900字范文 > 对华贸易政策 American trade policy toward China英语短句 例句大全

对华贸易政策 American trade policy toward China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-16 02:22:11


对华贸易政策 American trade policy toward China英语短句 例句大全

对华贸易政策,American trade policy toward China

1)American trade policy toward China对华贸易政策

1.With China s accession to WTO and the expansion of bilateral trade between China and US,American trade policy toward China gradually becomes one of the most attractive topics in Chinese academic circle.随着中国加入WTO和中美经贸交流范围的日益扩大,美国对华贸易政策日渐受到国内学术界的广泛关注。


1.The Obama Administration"s Trade policy toward China and Sino-US Economic and Trade Relations奥巴马政府对华贸易政策与中美经贸关系

2.The Public and Decision-making of U.S. Trade Policy:A Case Study of America’s Trade Policy towards China公众与美国政府贸易政策制定——以美国对华贸易政策为例

3.On American and British Trade Policies to China, 1949-1954;建国初期美英对华贸易政策探析(1949-1954)

4.The US Trade Policy toward China since China′s Entry into WTO;中国加入WTO以来的美国对华贸易政策

5.On the Influence of the Interest-Bound Groups on the U.S.A. s China-Targeted Trade Policy-Making;利益集团对美国对华贸易政策决策的影响

6.Interest Groups and American Trade Policy toward China:A Case Study on China s "Most Favored Nation Status";利益集团与美国对华贸易政策——中国贸易“最惠国待遇”案例研究

7.US Adjustments of its Trade Policies towards China:the Backgrouds,Objective and Goals;美国对华贸易政策调整:背景、原则与目标

8.Since then, "made in China" has become a factor to be taken into account by the US side when formulating China-oriented trade policies.从此,“中国制造”开始成为美国制定对华贸易政策时必须考虑的因素。

9.The Russian Policy of Monopoly in the Early Sino-Russian Trade俄国早期对华贸易中的贸易垄断政策

10.Relaxation of Restrictions on U.S. Trade with China during the Nixon Presidency尼克松政府对华贸易管制政策的缓和

11.The Difference Policy of Embargo of the United States to China from 1949 to 1957;1949—1957年美国对华贸易禁运的差别政策

12.Tung Oil Trading and the Changing of America s Policy Towards China in the Initial Stage of Anti-Japanese War;桐油贸易与抗战初期美国对华政策的变化

13.Reasons of the legalization of British opium trade in China;19世纪中叶英国对华鸦片贸易政策背景分析

14.a government"s policy controlling foreign trade.政府对外贸易的政策。

15.Japan s foreign policy to China and its impact on the Japan\|China export trade at the early stage during the era of the Republic of China;民国前期的日本对华政策及其对日本输华贸易的影响

16.policy of controlling foreign trade对外贸易的统制政策

17.On U.S. Changing Trade Policy to China during the Johnson Government Period;论约翰逊政府时期美国对华贸易禁运政策的微调

18.Trade Policy Staff Committee [Washington]贸易政策参事委员会〔华盛顿〕


US trade policy toward China美国对华贸易政策

1.Therefore it is necessary for us to study the relationshipbetween US Congress andUS trade policy toward China.随着中国加入WTO和中美贸易的不断扩大,美国对华贸易政策日渐受到我国政府和国内学术界的关注。

3)US"s Economic and Trade Policies on China对华经贸政策

1.About China"s Economic Democracy Construction in the New Era andUS"s Economic and Trade Policies on China论新时期中国经济民主建设与美国对华经贸政策

4)Foreign trade policies对外贸易政策

1.An analysis of the tendency of China s foreign trade policies;中国对外贸易政策的取向分析

2.All the above changes have affected the foreign trade policies of Japan to a certain degree.进入新世纪以来,日本所面对的贸易环境发生了较大变化,WTO首轮多边贸易谈判得以启动,区域自由贸易协定(下称区域协定)发展势头强劲,中国成功加入WTO,日本贸易收支盈余出现减少倾向等,都对日本对外贸易政策产生了一定的影响。

3.A nation has to think over the actual economic conditions when choosing foreign trade policies.一国对外贸易政策的选择必须考虑到一国的实际经济发展状况。

5)Foreign Trade Policy对外贸易政策

1.A Historical Investigation of AmericanForeign Trade Policy;美国对外贸易政策的历史考察

2.In foreign trade policy, Japan insists on "multilateralism" all long.日本与新加坡签署自由贸易协定,表明其对外贸易政策发生了一些变化,它有别于日本一贯主张的“多边主义”,这一变化是建立在对多边贸易政策和区域协定重新认识基础之上的,表现为日本积极参与区域协定的具体行动上,其意图是适应外部环境变化以解决自身的经济问题。

3.At the same time the German foreign trade policy had a timely adjustment.与此同时 ,德国的对外贸易政策也出现了因时而进的调

6)Trade with China对华贸易

1.The Research on Capitalist GermanTrade with China from the Regime of Weimar to Kohl;资本主义德国从魏玛政权到科尔政府的对华贸易研究


