900字范文 > 裕量 margin英语短句 例句大全

裕量 margin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 13:07:00


裕量 margin英语短句 例句大全



1.Since there is no practical operation experience of 300 M W CFB boilers available in China, excessivemargin in flow and pressure of air, accounting for 22% and 34.由于目前尚无300MW循环流化床(CFB)锅炉机组的运行实绩,国内正在建设的、按引进技术制造的国产化300MWCFB锅炉机组的一次风机均选取了非常大的富裕量(约22%的风量裕量和34。

2.The conception ofmargin is cited to analyze the constrained functions while getting the minimal results.针对带中间支骨的耐压圆柱壳结构进行优化,采用改进的复合形法并引入裕量的概念对得到最优解时各个约束条件进行分析。

3.The problem ofmargin analysis and control design of FCC regenerator was solved through multi-objective mixed-integer dynamic optimization.用动态优化的方法求解催化裂化装置再生器的工艺裕量与控制设计。


1.Application of Equivalent Rate of Power on Double Stands Reversing Cold Rolling Mill等功率裕量法在双机架可逆轧机中的应用


3.Study of the Relationship between the Commodious Quantity and Pressure Comfort of the Women"s Knitted Warmth Underwear女式针织保暖内衣宽裕量与压力舒适性的关系

4.In this paper,a type of kilomega bps chips group for ether net which surpasses the standards by large abundance is presented.介绍了一种性能超越规范很宽裕量的千兆位以太网芯片组。

5.Generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich.富裕的拥有大量钱财、财产或财富的;富裕的或富有的

6.Existing in great quantity or ample supply.丰富的,富裕的大量存在或充足供应的

7.You are right. I need to allow myself more time next time.是啊,我下次要把时间量得更充裕一点。

8.Their rich uncle rained gifts upon the children.那位富裕的叔叔送给孩子们大量礼物。

9.Yuxi Ship-lock Throughput Prediction and Analysis of Influencing Factors;裕溪船闸通过量预测及影响因素分析

10.Online Voltage Stability Margin Evaluation Based on Phasor Measurement基于相量测量的电压稳定裕度在线评估

11.I"m not very rich, but I try to give as much money as I can.我不很富裕,但是我尽我最大的力量多捐钱。

12.delay allowance延误外加时间;容许延迟;过程空裕;时延容许量

13.One who is not well off does not "sponge", but pays his own way to the utmost of his ability.如果他不富裕的话,他不坑蒙拐骗,而是量入为出;

14.The qualified teachers and teaching conditions are abundant, and teaching characteristics are distinct.专业师资力量雄厚,教学条件充裕,教学特色明显。

15.Safety Measurement of Electric Ignition System in EMR电点火系统在电磁辐射下的安全裕度测量

16.Study on Generation Capacity Adequacy in the Deregulated Electricity Market Environment;电力市场环境下发电容量充裕性问题研究

17.Research on Safety Margins during Takeoff and Landing Phases under Complicated Conditions复杂条件下起飞着陆中的定量安全裕度研究

18.An Empirical Study of the Linkage Among Natural Resource Abundance,Institutional Quality and Economic Growth自然资源丰裕、制度质量与经济发展关系的研究



1.The analysis of theoverdesign and the bypass design for the heat exchanger;换热器设计裕量与旁路设计分析

2.In the light of process operation and closed loop control, it is proposed that knowableoverdesign includes three parts: process condition changeoverdesign (steady state), equipment aging (steady state) and the controloverdesign (dynamic state).从生产操作和闭环控制的角度,提出可知裕量应当由工艺条件变化裕量(稳态)、设备老化裕量(稳态)和控制裕量(动态)等三个部分构成,并将这一概念应用于换热器操作与设计分析中。

3)volume margin风量裕量

4)steady margin稳态裕量

1.Besides thesteady margin for the variation in process and equipment,the dynamic margin for control must be considered and its size is related to the control system.在考虑工艺和设备条件变化留出的稳态裕量之外,需要留出一定的动态裕量以满足过程操作和控制的要求,其大小与控制系统设计有关。

2.For the catalyst inventory and air flow rate of FCCU regenerator,besides theirsteady margins for process change and equipment change,the dynamic margins for control and operation must be considered and their sizes are related to process control system.对于再生器的藏量裕量和主风裕量来说,在考虑过程工艺条件变化和设备条件变化留出的稳态裕量之外,均需再留出一定的动态裕量,以满足过程操作和控制的要求。

5)dynamic margin动态裕量

1.Besides the steady margin for the variation in process and equipment,thedynamic margin for control must be considered and its size is related to the control system.在考虑工艺和设备条件变化留出的稳态裕量之外,需要留出一定的动态裕量以满足过程操作和控制的要求,其大小与控制系统设计有关。

2.For the catalyst inventory and air flow rate of FCCU regenerator,besides their steady margins for process change and equipment change,thedynamic margins for control and operation must be considered and their sizes are related to process control system.对于再生器的藏量裕量和主风裕量来说,在考虑过程工艺条件变化和设备条件变化留出的稳态裕量之外,均需再留出一定的动态裕量,以满足过程操作和控制的要求。

6)overcurrent margin过流裕量


