900字范文 > 焙烧炉烟气 Baking furnace fume英语短句 例句大全

焙烧炉烟气 Baking furnace fume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-23 00:48:44


焙烧炉烟气 Baking furnace fume英语短句 例句大全

焙烧炉烟气,Baking furnace fume

1)Baking furnace fume焙烧炉烟气

1.This paper overviews the problems of ESP and alumina adsorption scrubbing technology practically used in native anode baking furnace fume treating.论述了焙烧炉烟气净化系统广泛采用电捕焦油器净化技术和氧化铝吸附净化技术在国内铝用阳极炭素厂实际生产中暴露的问题,提出了联合式干法净化技术的开发理念和运行效果,说明了联合式干法净化技术的成功应用为焙烧炉烟气治理提供了高效可靠的净化方法。


1.Analysis on gas flue treatment of open type baking furnace of prebaked Anode预焙阳极敞开式焙烧炉烟气治理方法探讨

2.Application and development of tandem dry scrubbing technology for anode baking fume treatment阳极焙烧炉烟气联合式干法净化技术的研发和应用

3.The Development and Application of High-temperature Fume Preheating Technology on the 75kA Aluminum Reduction Cell;高温烟气焙烧技术在75kA预焙槽上的开发应用

4.Application of Apron Heat-exchangers in Acid Making With Flue Gas from Roasting.板式换热器在焙烧烟气制酸中的应用


6.Design of Moulding Line and Mold Shell Baker Burning Hot Producer Gas燃热脏煤气模壳焙烧炉及其浇注生产线的设计

7.A Study on Gas Distribution Pattern in a Ring-type Horizontal Baking Furnace′s Flue水平环式焙烧炉火道内气流分布规律的研究

8.Optimization of Production Mode,Reduction of the Wastage of Mix-Gas开发焙烧炉“保温模式”,降低冷轧吨钢煤气消耗

9.Optimized baking process of anode baking furnace in Huasheng Al. Smelter华圣铝业阳极焙烧炉的焙烧工艺优化

10.Theory and Realization of High Temperature Fume Bake-out Technology for Aluminum Reduction Cells;铝电解槽高温烟气焙烧技术的理论与实践

11.The Study of Gas Flow Laws and the Uniformity of Flow Distribution in Gas-baking Equipment;焙烧装置烟气流动规律与流量分配均匀性研究

12.Study on Oxidizing Characteristics of the Electrode in Thermal Bake-out for Aluminum Reduction Cells;铝电解槽烟气焙烧中阴阳极的氧化特性研究

13.Development and application of acid-base balance measure and control technology in roasting flue gas purification焙烧烟气净化酸碱平衡测控系统的开发与应用

14.Modeling and Multivariable Decoupling Control for Anode Baking Flue Gas Temperature焙烧烟气温度的建模与多变量解耦控制

15.Freeman-Nichols roaster弗里曼-尼科耳型焙烧炉

16.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉

17.Energy Saving Application of One-driving-two Frequency Converter in the Exhaust Blower of 109m~2 Fluidized Roasting Furnace“一拖二”高压变频器在109m~2沸腾焙烧炉排烟机中的节能应用

18.Numerical Simulation and Experiment Study on the Baking Process of the Anode Baking Furnace;阳极焙烧炉焙烧过程的数值模拟与试验研究


fume preheating烟气焙烧

1.A new method called high-tempfume preheating was studied.本文结合国内外相关领域的研究现状,在75kA预焙铝电解槽上进行了高温烟气焙烧新方法的研究。

3)roasting flue gas焙烧烟气

1.Development and application of acid-base balance measure and control technology inroasting flue gas purification焙烧烟气净化酸碱平衡测控系统的开发与应用

4)roaster gas焙烧炉气

5)roaster gas焙烧炉炉气

6)hearth-roaster gas多膛焙烧炉炉气


