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常理 common sense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-04 21:02:17


常理 common sense英语短句 例句大全

常理,common sense

1)common sense常理

mon sense objectively exists in the formulation and implementation of law,the fact that the judge in accordance withcommon sense makes a ruling can make up for the limitations of the existing law,decrease the limitations of the understanding of the facts by the judge.常理客观地存在于法的制定和实施中,法官依常理断案可以弥补成文法的局限性,削减法官对事实认识的局限。

2."Common knowledge,common sense and general reason" refer to the basic feeling,basic truth and basic experience which are generally accepted and shared by the masses for a long period and have not been proved to be false.所谓"常识、常理、常情"是指为一个社会的民众长期所普遍认同,并且分享的那些至今未被证明是错误的基本感情、基本道理、基本经验。


1.Philosophy Implication of Criminal Law of "Ordinary Truth,Common Feeling,General Reason";“常理、常识、常情”的刑法哲学蕴涵

2.View "Common Knowledge,Common Sense and General Reason" from Substantial Illegality从实质违法性看“常识、常理、常情”

3.This is the proof that science always meets reason, provided it is well put.这就是科学通常和常理相一致的证据。

4.These actions seem repugnant to common sense.这些行为似乎有悖常识 [常理] 。

5.She often speaks to the purpose.她的话常常说得很有理。

6.Master of Science if often abbreviated to MS.理科硕士常常缩写为MS.

7.normative decision theory常规决策理论 常规决策理论

8.the day-to-day running of a shop, business, machine, country商店的日常经营、 事务的日常料理、 机器的日常运转、 国家的日常管理

9.When people awaken during REM sleep they describe bizarre and illegical tale-dream.如果此期唤醒常常有古怪无条理的梦。

10.The manager is so busy that he is constantly on the go.经理非常忙,经常席不暇暖。

11.The managers converse about policy frequently.经理们常常讨论公司的政策和制度。

12.What is more unwise than to mistake uncertainty for certainty, falsehood for truth?蠢莫过于把无常当有常,把谬误当真理。

13.An Exceptions"s handler may contain only an Exception Object shape异常处理程序只能包含异常对象形状

14.Sir, they are often not universally disordered in their intellects.先生,他们的理智并非常常错乱失调。

15.Railroad companies often charged unequal or unfair rates.铁路公司定价常常不合理。

16.Key managers are often chosen for political reasons.任命主要管理人员常常出于政治原因。

17.DSM-a Constant Repeated and New Topic;需求侧管理——一个常讲常新的话题

18.Familiar Abnormal Questions and Disposal in HGIS or GIS SubstationHGIS/GIS变电站常见异常问题及处理


common sense、common feeling、common reason常识、常情、常理

3)daily management日常管理

1.Discussion on experiment-teachingdaily management in Medical Experiment Teaching Centre医学实验教学中心实验教学日常管理实践与探讨

2.It generalizes the practical experiences ofdaily management and puts forward effective methods of controlling gas disasters and ensuring safe production.分析了赵各庄矿建立井下瓦斯抽放泵站系统的必要性及主要构成,总结了日常管理工作的实践经验,提出了有效地控制瓦斯灾害,保障安全生产应注意的问题。

3.From the aspects of hub room hardware construction,rules and regulations establishment,daily management and safe construction this paper makes discussion.从机房硬件建设、规章制度建立、日常管理、安全建设等几个方面进行了探讨。

4)Regular management常规管理

1.However,when carrying out such system,we should pay attention to the following questions:teachers cooperative ability and learning through research,regular teaching,extra-curricular activities,selective courses,special subject contests,regular management ,subject selecting,and form of organization.但在具体实施过程中,研究性学习与教师的合作能力、学校常规教学、第二课堂活动、选修课、学科竞赛活动、学校常规管理、学生课题的选取以及学习的组织形式等都值得我们关注。

5)anomaly mechanism异常机理

6)physical constant物理常数

1.They describe the nature of the material and its movement,critical point,limit,and the interaction and relationships,physics laws and experiments,which enhance the physical and practical significance ofphysical constant.物理常数是具有实在意义的物理概念,产生于对物质认识和物理理论构造等过程。


常理1.一般的规律。 2.通常的道理。
