900字范文 > 色散斜率 dispersion slope英语短句 例句大全

色散斜率 dispersion slope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-07 22:18:21


色散斜率 dispersion slope英语短句 例句大全

色散斜率,dispersion slope

1)dispersion slope色散斜率

1.The fact that the broadband dispersion compensation is analyzed by using the relativedispersion slope(RDS) theory is a certain limitation.相对色散斜率(RDS)理论在分析宽带色散补偿时,存在一定的局限性。

2.The results show that thedispersion slope of dispersion-shifted fiber is crucial to supercontinuum generation.结果表明 ,在色散位移光纤的反常色散区色散斜率 (三阶色散 )对超连续谱的形成起着决定性的作用 ;进一步研究表明 ,抽运脉冲的峰值功率及脉宽对超连续谱的谱宽和平坦度都有着重要影响 ,而高阶非线性效应对超连续谱产生没有显著影响。

3.65 ps/(nm·km) anddispersion slope of -0.6 5ps/(nm·km) ,色散斜率为 - 0 。


1.Study on the Phase-Sampled Fiber Grating and Its Application for Dispersion and Dispersion Slope Compensation;相位取样光栅理论研究及在色散和色散斜率补偿中的应用

2.Study on Tunable Dispersion-Slope Compensator in High-Speed Optical Communication System;高速光通信系统中可调谐色散斜率补偿器的研究

3.Study on Fiber Grating for Multichannel Dispersion Slope Compensation in Optical Fiber Communication System;光纤通信系统中多信道色散斜率补偿光纤光栅的研究

4.Application of Dispersion and Dispersion Slope Compensation Based on Optimization of Binary Phase-Sampled Fiber Bragg Gratings优化二元相位取样光纤布喇格光栅及对色散和色散斜率补偿的应用

5.Electromagnetic scattering from rough sea surface using small slope approximation粗糙海面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法

6.White light showed CFFmax and the slope for the curve relating CFF to log I was larger than thatof each of the colored lights.白光表现了最大的cff,其图线斜率大于任何色光的图线斜率。

7.Study of acoustic scattering from rough surface by the small-slope approximation theory小斜率近似方法分析粗糙界面声散射问题

8.Measurement of root-mean-square slope of profile using the moments of laser scattering distribution利用散射辐射分布矩测量表面轮廓均方根斜率

9.An Interval Algorithm for a Class of Constrained minimax Problems一类无约束离散minimax问题的区间斜率方法

10.Electromagnetic scattering from Gaussian dielectric rough surface using small slope approximation method高斯介质粗糙面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法

11.Effect of dispersive pump on reflectivity of stimulated Brillouin scattering色散泵浦对受激布里渊散射反射率的影响

12.Study on the Electromagnetic Scattering from the Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Rough Surface Using the Small Slope Approximation;高斯和非高斯粗糙面电磁散射的小斜率近似方法研究

13.testing method for thermal fixation properties of disperse dyes分散染料的热固色率的测定方法

14.optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index.低色散、低折射率的光学玻璃。

15.optical glass of high dispersion and high refractive index.高色散、高折射率的光学玻璃。

16.Ordinary Trivialties Reveal Straightforward Unaffected Feeling--On the Artistic Characteristics of FENG Zi-kai s Prose;琐屑平凡 率真纯情——论丰子恺散文特色

17.stable builddrop rate稳定的增斜-降斜率

18.Determination of relative dye-uptake of disperse dyestuffs at high temperature dyeingGB/T9337-1988分散染料高温染色相对上色率测定方法


Dispersion slope compensation色散斜率补偿

3)tunable dispersion-slope compensation可调谐色散斜率补偿

1.Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) is acompetitive solution to thetunable dispersion-slope compensation modulebecause of its low loss, low optical nonlinearity, small footprint and low cost.而光纤光栅因其低损耗,低光纤非线性,小尺寸,价格便宜等优点,成为可调谐色散斜率补偿模块的有力竞争方案。

4)rhombic dispersion斜方色散

5)frequency dispersion频率色散

1.We analyze the fading characteristics of thefrequency dispersion mobile channels in this paper.通过分析频率色散移动信道的衰落特性 ,分别对该信道在快衰落特性、慢衰落特性以及同时考虑快衰落和慢衰落这三种情况下建立了数学模型和计算机仿真模型 ,并对计算机仿真结果进行了分析 ,得出相应结

2.These extracted parameters by independently measuring the capacitor at two different frequencies eliminate thefrequency dispersion at high frequencies.结合双频测量结果计算出修正的C-V曲线,消除了高频时的频率色散现象,而且曲线更加接近理想C-V曲线。

6)line dispersive power线色散率

1.Based on the equation of the grating,the angular dispersive power,line dispersive power and resolving power of the spectrometer testing system whose grating movement was controlled automatically by a computer were calculated theoretically.由光栅方程出发,计算出电脑自动控制多光栅转动的光谱仪测试系统的角色散率、线色散率和分辨本领,得出光栅扫描光谱仪的角色散率、线色散率和分辨本领等参数公式。

2.In order to improve the measuring precision of spectral line by spectrometer,the parameters of angle dispersive power,line dispersive power and resolving power of spectrometer with grating scanning controlled by computer have been calculated theoretically,and then a method has been put forward to improve the linewidth measurement by two united homogeneous spectrometers.为了提高光谱仪测量谱线的精度,推导出计算机自动控制多光栅转动的光谱仪测试系统的角色散率、线色散率和分辨本领等参量公式,提出一种将两台光谱仪联合使用以提高谱线测量精度的测量方法。


