900字范文 > 土壤水分动态模拟 soil water dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

土壤水分动态模拟 soil water dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-25 12:18:22


土壤水分动态模拟 soil water dynamic simulation英语短句 例句大全

土壤水分动态模拟,soil water dynamic simulation

1)soil water dynamic simulation土壤水分动态模拟


1.Simulation and Analysis of Soil Water Dynamic Change Based on Least Square Support Vector Machine基于最小二乘向量机土壤水分动态模拟与分析

2.The Study on Dynamic Dimulation of Soil Moisture during Plant Growing Season in Hulunbeier City呼伦贝尔市植物生长季土壤水分动态模拟研究

3.The Research on Laws of Soil Moisture at the Typical Scrub-grass Zone in Karst Area of Guizhou Province区域尺度典型喀斯特地区土壤水分动态模拟

4.Dynamics of Soil Water in Hufeng Town and Its Stochastic Simulation虎峰镇土壤水分的动态及其随机模拟

5.Soil Moisture Dynamics and its Stocastic Simulation in Hilly Areas in Sichuan Basin四川盆地丘陵区土壤水分的动态及其随机模拟

6.Mapping and Dynamic Simulation of Soil Moisture Using GIS Techniques;基于GIS的黄土丘陵区土壤水分制图与动态模拟方法研究

7.Study on Simulation Model and the Relationship between Growth Development and Soil Water Content in Peanut;花生生长动态与土壤水分的关系及模拟模型的研究

8.Evaluation and Simulation of Soil Reservoir Dynamic Property in Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province;陕北黄土高原土壤水库动态特征的评价与模拟

9.Test and Simulation for Soil Moisture Dynamics in Dune-Meadow-Dune Area in Horqin Sand科尔沁沙地坨甸相间地区土壤水分动态试验与模拟

10.Simulating Soil Water Dynamics and Its Effects on Crop Yield Using RZWQM-CERES in the North China Plain利用RZWQM-CERES模拟华北平原农田土壤水分动态及其对作物产量的影响

11.Numerical Stimulation & Experimental Research on Soil Movement of Multi Water Storage Pit;蓄水多坑土壤水分运动数值模拟与试验研究

12.Numerical Modeling and Experiment on Soil Molsture Movernent of Single Water Storage Pit;蓄水单坑土壤水分运动数值模拟与试验

13.Study on the Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement for CN Irrigation;CN灌水条件下土壤水分运动的数值模拟

14.Infiltration model and numerical simulation of the soil water movement in furrow irrigation沟灌土壤水分运动数值模拟与入渗模型

15.Simulation and analysis of soil erosion in small watershed in the upstream of Yangtze River长江上游小流域土壤侵蚀动态模拟与分析

16.Research on Simulated Rainfall Experiments of Sediment Yield in the Processes of Soil Water Erosion on Sloping Field红壤坡地土壤水蚀过程的产流产沙动态模拟试验研究

17.Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Soil Water Movement under Subsurface Irrigation;地下滴灌土壤水分运动过程的数值解析与模拟

18.The Soil Moisture Dynamic Change and Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement in Cotton Field with Drip Irrigation;棉田滴灌土壤水分运动规律与数值模拟研究


dynamic simulation for farmland soil moisture农田土壤水分动态模拟

3)Soil Moisture Simulation土壤水分模拟

4)soil water dynamics土壤水分动态

1.Simulation of water potential productivity of winter wheat andsoil water dynamics on rainfed highland of the Loess Plateau;黄土高原旱塬地冬小麦水分生产潜力与土壤水分动态的模拟研究

2.Genotype difference ofsoil water dynamics and yield of winter wheat under different water supply conditions华北平原不同灌水条件下两冬麦品种土壤水分动态与产量差异

3.The study showed that the water in the sand soil was related to the spatio-temporal changes\, rainy season and rainfall through researching on thesoil water dynamicsin the drififting sand dune in Wulanbuhe desert.通过对乌兰布和沙漠流动沙地土壤水分动态的研究表明:沙土含水量的时空变化与降雨季节和降雨量有密切关系。

5)soil moisture dynamics土壤水分动态

1.Advances in research on soil moisture probability density functions obtained from models for stochasticsoil moisture dynamics;基于土壤水分动态随机模型的土壤湿度概率密度函数研究进展

2.Soil moisture dynamics under broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountains.;长白山阔叶红松林土壤水分动态研究

3.Study onsoil moisture dynamics of the main grassland types in the northern slopes of Qilianshan Mountains;祁连山北坡主要草地类型的土壤水分动态研究

6)soil water dynamic土壤水分动态


