900字范文 > 斜率效率 slope efficiency英语短句 例句大全

斜率效率 slope efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-12 02:21:36


斜率效率 slope efficiency英语短句 例句大全

斜率效率,slope efficiency

1)slope efficiency斜率效率

1.After detailed analysis,the pumping quantum efficiency,the fluorescence quantum efficiency and theslope efficiency are distinguished clearly.在"激光原理"课程的教学中,针对易混淆的量子效率、荧光效率、斜率效率等概念进行了诠释,并对不同文献中出现的相关概念进行了辨析。

2.73 W,slope efficiency is 76.73w,斜率效率为76。

3.Output power of the fiber is 62 W andslope efficiency is 66% when fiber length is 22 m and pump power is 98 W .根据高功率光纤激光器的性能要求,制备了内包层为D形的掺镱光纤,在波长为975nm、泵浦功率为98W的条件下,当光纤长度为22m时实现了62W的激光功率输出,其斜率效率达到66%。


1.Test method for normal pulse lasing threshold and slope efficiency of Nd: YAG laser rodsGB/T11297.4-1989掺钕钇铝石榴石激光棒长脉冲激光阈值及斜率效率的测量方法

2.Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope:A New Index of Cardiopulmonary Functional Reserve for Adults摄氧效率斜率:评价成人心肺功能储备的新指标

3.Experimental Study of Improving Classification Efficiency of the Inclined Plate提高倾斜板沉降分级效率的实验研究

4.stable builddrop rate稳定的增斜-降斜率

5.slope error over 10%段的斜率误差10%

6.Improving the Light-Extraction Efficiency of the GaN-Based Light Emitting Diodes by Textured and Sidewell;侧面倾斜与粗糙化提高GaN基LED出光效率的研究

7.A Method for Increasing Effective Resolution of Tilting Mode Satellite Image提高斜模式遥感图像有效分辨率的方法

8.Numerical investigation on improving film cooling effectiveness with an upstream ramp利用上游斜坡改善气膜冷却效率的数值研究

9.slope coefficient(粘温特性曲线的)斜率

10.final buildup slope最终压力恢复曲线斜率

bustion efficiency燃烧效率燃烧室效率

12.motor efficiency发动机效率电动机效率

13.building or space efficiency建筑物效率或空间效率

14.Brand,Conversion Efficiency and Effective Production Efficiency;品牌、转化效率与有效率的生产效率

15.From Crabbing to Paying Equal Attention: Setting up the View on Fairness and Efficiency Corresponding Scientific Development Concept;从偏斜到并重:树立与科学发展观相应的公平效率观

16.It"s powerful. It"s luxurious. It"s efficient.大功率,超豪华,高效率

17.White light showed CFFmax and the slope for the curve relating CFF to log I was larger than thatof each of the colored lights.白光表现了最大的cff,其图线斜率大于任何色光的图线斜率。

18.Study on Seismic Design of Single Slanted Pylon Cable-stayed Bridge With Stochastic Vibration Analysis and Response Spectrum Analysis Methods独斜塔斜拉桥抗震的功率谱法与反应谱法分析


high slope efficiency高斜率效率

1.The technology of a tunnel junction stack diode laser has broad applications,such as ahigh slope efficiency,high power density and multiwavelength diode laser.隧道结叠层激光器技术具有广泛的应用空间,如高斜率效率、高功率密度、多波长激光器等。

3)slope efficiency斜效率

1.The absorption characteristics of the Nd∶YVO 4 crystal and the relations between the laser output power or theslope efficiency and the input power are studied.通过对 Nd:YVO4 晶体吸收特性的研究 ,对激光输出功率、斜效率与抽运功率的关系进行了理论分析 ,发现 Nd:YVO4 激光器在大功率激光二极管抽运的条件下 ,激光斜效率随抽运功率的增加而减小 ,实验表明 ,理论结果与实验符合得较好。

2.49% ofslope efficiency were obtained with an output transmissivity of 11.35W,斜效率为33。

4)slope efficiency斜度效率

5)current slope efficiency电流斜率效率

6)oxygen uptake efficiency slope摄氧效率斜率

1.Objective To investigate the efficacy of theoxygen uptake efficiency slope(OUES),obtained from submaximal exercise,as an index of cardiopulmonary functional reserve in adults.目的探讨摄氧效率斜率(OUES)作为评价成人心肺功能储备指标的应用价值。


