900字范文 > 制成品出口结构 Export structure of manufactured goods英语短句 例句大全

制成品出口结构 Export structure of manufactured goods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-19 14:31:02


制成品出口结构 Export structure of manufactured goods英语短句 例句大全

制成品出口结构,Export structure of manufactured goods

1)Export structure of manufactured goods制成品出口结构


1.Empirical Analysis of the Relations Between GDP Growth and Export Instruction Transfer of Industrial Products in China;我国工业制成品出口结构变迁对经济增长的实证分析

2.The Influences of Real Effective Exchange Rate of RMB on China"s Export Structure of Manufactured Goods人民币实际有效汇率对我国制成品出口结构的影响

3.The Analysis of the Influence of RMB Appreciation on Export Structure of China"s Industrial Manufactured Goods人民币升值对我国工业制成品出口结构的影响分析

4.Trade Structure of Thailand and China in Manufacturing Products;泰国与中国工业制成品出口贸易结构研究

5.The Comparative Advantage of ManufacturingProduct Export and Trade Structure in China;中国制成品出口比较优势及贸易结构分析

6.The Study on the Impact of Manufactured Goods" Export Market Structure on Its Export Instability in China中国工业制成品出口市场结构对出口不稳定性的影响研究

7.Influence of Revaluation of RMB on the Export Commodity Structure;人民币汇率升值对我国制成品出口商品结构的影响

8.At present, in the Dalian"s export commodity structure, primary products are only less than 30% while the proportion of industrial finished products is more than 70%.目前,大连市出口商品结构中,初级产品只占据不到三成,而工业制成品比重达七成以上。

9.Empirical Analysis on the Export Trade Texture and Competitiveness of China s Industrial Manufactured Goods;我国工业制成品出口贸易结构与竞争力实证分析

10.Excess Economy and Dynamic Optimization of Export Industry Structure of China Industry Manufactured Products;过剩经济与我国工业制成品出口产业结构动态优化

11.At present, manufactured goods make up 87 percent of China"s total exports. However, roughly processed products take up a large proportion.虽然现在的工业制成品在中国的出口商品中占87%,但在这个结构中仍然是粗加工品占很大比重。

12.To optimize the structure of the export commodities优化出口商品结构。

13.optimal structure of imports and exports最优化进出口商品结构

14.An Analysis of the Relationship between the Variance Characteristics of Our Country s Commodity Import-export Structure and Manufacturing Industry Structure;我国商品进出口结构与制造业结构变动特性的关联分析

15.Strategic Plan to Optimize Qinghai Composition of Export Commodity;青海省优化出口商品结构的战略构想

16.A Study on the China-Japan-Korea Export Structural Competition Based on the Analysis of the Top 100 Export Goods;从前100位出口商品看中日韩出口结构竞争

17.An Analysis of Instability of China s Textile Export;中国纺织品出口地理结构与出口不稳定性分析

18.The Relevance between the Utilization of FDI and the Optimization of Export Structure of Chinese Manufacturing中国制造业利用外资与出口商品结构优化的相关性分析


Industrial Products Export制成品出口

1.The Impact of Fluctuation of the Global Crude Oil Price on China sIndustrial Products Export;国际原油价格波动对我国工业制成品出口的影响

3)export commodity structure出口商品结构

1.This paper analyses the changes of Chineseexport commodity structure in recent several years and the reasons of the upgrading of Chineseexport commodity structure from three aspects: Factor Endowment, the advancement of science and technology and Foreign Direct Investment and also analyses the existing problems from the above three aspects.本文分析了近几年中国出口商品结构变化的特点,从要素禀赋、科学技术的进步和外商投资三个方面分析中国出口商品结构升级的原因,并从这三个方面进一步分析了现存的问题,最后对我国出口商品结构的前景作出了预测。

2.This paper introduces the present situation of Chinese export,analyzes on the problems existing in theexport commodity structure,and advances some countermeasures for optimizing Chinese export structure in order to speed up the adjustment of Chineseexport commodity structure and implement the sustainable development of foreign trade.介绍了我国出口的现状,分析了出口商品结构存在的问题,提出优化我国出口结构的对策,旨在加快我国出口商品结构的调整,实现对外贸易的可持续发展。

3.By analyzing the theoretical model about how the exchange rate affectsexport commodity structure,this paper found out that the rising of nominal exchange rate is helpful to the adjustment of export structure if the real exchange rate rises as well.通过对汇率影响出口商品结构的理论模型的分析,发现在人民币实际汇率升值的前提下,对人民币名义汇率的升值有助于制成品出口商品结构的调整,不过这种出口商品结构的优化是建立在劳动密集型商品的相对出口额的减少的基础上。

4)export commodities structure出口商品结构

1.Although none of countries could keep its export trade growth in a Linear way, there is a causal relation between the slowdown of the export growth rate and the quantitative extension of the export growth as well as the slow changing inexport commodities structure in China.本文分析了中国近 5年来外贸出口增长速度及外贸出口效益的变化趋势 ,并用“增长型衰退”对其加以表述 ;一个国家的外贸出口难于做到线型增长 ,但中国的外贸出口增长速度下滑 ,却跟外贸出口的外延增长方式以及出口商品结构变化缓慢有关。

5)structure of export goods出口商品结构

1.Analyses about thestructure of export goods in Handan;邯郸市出口商品结构优化策略研究

6)import-export structure商品进出口结构


