900字范文 > 夹脊电针 Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture英语短句 例句大全

夹脊电针 Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-06 14:43:15


夹脊电针 Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture英语短句 例句大全

夹脊电针,Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture

1)Huatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture夹脊电针

1.Effect ofHuatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture on NGF and BDNF expression in experimental spinal cord injury rats;夹脊电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后NGF和BDNF表达的影响

2.Effect ofHuatuo Jiaji electro-acupuncture on Bcl-2 mRNA expression in rats with spinal cord injury;夹脊电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后bcl-2mRNA表达的影响


1.Studies on Spinal Cord Injury of Rats Treated by Jiaji Electropuncture;夹脊电针对脊髓损伤大鼠治疗作用的实验研究

2.Studies on Spinal Cord Injury Rats Treated by Jiaji Electropuncture;夹脊电针对脊髓损伤大鼠治疗作用的研究

3.Clinical Study on Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis of Nerve-Root Type by Electroacupuncture at Jiaji Point;夹脊电针治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究

4.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation by Combined Jiaji Electro-acupuncture and Lumbar Traction夹脊电针并腰椎牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症

5.Studies on Rats Acute Spinal Cord Injury Treated by Jiaji Electropuncture;夹脊电针对大鼠脊髓急性损伤治疗作用的实验研究

6.Effect of Jia-Ji Electroacupuncture on c-fos Gene and BDNF Gene Expression in Spinal Neuron after aSCI of Rats;夹脊电针对大鼠急性脊髓损伤后c-fosmRNA、BDNFmRNA表达的影响

7.Effects of Jiaji Electroacupuncture on Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Rats with Spinal Cord Injury电针夹脊穴对脊髓损伤大鼠皮层体感诱发电位的影响

8.Clinical Observation on Electro-acupuncture at Jiaji for the Treatment of Spasticity for Post-stroke Patients;电针夹脊穴治疗中风偏瘫痉挛状态的临床研究

9.46 Cases of Lumbag Treatment with Electric Acupuncture;电针应力点加夹脊穴治疗下腰伤病46例

10.Therapeutic Effect Observation on the Herpes Zoster with Electric Acupuncture and Round Acupuncture电针夹脊结合围刺治疗带状疱疹的疗效观察

11.The Clinical Study of Electroacupuncture on the Jiaji Acupoints in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation电针夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究

12.Clinical Observation on Electro-Acupuncture at Jiaji for the Treatment of upper Extremity Spasticity for Stroke Patients电针夹脊穴治疗中风上肢痉挛状态临床研究

13.Clinical Research on Treatement of Mammoplasia by Stimulating Jiaji Points with Electric-Needling Plus Acupunturing Renying Point;电针夹脊穴配针刺人迎穴治疗乳腺增生病的临床研究

14.Scalp Acupuncture and the Treatment of Electricity Jiaji Postherpetic Neuralgia Clinical Observation头针并电针夹脊穴治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛的临床观察

15.Clinical Study of Varying Frequencies on Electronic Acupuncuture Units Used on Jia Ji Acupoints in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation;不同参数电针夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察

16.Clinical Study on Treatment of Nerve Root Cervical Spondylosis by Electro-acupuncture at Cerviacal Jiaji Point with Acupoint-injection电针颈夹脊穴配合穴位注射治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究

17.Clinical Observation on Treatment of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc by Electro-acupuncture on Jiaji Xue电针夹脊穴为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究

18.Observation on therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture at Jiaji (EX-B2) combined with blood-letting and cupping on herpes zoster电针夹脊穴配合放血拔罐治疗带状疱疹疗效观察


Jiaji electropuncture夹脊电针

1.Research one: in the same segments, treatment are taken byJiaji electropuncture or dexamethasone (DXM) in 8h and 24h after SCI, model rat"s motor and sensory function are studied by CBS; injury spinal cord"s NT-3 and c-Fos are studied by ABC immunohistochemistry and optic techniques.本课题以Wistar大鼠经Allen’s法制备脊髓撞击伤模型,实验分成两部分: 实验一:对相同损伤节段采取不同时间进行夹脊电针治疗,即伤后8h内和伤后24h接受夹脊电针治疗或地塞米松治疗,以联合行为评分法测定不同时间模型大鼠的运动功能、感觉功能,以免疫组化法及光镜技术、观察各不同时间点伤段脊髓的NT-3及c-Fos表达,结果表明:伤后8h内进行治疗较伤后24h进行治疗,能更好地促进模型大鼠的运动及感觉功能恢复,而伤后8h内进行治疗的近期疗效,地塞米松的治疗效果好于夹脊电针的治疗效果,但中远期疗效,夹脊电针的治疗效果优于地塞米松的治疗效果;伤后24h治疗,地塞米松无优势,其夹脊电针的中远期效果较好。

2.This research probes into the treatment function of JiaJi electropuncture to the spinal cord injury s Wistar rats, and probes into the wave choice of JiaJi electropuncture.本研究以动物实验的方式来探讨夹脊电针对脊髓急性损伤后大鼠的治疗作用,并对夹脊电针波形的选择做进一步探讨。

3)electrical acupuncture on Jiaji夹脊穴电针

1.Method:75 cases treated withelectrical acupuncture on Jiaji associated with acupuncturing the points along the meridian locally as the study group while 45 cases treated with traditional acupuncture along the meridian.结论:夹脊穴电针辅以局部循经取穴针刺治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效较好。

4)Jia ji electropuncturection夹脊电针疗法

5)Needling paravertebral point颈夹脊穴针刺

6)Electric clips电针夹


华佗夹脊华佗夹脊 华佗夹脊 经外穴名。即夹脊穴。见该条。
