900字范文 > 夹脊穴 Jiaji points英语短句 例句大全

夹脊穴 Jiaji points英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-25 16:39:28


夹脊穴 Jiaji points英语短句 例句大全

夹脊穴,Jiaji points

1)Jiaji points夹脊穴

1.Observation on therapeutic effects of acupoint injection at cervicalJiaji points on cervical spondylosis of arterial type;颈夹脊穴穴位注射治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床观察

2.The clinical observation of 62 cases on the basis of the electric acupuncture with jiaji points in treatment of vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis;电针颈夹脊穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病62例

3.Objective It is to discuss the expression of NF-KB in C7—L4 spinal ganglia of CIA rats and possible mechanism of acupuncture JiaJi points(C7—L4) on rheumatoid arthritis(RA).目的探讨NF-KB在CIA大鼠C7—L4脊神经节中的表达及针刺夹脊穴(C7—L4)治疗类风湿关节炎(RA)的机制。


1.Clinical Observations on Jiaji Point Acupuncture as a Main Treatment for Calcaneodynia针刺夹脊穴为主治疗跟痛症临床观察

2.Effect of Acupuncture on Governing Vessel and Jiaji Points on the Endogenous Neural Stem Cells Following Injuried Spinal Cord;针刺督脉经穴和夹脊穴对脊髓损伤大鼠神经干细胞的作用

3.Clinical Study on Treating Spastic Paralysis Post-Stroke with Needling JiaJi Points;针刺夹脊穴治疗卒中后痉挛性瘫痪的临床研究

4.Clinical Observation on Electro-acupuncture at Jiaji for the Treatment of Spasticity for Post-stroke Patients;电针夹脊穴治疗中风偏瘫痉挛状态的临床研究

5.46 Cases of Lumbag Treatment with Electric Acupuncture;电针应力点加夹脊穴治疗下腰伤病46例

6.The Clinical Study of Electroacupuncture on the Jiaji Acupoints in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation电针夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究

7.Clinical Observation on Electro-Acupuncture at Jiaji for the Treatment of upper Extremity Spasticity for Stroke Patients电针夹脊穴治疗中风上肢痉挛状态临床研究

8.Clinical Research on Acupuncture of Jiaji(EX-B2) in Treatment of Spastic Cerebral Palsy针刺夹脊穴治疗痉挛型脑瘫的临床研究

9.Treatment of 1000 Cases of Lumbar Disc Herniation by Pressing Jiaji acupressure with the finger and Traction牵引下指压夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症1000例

10.Clinical Observation of 40 Cases of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion Treated with Deep Acupuncture on Jiaji(EX-B2)深刺夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症40例临床观察

11.Clinical Research on Treatement of Mammoplasia by Stimulating Jiaji Points with Electric-Needling Plus Acupunturing Renying Point;电针夹脊穴配针刺人迎穴治疗乳腺增生病的临床研究

12.Clinical Study on Treatment of Nerve Root Cervical Spondylosis by Electro-acupuncture at Cerviacal Jiaji Point with Acupoint-injection电针颈夹脊穴配合穴位注射治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床研究

13.Clinical Research of Vertebral Artery Type of Cervical Spondylosis Treated with "Ah is" Set Neck Law Jia Ji Check and Feng Chi针刺风池穴及“阿是”法取定颈夹脊穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病疗效观察

14.Clinical Study on Analgesic Effect of Acupoint Injection at Cervical Jiaji Points for the Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis of Nerve Root Type穴位注射颈夹脊穴对神经根型颈椎病镇痛作用的研究

15.Effects of Jiaji Electroacupuncture on Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in Rats with Spinal Cord Injury电针夹脊穴对脊髓损伤大鼠皮层体感诱发电位的影响

16.The Study on Mechanism of Acupuncture at Jiaji Acupoints for Insulin Resistance Rats;针刺夹脊穴对防治大鼠胰岛素抵抗作用机制的研究

17.The Comparative Observation of Effect on Cervical Spondylosis of Vertebral Artery Type with Puncturing Seven-Point and Jiaji-piont in Nape;项七针与颈夹脊穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病(CSA)的疗效对比观察

18.Clinical Study of Varying Frequencies on Electronic Acupuncuture Units Used on Jia Ji Acupoints in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation;不同参数电针夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察


Jiaji point夹脊穴

1.In three groups,the patients who was cured by the balance acupuncture and needling jiaji point could get much better effective than other ways.运用平衡针法,针刺臀痛穴、腰痛穴等平衡穴位,配合电针夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症,取得理想治疗效果。


1.Study on the Effect of Mental Intervention of Electro-acupuncture atJiaji in The Different Patients of Heroin Dependence;电针夹脊穴对海洛因依赖不同人群的心理干预效应研究

2.Effects of EA JIAJI on ERK/NK-1 Signal Transduction Pathway in Dorsal Horn Neurons of CFA Arthritis Rats;电针夹脊穴对佐剂关节炎大鼠脊髓背角内ERK/NK-1信号转导通路的影响

3.The Clinical Study on Treating Lumbar Disc Herniation byJiaji Penetration夹脊穴透刺搓针法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究


1.Clinical Research on Acupuncture of Jiaji(EX-B2) in Treatment of Spastic Cerebral Palsy针刺夹脊穴治疗痉挛型脑瘫的临床研究

2.Clinical Observation of 40 Cases of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion Treated with Deep Acupuncture on Jiaji(EX-B2)深刺夹脊穴治疗腰椎间盘突出症40例临床观察

3.35 cases of treatment group were given with acupuncture of Jiaji(EX-B2) from T1 to L5,while 35 cases of control group were treated with conventional acupoints,once daily,with 10 sessions being one therapeutic course,and 3 courses all together.方法:将70例中风偏瘫痉挛状态患者随机分成2组,治疗组采用针刺夹脊穴,对照组采用常规针刺,每日针刺1次,10次为1疗程,共治疗3个疗程。


1.Objective:To systematic observate and summary the clinical efficacy of lumber intervertebral disk herniation of different types,treated by acupunctureEX-B2 on lesion location as a main therapy.目的:以不同类型腰椎间盘突出症(LIDH)为研究对象,选用针刺病变部位夹脊穴为治疗方法,系统观察和总结本治疗方法对于该疾病的临床疗效及不同类型间疗效相互比较。

2.Objective: To observe the clinical effects of acupuncture withEX-B2 on spasm of lowerlimbs by stroke.研究目的:观察针刺夹脊穴对脑卒中后下肢肌张力增高患者的影响。



夹脊穴夹脊穴 夹脊穴 经外穴名。 ①指背部脊椎两旁的穴位。《素问·缪刺论》:“从项数脊椎侠背,疾按之应手而痛,刺之旁,三痏立已。”杨上善注:“脊有二十一椎,以两手侠脊当推按之,痛处即是足太阳络,其输两旁,各刺三痏也。”《华佗别传》:“又有人病脚躄不能行,……后灸愈。灸处夹脊一寸上下行,端直均调如引绳也。”即指脊椎旁0.5寸处为穴位。近代诸书多同此说。即自第1胸椎至第5腰椎棘突下两侧,后正中线旁开0.5寸,左右共34穴。亦称华佗穴、华佗夹脊、佗脊、脊旁等。亦有以第1颈椎至第5腰椎各椎棘突下旁开0.5-1寸为穴者,计48穴(《针灸学》上海中医学院)。 ②《类经图翼》:“夹脊穴:《肘后》云,此华佗法。《千金翼》云:治霍乱转筋,令病者合面而卧,伸两手着身,以绳横牵两肘尖,当脊间绳下两旁,相去各一寸半所。”
