900字范文 > 敞开环式阳极焙烧炉 open-ring type anode baking furnace英语短句 例句大全

敞开环式阳极焙烧炉 open-ring type anode baking furnace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 05:23:28


敞开环式阳极焙烧炉 open-ring type anode baking furnace英语短句 例句大全

敞开环式阳极焙烧炉,open-ring type anode baking furnace

1)open-ring type anode baking furnace敞开环式阳极焙烧炉

1.The case study ofopen-ring type anode baking furnace deformation敞开环式阳极焙烧炉变形实例研究

2)open type anode baking furnace敞开式阳极焙烧炉

1.Prospective development ofopen type anode baking furnace;敞开式阳极焙烧炉发展方向展望

3)open type baking furnace敞开式焙烧炉

1.Analysis on gas flue treatment ofopen type baking furnace of prebaked Anode预焙阳极敞开式焙烧炉烟气治理方法探讨


1.Analysis on gas flue treatment of open type baking furnace of prebaked Anode预焙阳极敞开式焙烧炉烟气治理方法探讨

2.open prebaked anode type cell敞开式预焙阳极电解槽

3.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉

4.Optimization of Production Mode,Reduction of the Wastage of Mix-Gas开发焙烧炉“保温模式”,降低冷轧吨钢煤气消耗

5.Optimized baking process of anode baking furnace in Huasheng Al. Smelter华圣铝业阳极焙烧炉的焙烧工艺优化

6.A Study on Gas Distribution Pattern in a Ring-type Horizontal Baking Furnace′s Flue水平环式焙烧炉火道内气流分布规律的研究

7.Application of Electricity Heat Rotary Calcine of Cooling Kiln in MnO_2 Reductive Reaction电热式焙烧冷却炉在二氧化锰还原中的应用

8.Freeman-Nichols roaster弗里曼-尼科耳型焙烧炉

9.a process for making steel using an open-hearth furnace.用敞开口的床式反射炉生产钢的过程。

10.Studying on the current process of the ring baking furnace at home and abroad, a new baking process has been proposed.对国内外环式炉现行焙烧制度进行研究分析,提出了一种新焙烧制度。

11.Numerical Simulation and Experiment Study on the Baking Process of the Anode Baking Furnace;阳极焙烧炉焙烧过程的数值模拟与试验研究

12.Application and study of energy saving fixture in anode baking furnace阳极焙烧炉节能型炉具的应用与研究

13.The application of Sichuan instrument plant’s PAS100 distributed control system in the cobalt and copper’s boiling roaster川仪PAS100分布式控制系统在钴铜沸腾焙烧炉中的应用

14.Application and development of tandem dry scrubbing technology for anode baking fume treatment阳极焙烧炉烟气联合式干法净化技术的研发和应用

15.Knox and Oxborne furnace诺克斯及奥克斯本焙烧炉

16.Nichols-Herreshoff furnace尼科尔斯-赫雷肖夫多膛大型焙烧炉

17.non-electric furnace for roasting ores or pyrites非电力矿石或黄铁矿焙烧炉

18.Three dimension simulation and optimization design of anode baking furnace阳极焙烧炉三维数值模拟与优化设计


open type anode baking furnace敞开式阳极焙烧炉

1.Prospective development ofopen type anode baking furnace;敞开式阳极焙烧炉发展方向展望

3)open type baking furnace敞开式焙烧炉

1.Analysis on gas flue treatment ofopen type baking furnace of prebaked Anode预焙阳极敞开式焙烧炉烟气治理方法探讨

4)anode baking furnace阳极焙烧炉

1.Numerical simulation of combustion inanode baking furnace;阳极焙烧炉火道燃烧过程模拟

2.Structure optimization foranode baking furnace;阳极焙烧炉火道结构优化

3.Intelligent variable parameter PID temperature control system of heavy oil foranode baking furnace;阳极焙烧炉重油温度智能变参数PID控制系统

5)anode pre-baking furnace预焙阳极焙烧炉

1.A fuzzy PID-based technique is elaborated which was adopted to controlanode pre-baking furnace in the course of controlling the industry baker.阐述一种基于模糊PID技术对工业焙烧炉控制过程中预焙阳极焙烧炉温度改进控制方案,并在计算机下建模仿真,仿真结果显示本方法在跟踪能力、自适应能力、抗干扰能力都明显优于常规PID控制和一般模糊控制。

6)Ring baking furnace环式焙烧炉


