900字范文 > 生活常识 common sense of life英语短句 例句大全

生活常识 common sense of life英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 13:10:36


生活常识 common sense of life英语短句 例句大全

生活常识,common sense of life

1)common sense of life生活常识

1.Associatingcommon sense of life in chemical engineering fundament teaching《化工基础》教学中的生活常识联想


1.Associating common sense of life in chemical engineering fundament teaching《化工基础》教学中的生活常识联想

2.On Appreciation of Beauty in Daily Life Reemergence论“审美日常生活化”的“归来”意识

3.It is curious to note how slowly the mechanism of the intellectual life improves.奇怪的是,知识生活方面的设备改进得非常缓慢。

4.I began to realize that an important part of our daily life我开始意识到,我们日常生活很重要的一部分

5.The Application Research of Adaptation Teaching in 《Economic Common Sense》;生活化教学在《经济常识》课中的应用研究

6.Exploration on the Form of the Consciousness of Common People s Daily Life;王安忆上海题材小说与其日常生活意识的形成

7.On the Knowledge of Daily Life and Its Humanization Goal--A Philosophical Study on Heller s Daily Life Theory;关于日常生活的知识及其人道化目标——赫勒日常生活理论的哲学研究

8.Life has often been likened to a journey.生活常常比作旅行.

9.I have known many couples, who have entirely disliked each other, lead very comfortable genteel lives.我认识许多对夫妻,彼此根本不喜欢,生活仍然非常舒适温存。

10.breaking the ice with new people is a vital part of everyday life.与不认识的人打开话题是日常生活中相当重要的一环。

11.The Aesthetic Ideology Permeating the Everyday Life --Unscrambling the Social Evolution of Consumer Culture;走向日常生活的美学意识形态——解读社会演进中的消费文化

12.Her knowledge of life extended to that little conventional round of society of which she was not--but longed to be--a member.她的生活知识包括了上流社会人们的日常生活。 她想跻身那个社会,可至今尚未如愿。

13.Science and technology programs about human life from high tech to daily physics, from human evolution to space exploration.上至人类发展顶尖太空科技,下至日常生活的科学常识,都详细为观众阐述。

14.In the long run, a -common-sense diet and healthy lifestyle may be the best memory boosters of all.从长远来看,根据常识安排的日常饮食和健康的生活方式也许是提高记忆力最好的办法。

15.realize the uncertainty of life意识到人生变幻无常

16.He often gulps down a sob.他经常忍气吞声地生活。

17.The war was changing the normal pattern of their life.战争改变了生活的常轨。

18.coefficient of daily necessities日常生活必需品系数


Daily life consciousness日常生活意识

3)daily life日常生活

1.The affection of behavior therapy to thedaily life of chronic schizophrenic inpatients;行为治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症患者日常生活作用的影响

2.Rewriting of Ideal and Affirmation of Daily Life Experience——On Wangmeng s Series of Novels on Seasons and Else;理想的重写与日常生活经验的肯定——论王蒙的“季节”系列小说及其他

3.Beauty is life and the aestheticization ofdaily life——to begin with Cheruyshevski′s aesthetic theory;“美是生活”与“日常生活的审美化”——由车尔尼雪夫斯基的美学理论想起

4)everyday life日常生活

1.Aestheticization ofeveryday life and thinking of the subject of literature and art;日常生活的审美化与文艺学的学科反思

2.Modern Design in Everyday Life;现代设计的日常生活批判

3.The Seek and Loss of Aesthetic Ideal——Urbaneveryday life and the change of aesthetic orientations in women writing of China in 1990s审美理想的寻找与迷失——城市日常生活与20世纪90年代女性写作的审美取向

5)ordinary life日常生活

1.The Ordinary Life Base of Institutional Justice;制度公正的日常生活基础

2.According to the general thinking,the concept ofordinary life is opposite to the definition of job(whether in the time or in the space).按照一般思维,日常生活与工作是两个相对对立的概念(无论是时间上还是空间上),但通过日常生活中人与人的交往所形成的观念和衍生的人际关系,使得两者看似对立,实则紧密相联。

3.Almond and Sidney Verba investigated the conditions of civil virtue in five Western countries,and the social survey of "Analysis of moralordinary life of citizens" could provide concrete evidence of civil virtue in China.两次调查各有侧重,前者着重于公民文化,后者则立足于公民的日常生活,但就调查的主体、对象及公民美德的层次而言,二者的比较具有坚实的理论基础。

6)the daily life of a family家常生活

1.She pays close attention to the soul world of people and creates unique powerful legend of ordinary people by the carrier ofthe daily life of a family.她以家常生活作为载体,关注人的心灵世界,创作出独特的更具震撼力的普通人的传奇。


