900字范文 > 证据共通 the evidence in the civil common英语短句 例句大全

证据共通 the evidence in the civil common英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 06:02:20


证据共通 the evidence in the civil common英语短句 例句大全

证据共通,the evidence in the civil common

1)the evidence in the civil common证据共通


1.On the Application of Principle of Common Evidence in the Civil Procedure;论证据共通原则在民事诉讼中的适用

2.Evidence common principle in civil lawsuit--debate doctrine and freedom s cooperation;论民事诉讼中的证据共通原则——辩论主义与自由心证之协同

3.general average deposit receipt共同海损保证金收据

4.shared electronic data interchange network [shared EDI network]共同电子数据联通网络

5.To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.证明;证实通过提供证据或证词来证明…的真相;证实,证明…有根据

6.Bill guarantee system is a uniform legal system as a common nature for draft,promissory note,and cheque in the world.票据保证制度是汇票、本票、支票三种票据共同具有的一种世界通用的法律制度。

7.certificate of public convenience and necessity公共交通运输业许可证

8.notice of alibi有不在场证据通知书

9.On Proof Value of the Interconfession of the Defendants in Complicity;论共同犯罪中被告人互证的证据价值

10.Article "%1" passed data validation (rowcount only).项目“%1”已通过数据验证(行数验证)。

11.Article "%1" failed data validation (rowcount only).项目“%1”未通过数据验证(行数验证)。

12.The diploma is proof that I passed the exam.毕业证书是我通过考试的证据。

13.examine or hear (evidence or a case) by judicial process.通过司法程序来检查证据或听取证词。

14.The result or effect of evidence; the establishment or denial of a fact by evidence.证据证据的结果或效果;通过证据对事实的确认或否认

15.In administrative adjudications, however, the crucial evidence is usually opinion testimony.然而在行政裁决里,关键证据通常是意见证据。

16.Article "%1" failed data validation (rowcount and checksum).项目“%1”未通过数据验证(行数验证和校验值验证)。

17.Article "%1" passed data validation (rowcount and checksum).项目“%1”已通过数据验证(行数验证和校验值验证)。

18.Data Sharing between PLC Based on OPC Communication Technology基于OPC通讯技术的PLC之间的数据共享


principle of common evidence证据共通原则

1.Theprinciple of common evidence is advantageous to the effective use of evidence sources and is helpful to disclose the facts of the case.证据共通原则在民事诉讼中的适用有利于证据资源的有效利用与案件事实的最大发现。

3)General Public License通用公共许可证

1.On Legal Liability for Breach ofGeneral Public License;论通用公共许可证(GPL)的违约责任

4)Generic evidential model通用证据模型

5)evidence system of case law country普通法证据制度

6)data sharing and communication数据共享与通信


