900字范文 > 调整原则 principle of adjust英语短句 例句大全

调整原则 principle of adjust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-22 20:29:53


调整原则 principle of adjust英语短句 例句大全

调整原则,principle of adjust

1)principle of adjust调整原则

1.Design principle,constitute,principle of adjust and control method of the device were introduced.针对电力系统传统的电压无功补偿方法存在的弊端,研制了电压无功自动调节装置,介绍了该装置的设计原理、组成、调整原则和控制方法,通过实践证明具有一定的实用和推广价值。


1.Adjustment Principle of Contract Cost Settlement in Evaluation with Bill of Quantity;浅析工程量清单计价合同结算价款调整原则

2.A discussion on the main principles and impact factors in planting structure adjustment in Gansu;甘肃省农业种植结构影响因素及调整原则探讨

3.Some issues on the mining industry structure ofSiping City and its reformation;四平市矿业产业结构调整原则与优化浅析

4.Are there cash flow effects of the" mark-to-market" rule?按市场调整”原则是否会影响现金流量?

5.How does" mark-to-market" mitigate this behavior?“按市价调整”原则将如何减少这些行为?

6.Several stresses needed to laid on pace of speeding up Shaanxi fishery composition regulation;陕西渔业结构调整的基本原则及措施

7.On the Basic Principles of Policy Adjustment of Sports Industry in China;论中国体育产业政策调整的基本原则

8.Principle And Countermeasure Of Rural Industrial Structure Adjustment of China;我国农村产业结构调整的原则与对策

9.Adjustment and Optimization of Economic Structure in Midwest of China;浅谈中西部经济结构调整及优化原则

10.Thoughts,Principles and Countermeasures of Adjustment of Agricultural Structure in Anhui Province;安徽农业结构调整的思路、原则与对策

11.Study on Market - oriented Principle in the Process of Agricultural Structure Readjustment;试论农业结构调整中的市场导向原则

12.Principles Governing the Adjustmentand Optimization of Regional Economic Structure;论当前调整优化区域经济结构的原则

13.Aim and Principle of Adjustment of Independent S&T Information Service Organizations in Tianjin天津市独立科技信息服务机构调整目标和原则

14.US Adjustments of its Trade Policies towards China:the Backgrouds,Objective and Goals;美国对华贸易政策调整:背景、原则与目标

15.The Application of Flexible Management in Learning Psychology in Adult Education;柔性管理原则在学员学习心理调整中的运用

16.Principles and strategic measures for agricultural industry structure readjustment of China;我国农村产业结构调整的原则与战略措施

17.Major Features and Principles in a New Round of Adjustment in Agricultural Structure;新一轮农业结构调整的主要特征及原则

18.The Basic Principles of the Restructuring Strategy of Iron and Steel Industry in China;中国钢铁工业战略结构调整的基本原则


holistic treatment整体调治原则

3)structure adjustment principle结构调整原则

4)principles of legal regulations法律调整原则

5)setting principle整定原则

parativeness of loss-of-excitation protectionsetting principle;伊林失磁保护和国内的失磁保护整定原则比较

2.Application andsetting principle of ring-close switch protection for 110kV electromagnetic ring net;关于110kV电磁环网合环开关保护的应用及定值整定原则

3.Adopting special protectionsetting principle for line switch in small generating set side is proposed,thus it can avoid unnecessary loss of power supply because the reclosure in small power side cannot calibrate synchronization to cause part of grid losses power during instantaneous fault in the parallel-operated lines with super-power and small generating set.提出了小电机组侧线路开关采用特殊保护整定原则,这样,可防止当大电源与接有小电源并网运行的线路发生瞬时故障时,因小电源侧的重合闸不能检同期而导致局部电网失电,而造成不必要的供电损失。

6)regulation principle整治原则

1.Research purposes: The discussion on karst ground collapse in the engineering construction of the high speed railway is carried out to find out a relatively economic,rational and reliable karst collapseregulation principle.研究目的:探讨高速铁路工程建设中的岩溶地面塌陷整治原则,力求总结出较为经济、合理、稳妥的岩溶整治原则。

2.This paper presents the Bantan sregulation principle which is composed of loosenbombing and regulation by means of the shoal property analysis.本文根据滩性分析,提出了疏炸与治导相结合的整治原则,在分析西津水位调节对滩河段影响的基础上,对设计方案在水位、流态、输沙等方面进行了全面试验。


