900字范文 > 会计职业道德体系 system of accounting professional ethics英语短句 例句大全

会计职业道德体系 system of accounting professional ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-19 09:17:35


会计职业道德体系 system of accounting professional ethics英语短句 例句大全

会计职业道德体系,system of accounting professional ethics

1)system of accounting professional ethics会计职业道德体系

2)moral criterion system of accountant work会计职业道德规范体系

3)accounting professional ethics会计职业道德

1.With the construction and the continuous implementation of market economy system,the construction ofaccounting professional ethics lags behind,and the evaluation methods ofaccounting professional ethics are not perfected.相对于市场经济体制的建立和不断完善,我国会计职业道德建设呈现出相对滞后的局面,且对会计职业道德评价的方法也相当不完善。

2.The key element of accounting culture consists of comm on value outlook, code of conduct, image and image-related activities; while the core part of accounting culture isaccounting professional ethics.会计文化是人类文化的一个组成部分,其要素主要包括共同价值观、行为规范、形象与形象性活动等,会计职业道德及其规范是会计文化的核心部分。


1.Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities会计职业道德与责任

2.Accounting Institutions,Public Domain and Professional Ethics for Accountants会计制度 公共领域与会计职业道德

3.Improve Accounting Environment and Strengthen the Establishment of Accountants Professional Ethics;改善会计环境,加强会计职业道德建设

4.Accounting Institutions,Public Domain and Professional Ethics for Accountants;会计制度 公共领域与会计职业道德

5.An Elementary Introduction to the Accounting Surroundings Effecting on the Virtue of Accountancy;浅谈会计环境对会计职业道德的影响

6.Remold Accounting Trust and Enhance Accounting Occupation Ethics;加强会计职业道德建设重塑会计诚信

7.On the Relationship between Professional Morality of Accountingand Law of Accounting;浅议会计职业道德与会计法律的关系

8.Setting Up the Accountant Occupational Position and the Standard on the Occupational Morality;会计职业立场与会计职业道德准则的构建

9.Normalizing Accounting in Enterprises and Moral Construction in Accounting Activity;规范企业会计行为 加强会计职业道德建设

10.Enhancing the Education of Accountant Professional Morality with Respect to Accounting Information Distortion;信息失真:会计职业道德教育的新视角

11.Ways and Methods to Improve Professional Ethics of Accountant;加强会计职业道德建设的途径和方法

12.A Brief Discussion on the Features of Professional Morality of Accountants and the Realization Means;浅谈会计职业道德的特点和实现途径

13.The proper limit of the accountancy s occupation moral and solve strategy;会计职业道德的固有局限及解决策略

14.Discussion on Accounting Information Distortion and Accountants Vocational Morality;论会计信息失真与会计人员职业道德

15.Occupational Ethics Education Researches of Accountant Specialty Teaching;会计专业教学中的职业道德教育探析

16.Construction of Professional Ethics;会计专业学生如何加强职业道德建设

17.On Strengthening Occupation Morality Education for Accountants;谈加强会计专业学生的职业道德教育

18.professional associations, codes of practice, conduct专业协会、 职业道德规范、 职业道德


moral criterion system of accountant work会计职业道德规范体系

3)accounting professional ethics会计职业道德

1.With the construction and the continuous implementation of market economy system,the construction ofaccounting professional ethics lags behind,and the evaluation methods ofaccounting professional ethics are not perfected.相对于市场经济体制的建立和不断完善,我国会计职业道德建设呈现出相对滞后的局面,且对会计职业道德评价的方法也相当不完善。

2.The key element of accounting culture consists of comm on value outlook, code of conduct, image and image-related activities; while the core part of accounting culture isaccounting professional ethics.会计文化是人类文化的一个组成部分,其要素主要包括共同价值观、行为规范、形象与形象性活动等,会计职业道德及其规范是会计文化的核心部分。

4)accounting professional morality会计职业道德

5)professional ethics of accountants会计职业道德

1.This paper introduces the contents of theprofessional ethics of accountants,and in the light of the present situation ofprofessional ethics of accountants in our country,advances some concrete measures for strengthening the construction ofprofessional ethics of accountants.介绍了会计职业道德所包含的内容,针对我国会计人员职业道德的现状,提出了加强会计职业道德建设的具体措施。

2.Sharing certain inherent homogeneities with social morality and closely connected to accounting career, theprofessional ethics of accountants embodies not only the basic features of social morality, but also the distinct characteristics of profession.会计职业道德一方面与道德规范具有某种内在的同质性 ,另一方面与会计职业实践活动的特点相联系。

6)professional ethics of certified public accountants会计师职业道德


