900字范文 > 最小值 minimum英语短句 例句大全

最小值 minimum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-02 14:02:06


最小值 minimum英语短句 例句大全



1.Method of Seeking the Maximum and Minimum InclinationSum of a Straight Line to Projection Surface;直线与投影面倾角和的最大最小值求法探讨

2.On the joint limiting distribution of the maximum andminimum of strong dependent stationary normal sequence;强相依平稳正态序列最大值和最小值的联合极限分布

3.How to solve the maximum andminimum of the continuous derivatived functions in open interval;开区间内可导函数的最大值和最小值问题的求解


1.A maximum or minimum value of a function.极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值

2.The numbe Is too small!(at least 2)数值太小!(最小值为2)

3.Please enter a valid Maximum and Minimum value. The Mimimum must be less than the Maximum.请输入有效的“最大值”和“最小值”。“最小值”必须小于“最大值”。

4.Please enter a valid Maximum and Minimum value. The Minimum must be less than or equal to the Maximum.请输入有效的“最大值”和“最小值”。“最小值”必须小于或等于“最大值”。

5.The MaximumValue {0} cannot be less than the MinimumValue {1} of {2}.最大值 {0} 不能小于 {2} 的最小值 {1}。

6.Its error! max is not max7.Minimum value is required if Maximum value is filled in.如果填入了最大值,则需要最小值。

8.You can specify a minimum and maximum allowed value:您可指定所允许的最小值和最大值:

9.Maximum value is required if Minimum value is filled in.如果已填入最小值,就必須提供最大值。

10.Enter a maximum value that is greater than or equal to the minimum value.输入的最大值应大于或等于最小值。

11.A required minimum or maximum value is missing.所需的最大值或最小值数据丢失。

12."Scale maximum must be greater than scale minimum."比例最大值必须大于比例最小值。

13.The minimum value you entered is greater than the maximum value. Reenter a value that is less than or equal to the maximum value.所输入的最小值大于最大值,请重新输入一个不大于最大值的值。

14.Frame height of Exactly will become At least.框架高度的“固定值”将转换为“最小值”。

15.This value corresponds closely to the theoretical minimum.这数值与理论的最小值很接近。

16.LP Minimizing Sequence on Constrained Optimization Problems;约束最优化问题中的LP最小值序列

17.The day of the month specified is less than the min allowed. It will be set to the minimum value (1)这个月指定的天数小于所允许的最小值。它将被设置为最小值(1)

18.Its error! min must min>=28 , please enter again.错误,最小值小于28。请重新输入。


minimum value最小值

1.Two methods have been used to prove the curve of the function G m=ξ(x i) of mold free enthalpy G m, and component concentration x i of various phases for binary alloy golution is a soing-up curve withminimum value.以具有较大溶解度的二元合金溶液 (其二组元活度均≤ 1)为例 ,证明了计算绘制相图所必需的基本函数T =f(xi)一定存在 ;用两种证明方法证明了二元合金溶液各相摩尔吉布斯能Gm 与组元浓度xi的函数Gm=ξ(xi)曲线为有最小值的上凹曲

2.,the boundedness,maximum value,theminimum value and intermediate-value theorem have been obtained,thus property of continuous function on the open-interval has been promoted.讨论了开区间内仅含有第一类间断点的连续函数的性质,得到了函数的有界性、取得最大值和最小值及介值性定理,从而推广了开区间上连续函数的性质。

3.A computational formula of approximate value of minimum point andminimum value for some particular functions was infered by interpolation method of equidistant points.利用等距节点的插值的方法 ,推导出某些特殊函数的最小点及最小值的近似值的计算公式 。

3)least value最小值

1.Theleast value of the limited destination function was calculated by the compound box method.用复合调优法求出有约束的目标函数的最小值,从而确立Cr-B-W-V合金系统的最佳组成。

2. (d(A i,A j) is the distance between A i and A j) In the following we will show that μ n has itsleast value only when the length of each edge equals to min 1≤i≠j≤nd(A i,A j) and its infimum is 15+33, which can be got only when the convex 6-gon degenerate to a equilateral triangle.平面凸n边形A1A2…An中记μn=∑1≤i≠j≤nd(Ai,Aj)min1≤i≠j≤nd(Ai,Aj)(d(Ai,Aj)表点Ai与点Aj之间距离),证明了μn的最小值只有当各边长等于min1≤i≠j≤nd(Ai,Aj)时才能取得,且μn的下确界为15+33,下确界取得仅当凸六边形退化为等边三角形。

4)Minimal value最小值


1.Under the weak dependence condition r(t) log t→0 and r(t)=1-(λ 2/2)t 2 +o(t 2),the article [1] obtain the asymptotic indepndence of maxima andminima about the process {ξ(t),t≥0} on interval [0,T].文献 [1 ]在弱相依条件r(t)logt→ 0及r(t) =1 - (λ2 /2 )t2 +o(t2 )下 ,得到了 {ξ(t) ,t≥ 0 }在区间 [0 ,T]上最大值与最小值是渐近独立的 。



