900字范文 > 《平凡的世界》 The Common World英语短句 例句大全

《平凡的世界》 The Common World英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-15 02:41:09


《平凡的世界》 The Common World英语短句 例句大全

《平凡的世界》,The Common World

1)The Common World《平凡的世界》

1.On Cultural Consumption and Novel Production:A Talk about the Investigation to the Reading ofThe Common World;文化消费与小说创作——从《平凡的世界》的阅读调查说起

2.The Narrative Features in the Novel ofThe Common World;《平凡的世界》的叙述声音之特点

3.At that time, he insisted on his concept of artist and acsthetics diepite of the critic and dispute of the others to finish to giant works The common world in the way of traditional and be consided out of the timed realism.当时 ,他坚持自己的艺术观念和审美理想 ,以传统的在当时被认为过时的现实主义创作方法 ,逆时而行 ,完成了长篇巨制《平凡的世界》 ,虽不为时人所理解 ,但是时间最终显示了这篇作品的巨大生命力和艺术价值。


parison of the Tragic World between The Return of the Native and The Common World《还乡》与《平凡的世界》悲剧世界之比较

2.Brief Analysis on Sun Shaoping"sTragic Beauty in "Ordinary World"浅析《平凡的世界》中孙少平的悲剧美

3.On Lu Yao s dilemma in his spiritual world: a reading of the end of the Ordinary World;从《平凡的世界》结尾看路遥精神世界的深层矛盾

4.Extraordinary World of Words Overlap Study;《平凡的世界》的词语重叠现象研究

5.The Deep Folk Meanings of the Ordinary World;深远的民间意义—论《平凡的世界》

6.Tragedy of Female Banality Human Life--On Tian Run-ye of 《The World of Ordinary》;平凡女性的悲剧人生——评《平凡的世界》中的人物田润叶

mon women uncommon life--Analyzing classic images of three types women in “Common World”;平凡的女性 不平凡的人生——浅论《平凡的世界》中三种女性的类型化形象

8.Heroes and Ordinary People in Revolutionary Classical Novels;红色经典中的时代英雄与平凡世界的普通人——《创业史》与《平凡的世界》比较分析

9.The Beautiful Always Stays Behind the Sad--Discusses the Ordinary World Love Tragedy;美丽的总留下忧伤——论《平凡的世界》里的悲剧爱情

10.Ordinary World:Multiple Conflicts and In-depth Configuration of Value Orientation;《平凡的世界》:多重冲突与价值取向的深层构型

11.On the Cultural Personality of the Country Politician in The Ordinary Men and Their Living;论《平凡的世界》中“乡村政治家”的文化人格

12.On manifestation and imperfectionof 《The Common World》 s traditional realism;论《平凡的世界》的传统现实主义表现及缺憾

13.The Beauty of the Human Nature s Tragedy, the Beauty of the Tragedy s Human Nature;人性的悲剧美,悲剧的人性美——解读《平凡的世界》的美学价值

14.Brief analysis of Lu Yao s creational complex of realism--on the love in his Common World;浅析路遥的现实主义创作情结——《平凡的世界》中的爱情解读

15.Value the Thin Folding Light--Ordinary World′s Embarrassed Situation and Realistic Meaning;珍视这抹淡弱的折光——论《平凡的世界》的文学史尴尬处境和现实意义

16.All Folk Living Creatures Self-confirmation--On Ordinary World Characterization;民间众生的自我确认——谈《平凡的世界》中的人物塑造

17.A very strong and sad works--On the creative features of Ordingary World by LU Yao;一曲浓烈而沧婉的信天游——评路遥《平凡的世界》的创作特色

18.in this workaday world在这平凡乏味的世界里


The Ordinary World《平凡的世界》

1.On Lu Yao s dilemma in his spiritual world: a reading of the end of the Ordinary World;从《平凡的世界》结尾看路遥精神世界的深层矛盾

3)Ordinary World《平凡的世界》

1.This article aims to compareOrdinary World and Bailuyuan in the background of History of Pioneering.本文旨在以柳青的《创业史》为背景,对路遥的《平凡的世界》和陈忠实的《白鹿原》进行比较。

2.Based on his life experience,from the view of psychoanalysis, this article analyzes and discusses the main characters and the theme ideas of Lu Yao\" s two masterpieces, Life andOrdinary World.以路遥的《人生》和《平凡的世界》中主要人物和主题思想为例,紧密联系作者的生平经历,从现代精神分析学角度进行分析探讨,认为其作品陷入了某种失败,而这样的失败又在中国当代作家,尤其是坚持现实主义创作的作家中具有相当的普遍性。

4)the Ordinary World平凡的世界

1.The Beautiful Always Stays Behind the Sad——Discussesthe Ordinary World Love Tragedy;美丽的总留下忧伤——论《平凡的世界》里的悲剧爱情

2.As far as language is concerned, HE Zhi-li mistakes dialects of the central Shaanxi plain for those of north Shaanxi which is revealed in his comment on the first volume of The Ordinary World, one of LU Yao s representativ.就方言来说,贺智利和路遥在这个方面都犯了错误,他们都把很多关中方言词汇当作陕北的独特语言来处理,对《平凡的世界》第一卷的阐释可以说明这个问题。

5)True Feelings in Commonplace World平凡世界中的真情

6)The Singer of Secular World凡俗世界的歌者


