900字范文 > 建筑平面布置 architectural plan layout英语短句 例句大全

建筑平面布置 architectural plan layout英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-21 04:03:42


建筑平面布置 architectural plan layout英语短句 例句大全

建筑平面布置,architectural plan layout

1)architectural plan layout建筑平面布置

2)architecture plane layout建筑平面布局

1.This paper states the conception of two stage isolation of infectivity isolation ward,architecture plane layout, form,air distribution,air direction and negative pressure control of ventilation air conditioning system.介绍了传染性隔离病房二级隔离的概念、建筑平面布局、空调通风系统的形式、气流组织、气流流向、负压控制等问题,此外还介绍了简易负压隔离病房的概念。

3)architectural plans建筑平面图

1.This method exacts the wall candidate subgraph from thearchitectural plans through ge-ometric operation at first.一些由图纸矢量化或者CAD软件绘制的建筑平面图只包含基本的几何图形元素如线段、弧线等,需要通过符号识别得到关于建筑结构的信息,例如墙体拓扑结构、门窗的位置、型号等。


1.A Security Tuneup Oriented Appoarch to Architectural Drawing Recognization and Scenario Semantic Generation;面向安全预演的建筑平面图识别与场景语义生成方法的研究

2.We were supposed to be discussing the building plans but we got sidetracked into talking about politics.我们假定讨论建筑平面图以使我们进入比较适当的谈论边缘。

3.a floor plan for the ground level of a building.建筑地平面的一种平面图。

4.The plan showed a few roughed-in trees and buildings.平面图上有一些勾勒出的树木和建筑。

5.Analysis of AutoCAD Architectural Engineering Design Plan;AutoCAD建筑设计工程平面图分析

6.To Conduct Dynamic Design For Construction MapBy Using VisualLisp Language;用VisualLisp动态设计建筑施工总平面图

7.This is the cover of the book Chinese Laborers and the Construction of the Central Pacific.图为《华工在建筑太平洋大铁路中》一书封面。

8.Solution for creating office floorplans and building related diagrams.创建办公室平面布置图和与建筑相关的图表的解决方案。

9.The architect diagram the floor plan to show how he will divide the office space建筑师画了楼面的平面图以表示他将如何划分办公场地

10.The architect diagramed the floor plan to show how he would divide the office space.建筑师画了楼面的平面图以表示他将如何划分办公场地。

11.Architecture design scheme is represented by plan drawing, solid drawing, section plane drawing and fine deco-rating full-page proof.建筑设计方案,主要通过平面图、立面图和剖面图及细部装饰大样来表现。

12.The builders levelled the ground.建筑者把地面弄平。

13.The Problems with Checking Fire Designs in High Civil Building Planning;高层民用建筑总平面设计图消防审核的若干问题探讨

14.The building plan shows both a front and a lateral view of the proposed structure.建筑设计图显示出计划中建筑物的正面与侧面图。

15.the floor of a building that is at or nearest to the level of the ground around the building.建筑物平地面的一层,地面层。

16.Every floor area presses face of truncat of seeper of the metope outside building plinth above to calculate.每层建筑面积按建筑物勒脚以上外墙面积水平截面计算。

17.The building has intricate geometrical designs on several of the walls.建筑物的几面墙上有复杂的几何图案。

18.The total area of our company is1600 square meters, and the building area is10000 meters.公司占地面积为16000平方米,建筑面积达10000平方米。


architecture plane layout建筑平面布局

1.This paper states the conception of two stage isolation of infectivity isolation ward,architecture plane layout, form,air distribution,air direction and negative pressure control of ventilation air conditioning system.介绍了传染性隔离病房二级隔离的概念、建筑平面布局、空调通风系统的形式、气流组织、气流流向、负压控制等问题,此外还介绍了简易负压隔离病房的概念。

3)architectural plans建筑平面图

1.This method exacts the wall candidate subgraph from thearchitectural plans through ge-ometric operation at first.一些由图纸矢量化或者CAD软件绘制的建筑平面图只包含基本的几何图形元素如线段、弧线等,需要通过符号识别得到关于建筑结构的信息,例如墙体拓扑结构、门窗的位置、型号等。


1.A Brief Discussion onLayout Design of Medium and Heavy Plate Mill Workshop;浅谈中厚板车间的平面布置设计

2.Discussion on irregular layout in high-rise building;高层建筑结构中平面布置不规则问题的探讨

3.Optimal selection of layout for sewer networks;排水管道系统平面布置方案优选研究

5)General layout平面布置

1.General layout arrangement for UCC 10 000 tpd clinker cement production line;UCC日产万吨熟料水泥生产线的总平面布置

2.Through the study on the general layout for the reclamation project of north sea wall and the analysis on the axial line layout of sea wall for the reclamation project of low beach,the general layout form for the reclamation project of low beach are researched and verified by the mathematical model.通过对北海堤围垦工程平面布置的研究,分析低滩围垦工程的堤轴线布置,研究低滩围垦平面布置形式,并通过数模试验进行验证。

3.In general layout design of Dadingzishan navigation-power junction on the Songhuajiang River,a comparison .松花江大顶子山航电枢纽工程在进行平面布置时作了多方案的比较,提出了较合理的枢纽总体布置方案。

6)plane arrangement平面布置

1.This article mainly introduced theplane arrangement and parameters preferences of the folded-plate flocculation and horizon- tal flow sedimentation tank,and summarized characteristics in design and experiences in construction.吴泾化工有限公司所属动力厂水处理系统原规模20万m3/d,本文主要介绍了水厂中絮凝沉淀工艺的平面布置,参数选取等,并总结了设计特点和建设体会。

2.This paper analyzes on the necessity of constructing the underground parking lot in the residential quarter,and probes emphatically into the problems such as the general arrangement,plane arrangement,storey height control,and structural design of the underground parking lot,etc.分析了在住宅小区建造地下停车库的必要性,重点探讨了地下停车库的总图布置、平面布置、层高控制、结构设计等问题。

3.It emphasizes introducing the designing principle of water tubeplane arrangement,vertical arrangement,tube diameter fixation and tube selection,and points out that it is far different from other municiple or factory design so it should be designed according to its characteristics.着重介绍了住宅小区室外给排水管网平面布置、竖向布置、管径确定、管材选择的设计原则 ,指出住宅小区室外给排水管网设计与其他市政、厂区、设计差别较大 ,应针对其特点进行设计。


