900字范文 > 教育调整 adjustment of education英语短句 例句大全

教育调整 adjustment of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-21 11:20:05


教育调整 adjustment of education英语短句 例句大全

教育调整,adjustment of education

1)adjustment of education教育调整


1.Middle Rising and the Adjustment of Rural Vocational Education in Hubei Province;中部崛起与湖北省农村职业教育调整

2.Persistence in Investigation of Research Adjustment in Teaching Policy of Continual Education;坚持调查研究 调整继续教育教学策略

3.To Adjust Curriculum and Create Characteristics of Higher Vocational Education调整教学计划 办出有特色的高职教育

4.To Adjust Curriculum and Create Characteristics of Higher Vocational Education;调整教学计划 办出有特色的高职教育

5.Regulations of Higher Education Structure and the Authority Linutation of Education Policies;高等教育结构调整与教育政策的权力限度

6.On the Rational Seperation and Structural Adjustment of Higher Education;高等教育合理分流与高等教育结构调整

7.The adjustment of higher educational policy from the perspective of the commitment to educational service;从教育服务承诺看高等教育的政策调整

8.The Structural Adjustment of the Content for Education is the Key to the Reform of Basic Education;基础教育改革的关键是教育内容结构性调整

9.The measures for the development of professional education and adjustment of higher education structure;发展高等职业教育是调整高等教育结构的手段

10.Viewing the adjustment of China"s educational policies from the angle of educational equality从教育公平视角看我国教育政策的调整

11.Secondary vocational or technical education stepped into a period of adjustment.中等职业技术教育进入调整时期。

12.Both the scientific research and educational departments face the problem of reorganization.科研部门、教育部门都有一个调整问题。

13.A fundamental change in what we teach our pupils is what is required.从调整教育体制做起,才是治本之道。

14.readjust faculties and specialities(教育) 调整科类结构和专业设置

15.The Strategy Research on the Structure of Education Adapt in Normal School in China;中等师范学校教育结构调整对策研究

16.The Study on Strategic Adjusting about Northeast Education Printing Factory;东北教育印刷厂战略调整问题的研究

17.Rural Schools Mapping Restructure and Balanced Development of Education;农村学校布局调整与教育的均衡发展

18.Pondering over the Adjustment of Structure in Chinese National Higher Education;对中国民族高等教育结构调整的思考


adjusted object of Education Law教育法调整对象

3)regional education structure regulating教育区划调整

4)adaption of the struture of education教育结构调整

5)Restructure of Educational Resources教育资源调整

6)Holistic Education整体教育

1.The Reflective Thoughts on the Traditional Foreign Language Teaching from the Perspective ofHolistic Education;从整体教育观反思传统外语教学


