900字范文 > 货币供求 money supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

货币供求 money supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-14 12:08:58


货币供求 money supply and demand英语短句 例句大全

货币供求,money supply and demand

1)money supply and demand货币供求

1.Analysing the effect of Chinese monetary policy in terms ofmoney supply and demand;从货币供求角度评析我国货币政策的效果

2.This paper makes an empirical study on the problem of excess liquidity from the aspects ofmoney supply and demand.本文从货币供求角度对我国流动性过剩问题进行实证分析。

3.It is these specific features that make it possible for e-money to exert influence upon on themoney supply and demand system of the central bank.正是这些特有的属性使得电子货币对中央银行货币供求体系产生一系列的影响。


1.Supply and Demand of Money and Monetary Policy at China s Transitional Period;中国转轨时期的货币供求与货币政策

2.Theoretical and Empirical Study of Supply and Demand for Money and Monetary Policy;货币供求和货币政策的理论与实证分析


4.Impact of Financial Innovation on Money Supply & Demand and Monetary Policy;金融创新对货币供求关系及货币政策的影响

5.Analysing the effect of Chinese monetary policy in terms of money supply and demand;从货币供求角度评析我国货币政策的效果

6.On the effect of money supply and demand on monetary policy in China;论我国货币供求变化对货币政策的影响

7.Analyzing Impact of Internet Virtual Money on Money Supply and Demand网络虚拟货币对货币供求的影响及效应分析

8.A Research on the Implications of Electronic Money for the Currency Supply and Demand and Effectiveness of Monetary Policy;电子货币对货币供求理论和货币政策有效性的影响研究

9.As far as the relationship between capital supply and demand and currency supply and demand is concerned, balanced capital supply and demand is the foundation of balanced currency supply and demand.就资金供求与货币供求的关系而言,资金供求均衡是货币供求均衡赖以形成的基础。

10.The Research on the Impact and Its Countermeasures of Contemporary Financial Innovation on Money Supply and Demand;当代金融创新对货币供求的影响和对策研究

11.Real Estate Prices and Monetary Supply and Demand: Empirical Events and Theory Hypothesis;房地产价格与货币供求:经验事实和理论假说

12.That is, if money demand is stable, monetary targeting will be superior to interest rate targeting;如果货币需求是稳定的 ,应选择货币供应目标 ;

13.money supply and aggregate demand货币供应量与社会总需求

14.Industry Growth, Credit Supply-demand and Monetary Policy Adjustment工业增长、信贷供求和货币政策调整

15.inflation caused by an increase in demand or in the supply of money.由于需求或货币供应的增加导致的通货膨胀。

16.Appropriately increasing money supply to expand domestic demand.一是适当增加了货币供应,扩大了国内需求。

17.The value of currencies was meant to be regulated by supply and demand(the market mechanism).货币的价值应由供求关系(市场机制)来决定。

18.An Empirical Study on the Institution and Demand Endogeneity of Money Supply;货币供给的制度内生与需求内生实证研究


monetary supply and demand货币供求

1.While current literatures mostly study the influence of stock prices on monetary market, this article mainly focuses on the influence of real estate prices and themonetary supply and demand.文章主要关注房地产价格波动对货币供求的影响问题。

3)Regional monetary demand and supply区域货币供求

4)money demand货币需求

1.Interaction Analysis and Its Policy Implication of the Chinese Stock Market and the Money Demand;我国股市与货币需求的相互影响分析及政策涵义

2.Liquidity Diversion: Money Demand and Current Excess Liquidity in China;流动性导流——中国货币需求及现阶段流动性过剩问题研究

3.Long-termmoney demand function and deflation of China;中国长期货币需求函数的实证分析

5)monetary demand货币需求

1.Study onmonetary demand stability in the process of financial development --Based on co - integrated analysis of 1994 -;金融发展中的货币需求稳定性研究——基于1994-的协整分析

2.The author thinks that it is necessary to study the problem ofmonetary demand in China and put these institutional factors into theoretical models ofmonetary demand.研究我国的货币需求问题应将其与中国的制度变革联系在一起 ,将制度变革因素纳入到货币需求理论模型的框架中。

3.Theoretically,capital market development has both positive wealth effect and negative substitute effect onmonetary demand.从理论上分析,资本市场发展对货币需求存在正向影响的财富效应和负向影响的替代效应,但对中国的资本市场发展及货币需求数据进行实证分析发现,资本市场发展提高了经济体的货币需求;股票成交金额的变动有助于我们对于狭义货币供应量的预测,不过在统计上无助于我们对于广义货币供应量的预测。

6)currency demand货币需求

1.Then,whether thecurrency demand function have changed in our country ? In order to discuss this problem,we select the quarter data form1994 up to the second quarter of and with the year of 1998 as the transition location to research the problem.东南亚金融危机的冲击以及加入WTO后的规则要求,使中国金融市场发生了一系列的变革,为研究货币需求函数结构是否相应地发生了变化,选取了1994~第二季度的季度数据以1998年为转折点对这一问题进行了实证研究,发现1998年前后两个时期的货币需求函数发生了结构性变化,并在此基础上进行了对策研究。

2.From macro\|point of view,it is worthy to discuss how population factors\|such as population quantity and its change,population reproduction,population employment,population migration,and population age structure\|affect thecurrency demand.从宏观角度去考察人口因素包括人口数量及其变化、人口再生产、人口就业、人口移动、人口年龄结构等 ,是如何作用宏观货币需求的 ,是一个值得探讨的课题。


J·凯恩斯货币供求利率论J·凯恩斯货币供求利率论【J.凯恩斯货币供求利率论】关于利率决定因素的一种理论。凯恩斯在《就业利息和货币通论》一书中说:“利率乃是一种‘价格’,使得公众愿意用现金形式(货币形式)来持有的财富,恰等于现有现金量。”“假使这种解释是对的,则货币数量与灵活偏好二者,乃是在特定情况下决定实际利率的两大因素”。所谓灵活偏好是指利率与公众愿意持有的货币量间的一种函数关系。若用r代表利率,M代表货币量,L代表灵活偏好函数,则货币量与利率的关系可表示为:M=L(r)这种函数关系表示,在设其他情况不变时,增加货币数量固可减低利率,但如果公众的灵活偏好比货币数量增加得更快,则利率不会减低。可见,利率是由灵活偏好和货币数量二者所决定的。凯恩斯认为引起灵活偏好的动机有三个,即交易动机、谨慎动机和投机动机。在这三个动机中,交易动机和谨慎动机所吸收的货币对利率反应不太灵敏。为满足交易动机和谨慎动机而持有的货币需求,只依赖于收人的多少,收人愈多,此动机所需的货币愈多。所以,交易动机和谨慎动机是收人的递增函数。令乌表示这二种动机的灵活偏好函数,Y表示收人水平,则有乌二卜(Y)。相反,投机动机所吸收的货币对收人水平的高低反应迟钝,但对利率却有较高的弹性,此动机随利率高低而变化,利率愈低,投机动机所需的货币愈多,利率愈高,投机动机所需的货币就愈少,故为利率的减函数。令h表示投机动机的灵活偏好函数,:表示利率,则有h=h(r)。将这三种动机的灵活偏好函数综合起来,可得总的灵活偏好函数L,即:L=卜(Y)+叭(r)(l)依凯恩斯之见,总的灵活偏好函数IJ就是社会的货币需求总量。与此相应,凯恩斯又令M【代表为满足交易动机和谨慎动机所需货币L;的货币供给量,峡代表为满足投机动机所需货币甄的货币供给量,则社会总的货币供给量M为_:M==M:+M:(2)由于利率决定于货币需求相等于货币供给之点,那么,由公式(1)和(2)所得的货币需求与货币供给,便可得决定利率的公式(3):M=M,+峡=I,(Y)+残(r)(3)上式(3)为广义的利率决定公式。依据凯恩斯投机动机的货币量才决定利率的观点,还可得狭义的利率决定公式:M=甄(r)当然,广义上的利率决定还用下图来表M‘M“L二Ll仔)十LZ(r):;比二二二二二货币供求 图3一10示。
