900字范文 > 体积不变定律 Law of Constant Volume英语短句 例句大全

体积不变定律 Law of Constant Volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-30 23:19:37


体积不变定律 Law of Constant Volume英语短句 例句大全

体积不变定律,Law of Constant Volume

1)Law of Constant Volume体积不变定律

1.Moreover,Law of Constant Volume is expressed based on large deformation condition.从工程线应变和工程切应变的物理概念出发,根据"轴对称"和"大变形"的特点,推导出相应的几何方程,另导出大变形条件下的体积不变定律。

2)volume conservation体积不变

1.By the definition of space deformation model and the analysis of calculation of the volume variation throughout deformation, the author proposes a “visual criterion” and translate the problem ofvolume conservation of deformed objects into a mathematical problem.通过对空间变形模型的定义和变形过程中体积变化计算的分析,提出了一个“可视化准则”把变形物体体积不变问题表示为一数学问题,最后给出对该问题求解的迭代方法。


1.To show that the equation conserves the total volume is not difficult.要证明该方程保持了总体积不变这点是不困难的。

2.1. At constant temperature the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure.温度不变时,气体的体积与压力成反比。

3.at constant temperature, the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume.温度不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比例。

4.3. The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if its temperature is kept constant.如果温度保持不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比。

5.Study on the Mechanism of Langmuir Capacity with Coal Ranks on Different Experimental Conditions不同实验条件下Langmuir体积随煤级变化机理研究

6.3. The pressure of a gas is(directly) proportional to its absolute temperature when its volume remains constant.当气体体积保持不变时,气体压力就和其绝对温度成正比。

7.make less active or fast.使变得不积极或不快。

8.residual expansion of tank volume罐体容积残余变形值

9.residual expansion rate of tank volume罐体容积残余变形率

10.No region of a positive, finite volume of matter goes into zero or infinite volume.物质的任何一部分正的、有限的体积都不会变成零或无穷大。

11.Nodule number fresh weight and volume of soybean cultivars over the years in Jilin province吉林省不同年代育成大豆品种根瘤数量、鲜重和体积的变化

12.The new flap keeps essentially the same profile, but with a reduced cross sectional area at its extremities.新副翼的形状在总体上保持不变,不过在其末端的横截面积却变小了。

13.the ratio of the change in pressure acting on a volume to the fractional change in volume.作用在单位体积上的压力和体积变化量的比值。

14.Size matters less than quality.体积不如质量重要。

15.make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity.使在尺寸体积或数量上变大或变宽。

16.For incompressible fluids, both the mass flux and the volume flux are constant in a tube of flow.对于不可压缩的流体来说,流管中的质量通量和体积通量都是恒定不变的。

17.With the increase of steel plate thickness, the average ferrite grain size increases and the change of ferrite volume fraction is( very) small.同样,成品厚度较大时,铁素体晶粒尺寸较大,铁素体体积分数变化不大。

18.On freezing the general tendency of matter is to contract.在受冷时,物体总的趋势是体积变


volume conservation体积不变

1.By the definition of space deformation model and the analysis of calculation of the volume variation throughout deformation, the author proposes a “visual criterion” and translate the problem ofvolume conservation of deformed objects into a mathematical problem.通过对空间变形模型的定义和变形过程中体积变化计算的分析,提出了一个“可视化准则”把变形物体体积不变问题表示为一数学问题,最后给出对该问题求解的迭代方法。

3)law of equal volume等体积定律

4)partial volumes law分体积定律

1.Based on the discussion about the different application conditions of partial pressures lawandpartial volumes law,partial volumes law should be applied in the experimental.对于诸多教材中采用《气体常数R的测定》中实验装置所对应的实验原理—分压定律提出了质疑,并且根据分压定律模型和分体积定律模型说明在此实验装置条件下更适合应用分体积定律,并给出了相应的理想气体常数R的计算公式。

5)gaseous law of volumes气体体积定律

6)space conservation law体积守恒定律


