900字范文 > 白话新诗 modern vernacular poems英语短句 例句大全

白话新诗 modern vernacular poems英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-18 03:10:44


白话新诗 modern vernacular poems英语短句 例句大全

白话新诗,modern vernacular poems

1)modern vernacular poems白话新诗

1.During the particular stage of development of themodern vernacular poems,spoken language is an oral language which includes some vernacular components.在现代白话新诗特定发展阶段,口语是带有方言成分的口头语。

2.There is complex internal relationship between dialect and China smodern vernacular poems.方言与中国现代白话新诗存在复杂的内在联系。


1.Poets Pursuit-of-Truth Spirit and the Initial Movement of Vernacular Poetry;诗人的求真精神与初期白话新诗运动

2."Writing Poems" and "Poem Is Like Speech" --Tradition Heritage from Song-Dynasty Poems to Vernacular Poetry of May 4th Movement;“以文为诗”与“作诗如说话”——论宋诗传统在五四白话新诗运动中的传承

3.Folk Songs--A Cradle for Modern Vernacular New Poems;民歌——现代白话新诗的一个生长点

4.On the Contribution of the "Early Three Vernacular Poets" to the New Poems;论“初期白话三诗人”对新诗的贡献

5.Non-poetic Causes to the Neo-poetry Revolution and the Chinese Oral Language Poetry;新诗革命及白话诗生成的五大非诗原因

6.The Formation of Chinese New Verse Seen through Three Nomenclatures;白话诗·自由诗·现代汉诗——从三次命名看中国新诗的生成

7.LI Jin-fa: a Dreamer of Poetry;李金发:词的梦想者——新诗白话的诗学实践

8.Use of Vernacular in Modern Verses and the Issues Resulted;现代新诗的白话选择及其引发的问题

9.Does she still write new-style poetry?"白话诗还做不做?”

10.The modern free verse written in the vernacular made useful exploration is developing new poems? charm, structuring new verse regulation which is adapted to free verse written is the vernacular.现代白话诗在探索发掘新诗的魅力、建与白话相适应的新诗律体系方面进行了有益的探索。

11.From "Vernacular Diction in Poetry" to "Liberation of Poetry Forms"--An analysis on Hu Shi s Proposals of New Poetry Forms;从“白话语词入诗”到“诗体大解放”——胡适新诗主张的形式问题分析

12.On the Impact the Movement of Studying Abroad and the Movement of Missionary on Neo-Chinese Poetry and the Revolution of Neo-poetry;论留学运动与传教运动对白话诗及新诗革命的影响

13.The Liberation of Form: Insight and Blindness--on Hu Shi s theory of Vernacular and New Poem;“形式”的解放:洞见与盲视——胡适的“白话”主张和“新诗”理论

14.On the Outlet for New Verse;柳暗花明话新诗——试论新诗的出路

15.Poetry as Speech: The Discourse Analysis of 80s Poetry;诗歌作为言说:80年代新诗话语研究

16.The New Way to Renascence of Chinese Classic Poetry--Comment on Notes on Poetry by Mo Li-feng;古典诗词重生的新路径——评《莫砺锋诗话》

17.Contemporary Eco-poetry:A New Dialogic Space for Science and Poetry当代生态诗歌:科学与诗对话的新空间

18.Liang Qi-chao s views on new style poetry as revealed his book Critique on poetry from the Icy Drinks Studio;从《饮冰室诗话》看梁启超“新体诗”的诗歌主张


poetic vernacular新诗白话

3)early modern Chinese poetry初期白话新诗

4)the initial movement of the Vernacular Poetry初期白话新诗运动

5)vernacular poetry白话诗

1.In the Ming and Qing dynasties,morevernacular poetry and free versed appeared.古人早有白话诗,唐宋词及元曲已不乏白话诗,明清歌谣已多白话诗、自由诗,学堂乐歌的歌词有的已是新诗,19世纪下半叶以来译诗已有白话诗,南社诗人已有白话诗、自由诗。

6)verse in vernacular Chinese白话诗

1.On the 90th anniversary of China s New Verse, this paper clarifies the major contributions that Zhejiang poets made to the emergence and development of China s New Verse (then verse in vernacular Chin-ese) in the beginning period of May 4th New Verse by analyzing the poets ofverse in vernacular Chinese and Lakefront School poets with history as the angle of view.值此中国新诗诞生90周年之际,本文以史为视角,通过对白话诗人群和湖畔诗派诸诗人的论析,认定浙江诗人在五四新诗草创期,对中国新诗(当时叫白话诗)的产生和发展所做出的重要贡献。


《黄帝内经素问白话解》《黄帝内经素问白话解》 《黄帝内经素问白话解》 医经著作。山东省中医研究所研究班编。本书是《素问》一书的白话注释,除对原文进行语译外,每篇列有本篇大意、体会,或附词字释义等项。虽说其语译常有不切之处,但总体说来还是成功的。对于读者理解《素问》原文有一定参考价值。1958年由人民卫生出版社出版。
