900字范文 > 会计职业判断 accounting professional judgment英语短句 例句大全

会计职业判断 accounting professional judgment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 04:14:43


会计职业判断 accounting professional judgment英语短句 例句大全

会计职业判断,accounting professional judgment

1)accounting professional judgment会计职业判断

1.Under the complicated,uncertain and varying financial circumstances,especially the New Accounting Standards System,theaccounting professional judgment displays its value.在复杂、不确定以及变化的经济环境下,特别是在新会计准则体系下,会计职业判断越显其存在的价值。

2.The main task of accounting informatization is to intelligenizeaccounting professional judgment.在信息化时代,会计信息化应该面向国民经济和社会信息化,会计信息化的主要任务是会计职业判断的智能化,在此基础上,将社会经济的监督权与会计信息的生产整合,创新一种新的会计信息生产方式。

3.More and more attention has been paid toaccounting professional judgment.应从会计准则与会计职业判断的关系出发,探索会计职业判断在新准则体系中的体现,找出提高会计职业判断能力的途径和对策。


1.The professional judgment of accountant is the experience judgment under the guidance of accounting theory.会计职业判断是在会计理论指导下的经验判断。

2.Strengthen Accountant Occupational Judgment to Improve the Accounting Information Quality;加强会计职业判断 提高会计信息质量

3.About the Application of Accounts Professional Judgement in the New Accounting System;会计职业判断在新会计制度中的运用

4.Factors of Affecting Accounting Career Judgement and Ways of Enhancing It;影响会计职业判断的因素及提高会计职业判断能力的途径

5.Discussion on the Relationship Between Accounting professional Judgement and Earnings Management;盈余管理与会计职业判断的关系探讨

6.Application of accounting judgment in income tax principles;会计职业判断在所得税准则中的运用

7.Accounting Professional Judgement Performance,Determinants and Its Modification;会计职业判断绩效、影响因素及其校正

8.The System Entironment of Accountant Professional Judgement and Moral Risk;会计职业判断的制度环境与道德风险

9.Flexibility of Accounting System in Enterprises and Enhancement of Accountants Professional Ability in Making Judgement;企业会计制度弹性与会计职业判断能力的提升

10.On the Vocational Judgment Ability under the New ASBE论新企业会计准则下会计职业判断能力

11.Application of Judgment of Accdounting Profession in Accounting Policies;浅谈会计职业判断在会计政策中的运用

12.The Thought about Accounting Professional Judgment under New Accounting Standards System;新会计准则体系下会计职业判断的思考

13.Improvement of Professional Judgment of Accounting in Line with the New Criteria提高新会计准则下的会计职业判断的质量

14.Research on Professional Judgment of Accountants in the Context of New Accounting Standards关于新会计准则下会计职业判断的探讨

15.Discussion the Accounting Profession Judgement fromAccruing Assets Devaluing Allowance;从资产减值准备金的计提谈会计职业判断

16.Analysis on Staff of Financial Accounting how to Elevate Judgement Ability of Accounting Profession试析财会人员应如何提升会计职业判断能力

17.On Accountants Professional Judgment of Space and Abilities;论会计人员的职业判断空间与职业判断能力

18.Model for appraising the performance of professional judgment of CPA;注册会计师职业判断的绩效评价模型


accounting professional judgement会计职业判断

1.Nowadays,accounting professional judgement plays a more and more important role in accounting work,but there are many problems in accounting work,which affectsaccounting professional judgement.目前会计职业判断在会计工作中的地位变得越来越重要,但我国会计工作中很多问题却影响了会计职业判断作用的发挥。

2.It is important to set up from constructing exterior supporting environment to enhance the positive role ofaccounting professional judgement.如果靠牺牲会计信息的相关性来换取可靠性 ,又不利于会计改革 ,所以应从构造会计职业判断的外部支持环境入手 ,增强职业判断的积极作

3.From the contract theory point of view,the author discusses the discretionary choice between accounting standard orientation andaccounting professional judgement.从契约理论角度探讨了会计准则制定导向与会计职业判断的相机选择问题,并选择了比较有代表性的个案定量分析了新准则实施后会计职业判断对企业财务信息的影响。

3)accounting judgment会计职业判断

1.Application ofaccounting judgment in income tax principles;会计职业判断在所得税准则中的运用

4)accountants professional judgment会计职业判断

bining the Probable Transaction Standard, the specific application ofaccountants professional judgment is discussed.本文结合《或有事项》会计准则,浅谈会计职业判断的具体运用。

5)accountants professional judgement会计职业判断

1.The flexibility is mainly reflected in Accounting System in Enterprises from the aspects of accounting principle, choice of accounting policy, choice of accounting handling methods and choice of accounting estimate, which makes a lot of requirements inaccountants professional judgement.这种弹性集中体现为新的《企业会计制度》在会计原则、会计政策选择、会计处理方法选择以及会计估计的选择等方面对会计职业判断所提出的广泛要求。

6)Discussion of Professional Judgment of Accounting论会计职业判断


