900字范文 > 土壤水分性能 soil water properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤水分性能 soil water properties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-26 17:39:26


土壤水分性能 soil water properties英语短句 例句大全

土壤水分性能,soil water properties

1)soil water properties土壤水分性能

1.Mechanisms of soil degradation in southwest karst area of China: Characteris- tics ofsoil water properties of different land use types;典型喀斯特地区土壤退化机理探讨:不同土地利用类型土壤水分性能比较


parison of Soil Water Properties of Hilly Red Soils in Guangdong广东丘陵红壤土壤水分性能特征比较研究

2.Soil Structure, Nutrient Accumulation and Water Retention Character in Eroded Hilly Red Soil after Virescence低丘侵蚀红壤垦种绿化后土壤结构、养分积聚和持水性能

3.Effects of biological soil crusts on soil water storage capability and permeability in loess area黄土地表生物结皮对土壤贮水性能及水分入渗特征的影响

4.Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析


6.Study on the Soil Water Retention Capability and Availability of Different Ecotype Tobacco Area in China;我国不同生态类型烟区土壤持水性能及水分有效性研究

7.Effect of Soil Moisture Sorption on Soil Moisture Availability土壤吸附作用对土壤水分有效性的影响

8.Effects of Soil Bulk Density on Characteristics of Soil Infiltration土壤容重对土壤水分入渗特性影响研究

9.Simulation analysis of coupling performance for integrated NH_3-H_2O solution energy storage and GSHP system氨水蓄能土壤源热泵集成系统耦合性能的模拟分析

10.Macropores Properties of Forest Soil and Its Influence on Water Infiltration in the upper Reaches of Minjiang River;岷江上游森林土壤大孔隙特性与水分入渗性能研究

parison of Soil Water-holding and Water-supplying Ability of the Different Grassland in Loess Hilly Region黄土丘陵沟壑区草地土壤持水、供水性能比较

12.Soil can absorb water, so it helps keep water from flowing away.土壤能吸收水分,所以它有助于防止水土流失.

13.Because soil contains water and nourishing source,the plant can live on it.土壤含有水分和养料,所以作物能生长。

14.Little soil is left to absorb water.于是土壤失去了吸收水分的功能。

15.Soil moisture characteristics under different land types in hilly and gully areas on Loess Plateau黄土丘陵沟壑区不同土地类型的土壤水分特性

16.Spatial-Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture in Relation to Land Use in Hilly-sloppy Lands of Red Soil Region;红壤丘岗区不同利用土壤水分时空变异性

17.An Experimental Study of Salinity Impacts on Summer Corn Growth, Nitrogen Uptake and Soil Hydraulic Properties;盐分对夏玉米生长、吸氮和土壤导水性能影响的试验研究

18.Soil Moisture and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Winter Wheat/Corn Intercropping under Limited Supplemental lrrigation in Dryland Area;旱地限量补灌条件下冬小麦/玉米带田土壤水分与光合性能研究


soil water storage capacity土壤蓄水性能

1.In this article,soil water storage capacity and availability of different vegetations in the northern of Ziwuling secondary forest region were studied with moisture retention curve.通过土壤水分特征曲线的测定,研究了子午岭北部黄土丘陵区不同次生植被群落类型下土壤蓄水性能及水分有效含量的变化。

3)soil water retention capacity土壤持水性能

1.Effect of organic compounds content and types onsoil water retention capacity;有机物质类型与含量对土壤持水性能的影响

4)soil water availability土壤水分有效性

1.Centrifuge method was used to measure soil water characteristic curve,through analyzing water absorbing ability and water retention ability of soil to investigate the influence of soil conditioner onsoil water availability.以聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与磷石膏(PG)为土壤结构改良剂,利用离心机法,测定土壤水分特征曲线,从分析土壤的吸水能力和持水能力的角度出发,研究土壤结构改良剂对土壤水分有效性的影响。

2.It was followed thatsoil water availability of different vegetation types ranged from 1.对退耕还林还草区具有代表性的乔木(山杏和刺槐)、灌木、农田的土壤水分有效性和蓄水能力进行了测定和对比研究。

3.Based on this, thesoil water availability and its product.在半干旱黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,采用Li Cor6200便携式光合仪和Li Cor1600便携式稳态气孔计,对9年生金矮生苹果树的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度和气孔限制值与土壤水分的定量关系进行了研究;以光合作用生理参数为指标对苹果园土壤水分有效性及生产力进行了分级与评价。

5)heterogeneous soil water异质性土壤水分

1.To investigate the phenotypic plasticity in response to theheterogeneous soil water supply, ramet pairs of the species were subjected to heterogeneous watersupply by which either mother ramets or daughter ramets were in high or low soil water supply, respectively,in the Maowusu (Mu Us) Sandy Land of Nei Mongol.为了探讨拂子茅在异质性水分环境中的表型差异,在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原的毛乌素沙地对拂子茅由母株、子株组成的分株对给予了高水、低水两种不同的异质性土壤水分处理。

6)ground surface collapse土壤水分特性


土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)土壤水分运动基本方程(见土壤水运动)turang shuifen yundong iiben土壤水分运动基本方程fangeheng见土壤水运动。
