象

7.Fossilization of Interlanguage and Its Application on Oral English Acquisition中介语石化现象研究及其在英语口语习得中的应用

8.Setting up of Practical English Major in Petrochemical Colleges;石化类高职院校应用英语专业的设置方法

9.Strategies Adopted in College English Teaching to Solve Fossilization运用教学策略解决大学英语教学中的石化现象

10.The Study of the Effect of Classroom Instruction on Fossilized Grammatical Items of English;课堂教学对于英语中具有石化趋势的语法项目的作用研究

mon saying is the live fossil about national culture.汉语俗语是民族文化的“活化石”。

12.The Fossitionliza Phenomenon and the Idiom Teaching in TCSL;化石化现象与对外汉语成语教学研究

13.On the Radical Cultural Strategy for Language Change in the May-4th-Movement;“用石条压驼背的医法”——五四语言变革激进文化策略辩证

14.A Study of Second Language Classroom Instruction and Fossilization;外语教学的效力与语言石化现象研究

15.On Fossilization in Interlanguage and English vocabulary teaching;中介语石化现象与英语词汇教学探究

16.On the Effects of Fossilization on English Writing of Chinese Learners;语言石化对中国学生英语写作的影响

17.Fossilization in English Pronunciation Learning英语语音学习过程中的“石化现象”

18.A Study on the Fossilization in Interlanguage in College Oral English Teaching;大学英语口语教学中的中介语石化现象研究


language fossilization语言石化

1.A great deal of research has been launched inlanguage fossilization in the last several decades.近年来有关语言石化的研究越来越多,但就为什么有些语言形式和规则较其他的容易僵化这一现象仍有待进一步的探讨。


1.This paper explores the causes offossilization.从语料分析的角度探讨了语言石化的形成原因,认为语内迁移、语际迁移和文化移入都可以导致语言石化的形成,并分析了这些因素在词汇、语法、句子结构和语篇组织等层面上对中国学生英语写作产生的影响。

2.Some suggestions on how to prevent and reducefossilization are ventured.语言石化现象在二语习得中是一个普遍的现象。

3.For the past three decades, there has been a rather widespread conviction among second language (L2) teachers and researchers that instruction preventsfossilization; and the L2 research on instruction to date has primarily focu.自Selinker(1972)在他的中介语理论中首次使用了“语言石化”这一术语以来,石化现象研究已成为近二、三十年二语习得研究领域的重要课题。

4)language fossil语言化石

5)fossil morpheme化石语素

6)Pronunciation fossilization语音石化

1.Pronunciation fossilization at some stage of its development is a distinguishing characteristic of second language acquisition."语音石化"是第二语言习得区别于母语习得的一个重要特征,母语干扰、语音输入方式、学习者的情感因素是造成语音石化产生的主要原因。


