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水浒传 Water Margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-22 02:31:56


水浒传 Water Margin英语短句 例句大全

水浒传,Water Margin

1)Water Margin水浒传

1.Study on Shi Qian s Characteristics,Vitality and Revelation in the Novel ofWater Margin;《水浒传》小人物时迁的塑造、价值及启示

2.The Overseas Interpretations onWater Margin;《水浒传》文学意义的海外阐释

3.A Structural Observation on the Wording of "X+地" in the NovelWater Margin;《水浒传》中“X+地”结构考察


1.The Evolution of the Heroes of the Outlaws of the Marsh from Yuan Za JU;水浒英雄在元杂剧与《水浒传》中的嬗变

2.The Comparison of the Play of Shuihu and All Men are Brothers;元杂剧水浒戏与小说《水浒传》比较

3.Relationship between Shuihu multi-operas in the Ming Dynasty and Water Margin;明代水浒杂剧与《水浒传》的关系度

4.Gensou Suikoden Card Stories幻想水浒传-卡片传说

5.An ideological research and analysis of Water Margin in 20th century;20世纪《水浒传》思想研究及《水浒传》思想论析

6.On the Heroine Images in the Novels of Shuihuhouzhuan,Houshuihuzhuan and Dangkouzhi;论《水浒后传》《后水浒传》《荡寇志》中的女英雄形象

7.The Cohesive Relationship between Shu Hui Drama of the Yuan Dynasty and Shui Hu Zhuan;试论元代水浒戏与《水浒传》之间的相承关系

8.Unique Exploration of the Artistic Charm of Book of Water Margin--Some Simple Comments about the Individual Legal Matter of the Book of Water Margin;《水浒传》艺术魅力的独特探索—简评《〈水浒〉公案论》

9.Yuan Dynasty Opera Based on The Water Margin and the Early development of Its Poetic Structure;元代水浒戏与《水浒传》诗性结构的先期发育

10.The Comparison of Female Characters in the Play of Shui hu And in the All men are brothers;水浒戏中的搽旦与《水浒传》中的女性形象

11.The Interpretation of Shuihu Drama on the Water Margin in Ming Dynasty and Its Positive Significance明人水浒戏对于《水浒传》的诠释及其积极意义

12.Outlaws of the Marsh and the People s Psychological Demands in China s Traditional Community;《水浒传》与我国传统社会大众心理诉求

13.Analysis of HONG Ji-tong s Biography and its comparative research with The Water Margin;《洪吉童传》简析及与《水浒传》的比较研究

14.All Men are Brothers:Heredity and Variation of the Chivalry-admiring Thought;《水浒传》:尚侠思想的遗传与变异

15.Attitudes to Feminie Revealed by Water Margin and Chinese Traditional Culture;《水浒传》与中国传统文化中的女性观

16.On "The Water Margin" on the Legal Case of the Inheritance and Development of Novel试论《水浒传》对公案小说的传承与发展

17.The Hero"s Beginning and Destination of "Outlaws of the Marsh"--new ponder on "Outlaws of the Marsh" of heroic nature debate水浒英雄的起点与终点——《水浒传》英雄性质论争新思考

18.The Folk Features of Seular Ethics and Group Selection of the Water Margin Heroes--and on the Brotherhood in the Water Margin世俗伦理的民间特征与水浒英雄的群体选择——浅论《水浒传》的“义”


Outlaws of the Marsh水浒传

1.The Trade-off about Merit and Defection of "Loyalty" in The "Outlaws of the Marsh";《水浒传》中“义”之功过论衡

2.On the similarities of narrative patterns in the works of Pilgrimage to the West andOutlaws of the Marsh;略论《西游记》、《水浒传》叙事模式的同构性

3.Different Approaches to the Translating of Place Names - by analyzing Shapiro s English version ofOutlaws of the Marsh;论中文地名的翻译——从沙博理的《水浒传》英译本谈起(英文)


1.On the Significance of "Yiqi" (Personal Loyalty) Culture in the Novel Shuihuzhuan;论《水浒传》“义气”文化的意义

2.Shuihuzhuan s Impact on Chinese Ancient Novels of Adulterous Affair;《水浒传》对中国古代奸情小说的影响

4)the Water Margin水浒传

1.Running Water Under Solid Ice : the Awakening of Female Consciousness inthe Water Margin;坚冰下的暗流:《水浒传》女性意识的觉醒

2.Analysis of HONG Ji-tong s Biography and its comparative research with The Water Margin;《洪吉童传》简析及与《水浒传》的比较研究

5)all men are brothers水浒传

1.A Re-suspicion of the Completion of the Book All Men Are Brothers in the Early Years of Jiajin Regime;《水浒传》成书于嘉靖初年说再质疑

2.On Jinpingmei s Reception of All Men Are Brothers;论《金瓶梅》对《水浒传》的接受

3.The Social Ideological Trend of Ming Dynasty and the Acceptance of "All Men Are Brothers;明代社会思潮与《水浒传》的接受

6)Outlaws of the Marsh《水浒传》

1.Punctuations and Relevant Issues in the Analysis of the Verb-Verb Patterns inOutlaws of the Marsh;《水浒传》中“一VV”的断句及相关问题

2.Outlaws of the Marsh and the People s Psychological Demands in China s Traditional Community;《水浒传》与我国传统社会大众心理诉求

3.Cause Analysis of Violent Thoughts Reflected inOutlaws of the Marsh;《水浒传》中的暴力思想之成因


