900字范文 > 少耕 Minimum tillage英语短句 例句大全

少耕 Minimum tillage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-27 01:51:48


少耕 Minimum tillage英语短句 例句大全

少耕,Minimum tillage

1)Minimum tillage少耕


1.In all other respects, fertilization of crops grown under reduced tillage is comparable to fertilization under conventional tillage.在所有的其它方面,少耕下的作物施肥和传统耕作制下的均类似。

2.Summarizing nitrogen recommendations for minimum and no-tillage crops, there is an advantage in incorporating urea in summer but not in winter crops.综上所述,我们对少耕和免耕制下的氮肥管理提出以下的建议。


4.Zero and reduced tillage should be included in future maximum yield research because it provides a way of obtaining optimum planting and increased yields at less cost.将来的最高产量研究应包括免耕和少耕,因其提供了获得最佳播种和降低成本提高产量的途径。

5.In more industrialized countries, zero and reduced tillage has been adopted but usually at the expense of using more herbicides to control occurring weed problems.工业较发达国家已采用免耕或少耕技术,其代价是使用更多除草剂防治可能出现的草害。

6.The methods involve soil fertility management as well as reduced tillage. Tilling is breaking up and turning the soil to prepare the ground for planting.这些方法包括管理土壤肥力和减少耕作。耕作就是将土壤松碎并翻转,为种植做好准备。

7.Second, we have a large population but not enough arable land.第二条是人口多,耕地少。

8.③ The yield of wheat with RT increased 2 7% ̄34 2% compared with that with CMT and CCT.③小麦产量以轮耕为最高,比连耕、连少增产2.7%~34.2%;

9.There is not much arable land on the side of a rocky mountain.在岩石的山坡上没有多少可耕之地。

10.Clean-cultivation reduces vole survival and reproduction.无覆盖耕作可减少田鼠的存活和繁殖。

11.A study of the causes of cultivated land loss and countermeasures in Hebei Province;河北省耕地数量减少原因及对策研究

12.Study on the Causes and Countermeasures of Decrease in Farmland of Guangdong;广东省耕地减少的原因及其对策研究

13.Research on the Issue of Reduction of Our Cultivated Land--A Case Study of Wenzhou我国耕地减少的问题研究——以温州为例

14.Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.在少数地方,还保持着“刀耕火种”、“烧荒肥田”的原始耕作方式。

15.cultivation of crops in strips following the contours of the land to minimize erosion.根据土地轮廓以带状形式耕种来减少土地侵蚀的作物耕作。

16.The replacement of black fallow by a more diversified crop rotation, and the use of minimum and/or no-tillage technologies in lieu of conventional soil tillage.用更加多样化的轮作代替秋耕闲地,以及使用最少和/或免耕法技术代替传统的土壤耕种。

17.Data in Table8 and numerous field observations show that because the soil is less disturbed, zero tillage results in less weed populations than conventional tillage.表8的资料和一些大田观察资料表明,因土壤较少被扰动,免耕比传统耕作的农田杂草群体更少。

18.Despite China"s vast territory, the amount of arable land is limited, and neither this fact nor the fact that we have a large, mostly peasant population can be easily changed.土地面积广大,但是耕地很少。 耕地少,人口多特别是农民多,这种情况不是很容易改变的。



1.An investigation on the Status Quo and Development Potential ofTill-free Cultivation in Panxi Area;通过免耕或少耕可以改善土壤物理化学性状,保护土壤,增加蓄水量,节省劳畜力,降低成本,而且还可以争取农时,及时播栽,扩大复种,提高产量,增加经济效益,该措施在攀西地区有着较大的发展潜力。

3)Minimal/zero tillage少/免耕

1.Minimal/zero tillage-based cultivation system has been widely extended in areas under the wheat/corn double-cropping system since the early 1990s.从20世纪90年代初期起,以少/免耕为主体的耕作模式在麦/玉两熟区得到大面积推广应用。

4)Minimum tillage and no-tillage少免耕

1.Effects of minimum tillage and no-tillage systems on photosynthetic characteristics at late growth stages of winter wheat;少免耕模式对冬小麦生育后期光合特性的影响

2.Impacts of minimum tillage and no-tillage systems on soil NO_3~--N content and water use efficiency of winter wheat/summer corn cultivation;少免耕对灌溉农田冬小麦/夏玉米作物水、肥利用的影响

5)minimum tillage with water-saving少耕节水

6)cutting cultivation少耕节能


多多少少1.很多。 2.多或者少。 3.或多或少。
