900字范文 > 功能训练 Functional training英语短句 例句大全

功能训练 Functional training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 06:22:33


功能训练 Functional training英语短句 例句大全

功能训练,Functional training

1)Functional training功能训练

1.Functional training followed by Ritalin in the treatment of stroke patients with hemiplegia;功能训练结合利他林对脑卒中后偏瘫患者康复的影响

2.Status quo and prospect of study on functional training for patients with lumbar disc herniation;腰椎间盘突出症功能训练的研究现状及展望

3.Early rehabilitation nursing and functional training on patients with mammary cancer after radical mastectomy.;乳腺癌根治术后的早期康复护理和功能训练


1.Study on Resistive Functional Training of Passive Spread of Ankle Joint;踝关节被动伸展性抗阻功能训练研究

2.The Effect of Pelvic Floor Training on Female Urinary Incontinence during Postpartum产后盆底肌功能训练治疗女性尿失禁

3.Training and gait analysis of permanent prosthesis下肢永久性假肢装配后的功能训练和步态分析

4.Probing into the Theory and Practice of Functional Vision Training to the Visually Impaired Children;视力残疾儿童视功能训练理论与实践新探

5.Modulated Medium Frequency Electric Stimulation-Swallow Function Training on Dysphagia Following Stroke;调制中频电—吞咽功能训练治疗卒中后吞咽障碍

6.The Efficacy of the Training of Three Grade Visual Function of Treatment of Amblyopia;同视机三级视功能训练治疗弱视的疗效观察

7.Re-Reflections on the Function of Training Tunes in Vocality Courses;重新认识声乐练声曲的教学训练功能

8.The effect of anaerobic training on the liver function was more obvious than aerobic training.无氧训练对肝脏功能的影响强度大于有氧训练.

9.Functional Rehabilitation Training of Reflex Bladder in Paraplegia截瘫病人反射性膀胱功能的康复训练

10.The Analysis of Interogatives in Oral English Training--An Interpersonal Metafunction Perspective;口语训练中疑问句的人际元功能分析

11.The Effect of Athletic Training on Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Function;运动训练对心脏植物神经功能的影响

12.On the Structure and Pattern and Effect of the Training;试论训练周期的结构、类型及其功能

13.On Developing the Education Function in Sports Training;浅谈开发体育教学训练中的教育功能

14.On the Important Factor of Singing Training Language Function;论歌唱训练中的重要因素——语言功能

15.Effect of overtraining on organism and renal function in rats;过度训练对大鼠机体及肾功能的影响

16.An Application of a Functional Approach to Listening Training功能语言学理论在听力训练中的运用

17.Training Simulation for Full-Function Inertial Navigation Base on Virtual Instruments基于虚拟仪表的全功能惯导训练仿真

18.Research of Four Weeks′Succession of Imagination Training and Eccentric Training to the Work of Atheletes Upper Limbs Muscle;连续4周离心训练与想象训练对运动员上臂肌肉作功能力的影响


Function training功能训练

1.The application of behaviorism theory to the function training of infants with cerebral palsy;行为主义理论在小儿脑瘫功能训练中的应用

2.Methods22 patients after nerve and tendons repaired in wrist accepted comprehensive rehabilitation treatment such as ultrasound therapy,electrical nerve stimulating and function training in the whole course.方法给22例患者行超声治疗、神经肌肉电刺激和功能训练等术后综合康复处理。

3.Relevant nursing and function training were undertaken.方法护士采用住院患者观察量表(NOSIE)对患者社会功能缺陷程度进行评估 ,根据评定分值 ,实施有针对性的护理和功能训练 ,3个月后再进行评价。

3)Functional exercise功能训练

1.Objective:To summarize the nursing and functional exercise methods of 28 cases with deltoid contracture.目的:总结28例三角肌挛缩症的护理和功能训练方法。

4)Training function训练功能

5)Myofunctional training肌功能训练

6)training of functional drills功能操训练



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
