900字范文 > 水稻内生真菌 Endophtic fungus from rice英语短句 例句大全

水稻内生真菌 Endophtic fungus from rice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-10 00:07:41


水稻内生真菌 Endophtic fungus from rice英语短句 例句大全

水稻内生真菌,Endophtic fungus from rice

1)Endophtic fungus from rice水稻内生真菌


1.Studies on the Relationship betwween Endophyte Funqi and Allelopathy in Rice (Oryza Sativa L)水稻内生真菌与其化感作用相关性的研究

2.Secondary Metabolites of the Endophtic Fungus Fusarium moniliforme ZSU-1 from Rice水稻内生真菌Fusarium moniliform ZSU-1次级代谢产物研究

3.Effect of Endophytic Fungus B3 and Different Amounts of Nitrogen Applied on Growth and Yield in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)植物内生真菌B3和不同施氮量对水稻生长和产量的影响

4.Control of Rice Sheath Blight with the Endophytic Fungus ZJUF0986 and Its Bioactive Metabolite内生真菌紫杉木霉ZJUF0986菌株及其活性代谢产物防治水稻纹枯病的效果

5.Study on Endophytic Bacteria in Rice and Construction of Pesticide Engineering Bacteria;水稻内生细菌的研究及其杀虫工程菌的构建

6.Diversity of Endophytic Fungi from Three Aquatic Plants and Their Antagonistic Activities in vitro三种水生植物内生真菌多样性及其抗真菌活性

7.Antibiosis and Colonization of Endophytic Antagonistic Bacteria from Rice;水稻内生拮抗细菌的抗生作用及定殖研究

8.Screening and Bio-control Mechanism of Rice Endophytic Antagonists水稻内生颉颃细菌的筛选及生防机理研究

9.Screening of active strains in endophytic fungi from Scapania verrucosa using biological model of Pyricularia oryzae利用稻瘟霉模型筛选粗疣合叶苔内生真菌中的活性菌株

10.Screening Endophytic Bacteria for Control Rice Bcterial Leaf Blight;利用内生细菌防治水稻白叶枯病的研究

11.Production and localization of endogenous hydrogen peroxide in Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae水稻白叶枯病菌内源过氧化氢的产生及定位

12.Identification and Study of Characteristics of Several Kinds of Sclerotium-Froming Fungal Strains from Rice;几种分离自水稻产菌核真菌的生物学特性研究及鉴定

13.Isolation, Antibiosis, Physical and Chemical Features of Antifungal Protein from Rice Endophytic Antagonistic Bacterium Bacillus Subtilis;水稻内生拮抗细菌抗菌蛋白的提取、抗生作用及理化特性

14.Endophytic Bacteria and Root-Associated Bacteria with Rice by Culture-independent and Culture-dependent Approaches;非培养方法和培养方法对水稻内生细菌和根结合细菌的研究

15.Nutrient requirement and media of associative nitrogen-fixing bacterium Enterobacter cloace in rice plants水稻内生联合固氮细菌阴沟肠杆菌营养及其配方的研究

16.Growth Condition, Nutrition and Colonization of Associative Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium Enterobacter Cloace in Rice Plants;水稻内生固氮细菌生长条件、发酵营养及在植株体内外定殖研究

17.Study on the Antagonistic Microorganism of Pyricularia Grisea;水稻稻瘟病菌(Pyricularia grisea)拮抗微生物的研究

18.Impact of Fungus-Resistent Transgenic Rice on Microbial Populations in Rhizospheric Soils;抗真菌转基因水稻对根际土壤微生物群落的影响


Endophytic Steptomyces水稻内生链霉菌

3)rice endophytic bacterium水稻内生细菌

4)rice endophytic bacteria水稻植物内生细菌

5)Study on Endophytic Bacteria of Rice水稻内生细菌研究

6)endophytic fungus内生真菌

1.A preliminary study on anendophytic fungus isolate from Ginkgo biloba and its flavone-like products;一株银杏内生真菌的分离及其产黄酮类物质的初步研究

2.Sphingolipid metabolites of mangroveendophytic fungus (No.2534) from the South China Sea;南海红树内生真菌2534号的鞘脂类代谢产物

3.Study function ofendophytic fungus in parasitism process of mistleto;槲寄生内生真菌在槲寄生寄生过程中的作用


