900字范文 > 布局规划 layout planning英语短句 例句大全

布局规划 layout planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 06:00:21


布局规划 layout planning英语短句 例句大全

布局规划,layout planning

1)layout planning布局规划

1.Use CLP to Solve Layout Planning in Automatic Generation of Computer Animation;用CLP技术解决动画自动生成中的布局规划问题

2.Based on it, the article set up the regionallayout planning of medical waste in Guangdong province in the future.统计分析了广东省目前医疗废物的产生现状及处置设施现状,并根据广东省未来医疗卫生事业的发展规划,预测了未来全省医疗废物的产生量及区域分布,在此基础上提出了广东省区域性医疗废物处理置中心建设布局规划。

3.As an important constituent of urban road system,thelayout planning about expressway is researched few.分析了大城市快速路网络规划布局的基本要求、基本原则以及一些关联因素;并针对武汉市快速路发展状况,提出了网络布局规划方案,最后对不同方案进行了综合评价。



2.The Optimum Reconstructing and Extending Strategy of Urban Transportation System;城市干道网改扩建布局规划决策研究

3.The Study on Layout Method of Urban Highway Passenger Transport Hub;城市公路客运枢纽布局规划方法研究

4.The Research of Distribution Planning of Interchange in Highway Network;高速公路网互通式立交布局规划研究

5.Research on Cell Location Planning Algorithms in WCDMA System;WCDMA系统基站布局规划算法研究

6.Study on Layout Programming of Jinan Logistics Industry;济南市物流业发展空间布局规划研究

7.Research on Macroscopical Distribution Planning of Grain Logistics Center;粮食物流中心宏观布局规划问题研究

8.Research on the Method of Urban Expressway Network Layout Planning and Evaluation;快速路线网布局规划及评价方法研究

9.Study on disparities in regional development and spatial structure planning in Jiangsu province;江苏省区域发展差异与空间布局规划


11.Study on the Distribution Planning of the Urban Logistics Node Facility;城市物流节点设施布局规划内涵浅析

12.Research on the Location Planning of Railway Logistics Centers铁路物流中心选址布局规划问题研究

13.Planning Solving Based on Local Search and Distributed Flexible Graphplan;基于局部搜索的规划求解和分布式灵活规划

14.International Association Town Planning and Distributio国际城镇规划和布局协会

15.-- Drawing up overall city plans and readjusting the layout of urban functions.--编制城市总体规划,调整城市功能布局。

16.Discussion of City Planning Layout of Daqing Oilfield大庆油田城市规划布局问题的探讨

17.We should develop well laid-out small towns on the basis of scientific planning.发展小城镇要科学规划,合理布局。

18.Drawing up overall city plans and readjusting the layout of urban functions.——编制城市总体规划,调整城市功能布局。



1.A Floorplan-based Design Methodology of Power Distribution;基于布局规划的电源分布网络设计

2.Region constraints were arbitrary polygonal regions transformed from thefloorplanning, which were used to confine standard cells and hard IPs of soft macros within specific regions.通过布局规划将各模块约束在版图的特定区域内,提高逻辑综合阶段预估模块内局部互连线时延的准确性,同时优化模块间的全局互连线用布局布线工具以达到快速的时序收敛。

3.With the rules of devices shrinking and devicesfloorplan o.通过对版图的缩小以及对器件重新优化布局规划,使芯片面积大大缩小,从而降低了设计成本,减少了器件的功耗。


1.Study of Planning Method of Layout of Economic Zone Alongthe Expressway from Shenyang to Shanhaiguan;沈阳——山海关高速公路沿线经济带布局规划方法研究

2.In practical construction, thelayout of Distribution Park is designed by architects according to their ideas, experience, standard of architecture design and their own comprehension about logistics, which leading too many problems, such as low efficiency, high cost and so on.本文旨在将SLP技术应用于物流园区布局规划中,作为物流园区布局设计的理论基础。

4)distribution planning布局规划

1.Based on the fundamental theory of logisticsdistribution planning and from the perspective of spatial node s structural types and their function, also with the consideration of Lanzhou s dominant geographical position in the west part of China and the city s development in logistics industry, the paper probes into the factors that influence the spatial distribution of logistics node.本文依据物流系统规划的基础理论,从物流节点的构成类型和功能层次出发,结合兰州市在全国和西部地区的区位优势和物流发展现状,分析了影响兰州城市物流节点空间布局的因素,对兰州物流节点体系进行了系统的布局规划,以期为兰州物流产业发展提供参考和借鉴。

5)layout plan布局规划

1.Study oflayout plan method of regional fishing ports in China;我国地方渔港布局规划方法研究

6)planning and layout规划布局

1.Planning and Layout Characters of Urban Green Space System--Taking Urban Green Space System Planning of Suqian,Linyi,Yancheng City as Examples;城市绿地系统规划布局特色分析——以宿迁、临沂、盐城城市绿地系统规划为例

2.This paper aims at the questions that the large airports parking facilities planning exist,researches the character and classify of the large airport parking facilities and puts forward the basic consideration ofplanning and layout.针对现有大型机场停车设施规划存在的问题,对大型机场停车设施规划进行了初步研究,提出了大型机场停车设施性质定位及分类和大型机场停车设施规划布局的基本思路,简单介绍了约束型选址规划模型并将选址规划模型用于广州新白云机场停车设施规划中,所得结果证明此模型用于机场停车设施规划是切实可行的。

3.This paper described the author s basic thoughts in the process of the planning design of Li Yuanhong s Grave,which started with theplanning and layout,the implied meaning of design,the definition of architecture style,and the design of road and landscape,etc.从规划布局、设计寓意、建筑风格定位、道路设计、景观设计等人手,介绍了黎元洪墓规划设计过程中的基本思考。


