900字范文 > 定容弹 constant volume bomb(CVB)英语短句 例句大全

定容弹 constant volume bomb(CVB)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 05:29:19


定容弹 constant volume bomb(CVB)英语短句 例句大全

定容弹,constant volume bomb(CVB)

1)constant volume bomb(CVB)定容弹

1.A constant volume bomb(CVB) with high back pressure and wide visualization which can be used for spray experiment was presented.介绍了一种高背压、大可视化场的定容弹及控制系统。


1.Development of a Spray Experiment Constant Volume Bomb with Wide Visualization and High Back Pressure and its Control System高背压大可视化场的喷雾试验定容弹及其控制系统开发

2.6 How to enable display of browser pop-up windows?如何设定容许浏览器显示弹出视窗?

3.Evaluation of Uncertainty about Indication Error of Measurment on the Heat Capacity of Bomb Calorimeter氧弹热量计热容量测量结果的不确定度评定

4.Numerical Simulation for Flame Kernel Initiation and Early Development in a Constant Volume Combustion Bomb定容燃烧弹中火核生成及初期发展的数值模拟

5.These missiles are not sitting in on easily targeted, fixed silo.这些导弹不是座落在容易瞄准的固定的发射井里。

6.this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains.这种弹药筒能容纳发弹药。

7.Analysis of Ammunition Feeding Technique of Compatible Special Ammunition for a Naval Gun某型舰炮兼容特种弹药供弹技术分析

8.The closed system of bomb plus water bath has a constant volume and is thermally insulated.放射性物质容器弹和水槽组成的封闭体系具有恒定体积,而且是绝热的。

9.The facility of this piece of music makes it a pleasure to play.这首曲子容易弹奏,所以人们都乐于弹奏它。

10.Application and Research of Resilient Function in Resilient Fault Tolerance;弹性函数在弹性容错技术中的应用研究

11.Research of the Effect to the Characteristics of Vertical Eject Launch by the Static Stability of Missile导弹静稳定度对弹射式导弹发射特性影响研究

12.Every sort of spring has a definite elasticity.每一种弹簧都有一定的弹性。

13.Miran (missile ranging)测定导弹弹道的脉冲系统

14.Replace length cut springs to std. springs. Close blind holes.将定尺弹簧改成标准弹簧.关闭盲孔.

15.Bayesian Method for Evaluating Ballistic Missile"s Maximum Range弹道导弹最大射程评定的Bayes方法

16.Missile Geo-Location Using INS and Dual-Antenna Missile-Borne SARINS/双天线弹载SAR组合弹体定位技术

17.An In-flight Calibration Method of Ballistic Missile SINS弹道导弹SINS空中在线标定方法

18.Bart thought playing the guitar looked easy.巴特认为弹吉他看起来很容易。


Constant volume bomb定容燃烧弹

1.Spray characteristics and evaporating process of dimethyl ether(DME) fuel injected by a singlehole nozzle into a constant volume bomb at room temperature were investigated by using the schlieren optical system and a highspeed digital camera.利用纹影光学系统和高速数码摄影机对定容燃烧弹内的新型代用燃料二甲基醚的喷雾和蒸发过程进行了系统的研究,并与柴油的喷雾和蒸发特性进行了比较。

3)constant volume combustion bomb定容燃烧弹

1.The ionic current generated from the combustion of CNG(compressed natural gas),which was air mixture,was measured by electrodes in aconstant volume combustion bomb,the recorded pressure of chamber and the schlieren pictures taken by a high-speed camera were compared with the corresponding ionic currents.采用不同间隙的电极测量定容燃烧弹中当量空燃比的天然气—空气混合气燃烧产生的离子电流,通过高速摄影仪拍摄火焰纹影照片,同时记录下燃烧室压力,对比燃烧室压力、火焰照片与离子电流发现,设计的测量电极可以检测离子电流,测量电极间隙的大小不影响离子电流曲线的形态,但随着电极间隙的增大,离子电流幅值减小,电流出现时间推后。

2.A kind of combustion model of theconstant volume combustion bomb fuelled by various components fuel was studied in this paper.建立了适合定容燃烧弹的双区准维燃烧模型,介绍了模型中各物性参数的具体计算方法,并以MATLAB程序设计语言为基本应用平台,编制了求解燃烧模型的计算软件。

3.By detecting both ionic signal in the vicinity to ignition poles and relative air-fuel ratio at aconstant volume combustion bomb,it was show that the relative air/fuel ratio was influenced by both peak values and time intervals from ignition to both peaks.通过在定容燃烧弹中对点火电极附近离子信号与过量空气系数的研究,证明了无论是信号峰值还是到达峰值所用时间均与过量空气系数有关。

4)compatibility of plane and missile机弹相容

1.The calculation shows the unsteady development of the jet field and the pressure on the plane detailedly, and the result can provide theoritical foundation for the study ofcompatibility of plane and missile.利用分区计算技术 ,从 Euler方程出发 ,应用三维隐式有限体积 TVD格式 ,数值模拟了飞机悬停状态时某机载导弹机弹相容流场 ,计算结果详细给出了燃气射流及其对翼壁压力的非定常发展过程 ,为解决机弹相容问题提供了理论依

5)flexible contents弹性内容

1.In this thesis the author t ries to proceed from the outset of theflexible contents of TRIMs, and then anal yses foreign investment legislation of our country.本文作者试图从《TRIMs协议》的弹性内容着手进行研究,并依此对我国的外资立法进行了分析。

6)elastic contain system弹性容器


