900字范文 > 货币供应 money supply英语短句 例句大全

货币供应 money supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-12 17:13:17


货币供应 money supply英语短句 例句大全

货币供应,money supply

1)money supply货币供应

1.Parallel Research on the Correlation between Money Supply and Economic Growth:China vs. U.S.;中美货币供应与经济增长的比较研究

2.Fiscal Deficit,Money Supply and Financial Stability--Based on China’s Historical Data(1978-)财政赤字、货币供应与金融稳定:基于中国的经验证据

3.Utilizing co-integration and variance decomposition approach to analyze the relationship onmoney supply,inflation and economic growth.采用协整与方差分解的方法对中国货币供应、通货膨胀与经济增长的关系进行实证研究发现,通货膨胀与经济增长在短期和长期中作用关系相反,但都具有回归自然水平趋势,货币供应对通货膨胀和经济增长的影响具有滞后效应,长期内货币非中性,而通货膨胀和经济增长并不影响货币供应。


1.Money Supply Effect and the Optimum Money Supply Rule货币供给效用与最优货币供应规则

2.Monetary policy: The decisions a monetary authority makes to manage the money supply.货币政策:货币当局为控制货币供应做出的决定。

3.3.Take account of monetization in determining the money supply;货币供应必须考虑货币化进程因素 ;

4.Money supply : The total amount of money in an economy.货币供应量:某一经济中的全部货币量。

5.Appropriate growth was seen in money supply.货币供应量适度增长。

6.Money supply registered rapid increase.货币供应量增长加快。

7.9. Money supply increased rapidly.九、货币供应量增长加快。

8.That is, if money demand is stable, monetary targeting will be superior to interest rate targeting;如果货币需求是稳定的 ,应选择货币供应目标 ;

9.Monetary Multiplier and Money Supply in Japan日本货币乘数和货币供应量的可控性研究

10.An Analysis of Effects of Direct Financing on Money Supply with the Theory of Endogenous Money;从货币内生性论直接融资对货币供应量的影响

11.The Influence of Digital Cash on Currency Supply and Currency Speed;数字现金对货币供应与货币流通速度的影响

12.What is the Relationship between Interest Rate and Money Supply when Base Money is Passively Released基础货币被动投放下利率与货币供应量的关系

13.Appropriate growth was seen in money supply in 1998.1998年,货币供应量适度增长。

14.control, reduce, increase, etc the money supply控制、 减少、 增加...货币供应量.

15.Money Supply Goes UP Significantly中国货币供应量增递明显回升

16.money supply and aggregate demand货币供应量与社会总需求

17.adjustable currency可视经济需要调整的货币供应量

18.built-in control of the money supply货币供应的内在调节功能


currency supply货币供应

1.The influence oncurrency supply and currency flow speed is studied, combined with the reality of Chinesecurrency supply.基于网络银行的数字现金一出现后便迅速挤占现金通货纸币的位置以及替代存款类电子货币的某些发育层次形态 ,本文结合我国货币供应的实际 ,探讨了数字现金对货币供应和货币流通速度的影响。

3)monetary supply货币供应量

1.China s Monetary Supply Targets and Rules: Problems and Solutions;我国货币供应量目标规则存在的问题及对策

2.With the theoretic analysis and empirical analysis about monetary policy transmission inside stock market, we can draw a conclusion that the influence between themonetary supply and stock price is growing; the reactors of stock market to the interest rates adjustment are different.通过对货币政策股票市场的内部传导(货币政策作用于股票市场使之趋向于货币政策的中间目标)进行理论和实证的分析得出结论央行的货币供应量变化与股价之间的相互影响在逐渐增大;股市对各次利率调整的反应是不同的,在近几年利率连续下调之后,货币政策的有效性出现了弱化现象。

3.According to the-lm curve theory,this paper analyzes the function ofmonetary supply is unstable in China now.根据IS-LM模型中的中介目标选择理论,并通过对我国IS-LM曲线的分析,指出在我国现阶段的货币需求函数由于受到货币乘数、货币流通速度、外汇占款等因素波动的影响而变得很不稳定,因此货币供应量在目前已不适于作为当前的货币政策中介目标。

4)money supply货币供应量

1.Research on Preventing the Risk of CPI Rising——Analysis based on themoney supply;防范CPI上涨风险的研究——基于货币供应量角度的分析

2.On the Validity of the Money Supply as Intermediate Goal of Monetary Policy in China;论货币供应量作为我国货币政策中介目标的有效性

3.The ECM Model of Money Supply and Economy Growth;货币供应量与经济增长方式转变——基于ECM模型的分析

5)monetary aggregates货币供应量

1.This paper explores that, despite of the distinctions among China and those developed countries, the positive correlation between the GDP growth rate andmonetary aggregates does exist in China.通过对两组经济变量的实证分析,说明我国尽管与西方国家存在各种体制上的差异,但经过一些技术处理后,仍然能发现国民经济的增长与货币供应量的增长之间存在明显的相关关系,尽管政府为刺激经济出台了多项措施,但效果却并不明显。

2.The problem ofmonetary aggregates,price and output s correlation is a key problem of selection for intermediate targets of monetary policy,it is also a disputed spot in academic circles.货币供应量与物价、产出之间的相互关系问题是货币政策中介目标选择的关键问题之一,也是学术界争议的热点问题。

3.This thesis is to make a more though research on the validity of themonetary aggregates adopted as an intermediate target by the monetary policy in our country, employing methods of the theoretical and empirical analyses, of the qualitative and quantitative analyses.本文运用理论分析与实证分析、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法对我国货币政策以货币供应量作为中介目标的有效性进行了较为深入的研究。

6)currency supply货币供应量

1.A Case Study of the Influence of RRR Readjustments to Currency Supply;存款准备金率调整对我国货币供应量影响的实证研究

2.In modern economics, the expansion or reduction ofcurrency supply will greatly affect the economy growth rate and inflation rate.在现代货币经济中 ,货币供应量的扩张与收缩很大程度上决定着 2个重要经济变量 ,即经济增长率和通货膨胀率的变动 。

3.In this paper, we first introduce different ideas of scholars at home and abroad about the influence of foreign exchange reserves oncurrency supply and price level.本文首先介绍了中外学者关于外汇储备对货币供应量与物价水平影响的不同观点;然后,基于中央银行的资产负债表和货币数量理论,对外汇储备增长对货币供应量对物价水平的影响进行了理论分析;最后,重点结合我国的实际,分别从短期和长期两方面对外汇储备对我国货币供应量与物价水平的影响进行了实证检验。


