900字范文 > 功能锻练 function training英语短句 例句大全

功能锻练 function training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-19 22:14:25


功能锻练 function training英语短句 例句大全

功能锻练,function training

1)function training功能锻练

paring with effects of treat peripheral nerve injury only by acupuncture orfunction training;电针和功能锻练治疗上肢周围神经不完全损伤的疗效比较


1.The Clinic Observed on Chondromalacia Patellae Tui Gua Manipulation Cooperate Function Exercise for Quadriceps Femoris;推刮手法配合股四头肌功能锻练治疗髌骨软化症的临床观察

2.He has inured himself to accept misfortune.他锻练了自己,使自己能承受不幸。

3.Effects of Respiratory Function Exercises on Postoperative Pulmonary Function in Esophageal Carcinoma Patients呼吸功能锻炼对食管癌患者术后肺功能的影响

4.Exercise your body as soon as possible after operation.术后应尽早进行患肢的功能锻炼。

5.This machine is sometimes known as a cross-trainer.这种器械有时还被称作全功能锻炼机。

6.The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living.一般的学校不可能提供很多实际的生活锻练。

7.Three-ly method can help you develop your international muscle.三最”口腔肌肉训练法能锻造你的国际肌肉。

8.Re-Reflections on the Function of Training Tunes in Vocality Courses;重新认识声乐练声曲的教学训练功能

9.Application of the cervical back muscle trainer in the cervical back muscle exercise项背肌功能锻炼颈椎康复器的临床应用

10.Effect of Clinical Pathway Chart Used to Guide Function Exercise of Postoperative Patients with Mastocarcinoma图文临床路径对乳腺癌术后功能锻炼的效应

11.The nursing and recovering training to the patients who caught compressed fracture on thoracic vertebra and lumbar vertebra胸腰椎压缩性骨折患者的功能锻炼及护理

12.Causative Analysis on Bone Fracture Patients Refusing to Do Early Stage Dirigation and Its Countermeasures骨折病人拒绝早期功能锻炼原因分析及其对策

13.Gus, by force of long habit, went into his stomach exercise.由于长期养成的习惯,格斯开始进行功能锻炼。

14.Effect of Lower Body Negative Pressure Training on Cardiovascular Function;下体负压锻炼对心血管功能影响的研究

15.Effect of Short-arm Centrifuge Training on Human Cardiovascular Function;短臂离心机锻炼对人体心血管功能的影响

16.A Functional Analysis of Physical Exercises Intervention in Depressive Mood of College Students;体育锻炼干预大学生抑郁情绪的功能探析

17.Function Research of Aerobics in Fitness Exercise of Middle-elderly Population;健美操在中老年健身锻炼中功能的研究

18.The Effection of Taijiquan Exercise on the Heart and Lung Function of the Old Male People;太极拳锻炼对男性老年人心肺功能的影响


Function exercise功能锻炼

1.Methods:According to the classification degree of gluteal muscles contracture and the diagnosis criteria of severe cases made by Liu Guohui et al,the diagnosed 287 patients underwent the operation,and the postoperative function exercise.方法:根据刘国辉等制定的臀肌挛缩症的分度方法和重症诊断标准,对确诊的287例重症患者进行手术治疗及结合术后功能锻炼,并随访其疗效。

2.Results The correct rate of postoperative function exercise in clinical pati was 100%, while t.方法用历史对照的研究方法,将84例患者分为两组,每组42例,常规组采用常规锻炼方法,临床路径组按照临床路径方式制定锻炼程序指导功能锻炼。

3.In order to investigate the curative effects of combination of massage with operation for severe spastic cerebral palsy, 83 cases of severe spastic cerebral palsy were randomly divided into group A and group B: group A receiving preoperative passage of lower limb, surgical correction and postoperative function exercise; group B undergoing surgical correction of lower limb only.A组采用术前下肢按摩、手术矫形和术后功能锻炼等 ;B组则单纯下肢手术矫形。


1.Observation on Therapeutic Effect ofDirigation on Cervical Spondylosis of the Nerve Root Type after Treatment by Traction-massage;功能锻炼对神经根型颈椎病牵引推拿术后的疗效观察

2.Burn hand dirigation started at the early stage.方法:72例(133只)手深度烧伤创面全程规范应用烧伤湿润暴露疗法(MEBT)治疗,早期开始患肢功能锻炼。

3.Objective: to explore the influence of dirigation in Treating scapulohumeral periarthritis pain and recovery of function.目的:探讨自主功能锻炼对肩关节周围炎疼痛及功能恢复的影响。


1.Application of the cervical back muscle trainer in the cervical back muscleexercise;项背肌功能锻炼颈椎康复器的临床应用

2.Effect ofexercise on detrusor constringency restoration after prostatectomy;前列腺汽化电切术后功能锻炼对膀胱逼尿肌收缩能力的影响

5)Functional training功能锻炼

1.A clinical observation of breath muscles functional training in convalescent patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;慢性阻塞性肺疾病康复期患者呼吸肌功能锻炼临床观察

2.It summarized the status quo of applying continuous passive motion (CPM) for patients after underwent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) from aspects including the effect of CPM in early functional training of patients after TKA, the applying effects and working out of therapeutic regime for these cases.从持续被动活动(CPM)在全膝关节成形术(TKA)后早期功能锻炼中的作用、应用效果及方案的制定方面,对CPM在TKA术后中应用现状进行综述。

3.The control group received intensive daily living caring and objective social support, the experimental group received intensive functional training and subjective social support.方法:将意识清醒,有一定的躯体功能缺损的老年康复期病人102例,随机分成两组,每组51例,对照组在争取客观支持的基础上加强生活护理,实验组强化主观支持与利用度的基础上强化功能锻炼。

6)Functional exercise功能锻炼

1.Selection of opportunity for functional exercise of patients with affected upper extremity after underwent breast cancer radical operation;乳腺癌根治术后患侧上肢功能锻炼的时机选择

2.Study progress on functional exercise for postoperative patients underwent artificial joint replacement;人工关节置换术后病人的功能锻炼研究进展

3.The influence of functional exercise on the rehabilitation of patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy;功能锻炼对脊髓型颈椎病术后患者康复疗效的影响


