900字范文 > 水生真菌 Aquatic fungus英语短句 例句大全

水生真菌 Aquatic fungus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-26 08:39:22


水生真菌 Aquatic fungus英语短句 例句大全

水生真菌,Aquatic fungus

1)Aquatic fungus水生真菌


1.Nematicidal metabolites of the aquatic fungus Coelomycetes sp. YMF1.01029水生真菌YMF1.01029毒杀线虫活性代谢产物的研究

2.Freshwater fungi in Zhejiang Province Ⅰ:four newly recorded hyphomycetes for the mainland of China浙江的水生真菌Ⅰ:中国大陆的四个丝孢菌新记录种(英文)

3.Diversity of Endophytic Fungi from Three Aquatic Plants and Their Antagonistic Activities in vitro三种水生植物内生真菌多样性及其抗真菌活性

4.Investigation on Diseases of Bambusa Perariabilis×Dendrocalamopsis Daii and in Chishui of Guizhou Province Biological Characteristics of Major Diseases;赤水市撑绿竹真菌病害及主要病菌生物学研究

5.Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus supplying levels on development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi氮、磷供给水平对丛枝菌根真菌生长发育的影响

6.EFFECTS OF AM FUNGI ON GROWTH OF Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat UNDER WATER STRESS水分胁迫下AM真菌对甘草生长的影响

7.Water Ecophysiology Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Citrus Grandis L.Osbeck cv.Shatianyou in Changshou;AM真菌对长寿沙田柚水分生理生态效应研究

8.The Research on Interaction between Mycorrhiza-Associated Fungal and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi油松菌根伴生真菌与外生菌根真菌的互作研究

9.If they are placed in cool water, however, it can spread fungus throughout the food.然而,如果它们被放置在冷水中,会滋生真菌。

10.Studies on the Relationship betwween Endophyte Funqi and Allelopathy in Rice (Oryza Sativa L)水稻内生真菌与其化感作用相关性的研究

11.Secondary Metabolites of the Endophtic Fungus Fusarium moniliforme ZSU-1 from Rice水稻内生真菌Fusarium moniliform ZSU-1次级代谢产物研究

12.The Interaction and Effect of Two Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Growth of Astragalus Sinicus L at Different pH Level;不同pH水平下两种菌根真菌对紫云英生长的影响及其相互作用

13.Identification and Study of Characteristics of Several Kinds of Sclerotium-Froming Fungal Strains from Rice;几种分离自水稻产菌核真菌的生物学特性研究及鉴定

14.Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Mineral Nutrition in Roots of Red Tangerine Seedlings Exposed to Water Stress丛枝菌根真菌对水分胁迫下红橘实生苗根系矿质营养元素的影响

15.Inhibitory effects of clausenamide alkaloid on seven fruit pathogenic fungi黄皮酰胺类生物碱的提取及对7种水果病原真菌的抑菌活性

16.Influences of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)on the growth and ecological stoichiometry of clover and ryegrass grown in monoculture or in mixture at different phosphorus(P)levels不同磷水平土壤接种丛枝菌根真菌对植物生长和养分吸收的影响

17.Destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi.抗真菌的,杀真菌的破坏或抑制真菌生长的

18.A substance that inhibits the growth of fungi.抑真菌剂抑制真菌生长的物质


water moulds水生真菌类

3)Endophtic fungus from rice水稻内生真菌


1.Alternaria alternata is one of the host fungi of Olpitrichum tenellum, which is a biotrophic contactmycoparasite.Alternariaalternata是接触性活体营养菌寄生真菌纤细齿梗孢Olpitrichumtenellum的寄主真菌之一,该寄生过程中菌寄生真菌与寄主真菌的识别机制未见报道。

2.In this research, a mycotoxin was extracted and purified from amycoparasite fungus, Trichothecium roseum s24 isolated from natural cotton field, and showed obvious yield difference when T, roseum s24 was cultured respectively in the two kinds of relatively identical cultural conditions with or without the adding of chitin.利用棉花田间分离到的菌寄生真菌粉红聚端孢菌s24菌株,在其他培养条件一致的前提下,分别采用2种MS培养基(有无几丁质作为碳源)对其进行培养,10 d后收集培养滤液,培养滤液经3-M滤纸过滤后用氯仿:异丙醇(1:1)抽提,分别获得0。

5)endophytic fungus内生真菌

1.A preliminary study on anendophytic fungus isolate from Ginkgo biloba and its flavone-like products;一株银杏内生真菌的分离及其产黄酮类物质的初步研究

2.Sphingolipid metabolites of mangroveendophytic fungus (No.2534) from the South China Sea;南海红树内生真菌2534号的鞘脂类代谢产物

3.Study function ofendophytic fungus in parasitism process of mistleto;槲寄生内生真菌在槲寄生寄生过程中的作用

6)endophytic fungi内生真菌

1.The degradation of phenanthrene byendophytic fungi Phomopsis sp. single and co-cultured with rice.;一株内生真菌单独及与水稻联合降解菲的研究

2.Study on the degradation of wheat straw byendophytic fungi;植物内生真菌强化还田秸杆降解的研究

3.Application of high speed counter-current chromatography in isolation of an anti-tumor component originated from an unidentifiedendophytic fungi;利用高速逆流色谱对一株内生真菌代谢物中抗肿瘤活性物质的分离


水生真菌生活在水体中并能完成生活史的真菌。广义的水生真菌包括淡水真菌、海水真菌和污水真菌;狭义的水生真菌仅指淡水真菌。由于长期适应水这个特殊生态环境,它们形成能在水中游动的游动孢子、游动配子、游动合子以及便于漂浮和栖息的丝状孢子、四枝孢子、星状孢子等。在全球水体面临被污染的今天,不管是鉴别污水还是处理污水,或是在探讨真菌的起源和演化中,水生真菌的研究都非常重要。水生真菌遍及鞭毛菌、接合菌、子囊菌和半知菌等亚门。江河、小溪中均有栖息。鼻盘菌属、水盘菌属常生长在清凉河水中的枝条上;半知菌生长在河底的烂叶上,从流水旋涡的泡沫内和浮渣上可搜集到它们的分生孢子。湖泊、池塘等长年积水的静态水域,由于机械损害小,岸边富含氧气和有机物,比流动性的水体和漂浮在水面的花粉和果实有利于鞭毛菌的生长;淹没在水中的枝条有利于单毛菌、节水霉、芽枝菌和类腐霉等属的生长;在水中香蒲的死杆、灯心草上,常有多种子囊菌和半知菌;在掉落湖边或浸没于湖中的苔草、芦苇等的叶子和秆上常有半知菌,特别是属于腔孢类的半知菌;在沉没湖底变黑的叶子上,大多是具卷旋孢子的半知菌;在水底污泥中,常有壶菌和半知菌。水中的基物,水层的深浅,以及水的清浊,光线,温度,氧,酸碱度,水域的海拔高度等,都对水生真菌的分布产生影响。水生真菌的发生既因季节而变化,又因地区而有所不同,如在日本的中沼湖中,水霉、水绵霉、网囊霉和丝囊霉从秋天到早春均有活动;而在北京颐和园的昆明湖里,绵霉和水霉基本上是长年分布,但丝囊霉和网囊霉在4~11月经常出现,而在1~3月则未发现。参考书目F.K.Sparrow,Ecology of Freshwater Fungi,in:G. C.Ainsworthet al.(eds),The Fungi,Vol.Ⅲ,Academic Press,New York,1968.
