900字范文 > 科学态度 scientific attitude英语短句 例句大全

科学态度 scientific attitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-13 06:03:01


科学态度 scientific attitude英语短句 例句大全

科学态度,scientific attitude

1)scientific attitude科学态度

1.A Scientific Attitude towards Marxism;以科学态度对待马克思主义

2.Developing student sscientific attitude in scientific inquiry process;在探究过程中培养学生的科学态度

3.From Eugene O Neill s Two Works to Scientific Attitude in Literature Studies;从奥尼尔的两部剧作看文学研究中的科学态度


1.Adopt a Scientific Approach in the Study of the Economic Theories by Marx;要用科学态度研究马克思主义经济学

2.Respecting other"s view is a science attitude as well.尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。

3.Jiang Zemin s View of Scientific Attitude toward Marxism;江泽民论对待马克思主义的科学态度

4.On the Scintific Attitude of Deng Xiaoping Towards Marxism;论邓小平对待马克思主义的科学态度

5.The Research on Designing Exercise Work about "Scientific Attitude, Feeling and Values" in Science Textbook;关于中学科学教材中“科学态度、情感与价值观”习题设计的研究

6.Scientific attitude and scientific method in the study of economics--Re-discussion on utility value;经济学研究中的科学态度和科学方法——兼论效用价值论

7.From Eugene O Neill s Two Works to Scientific Attitude in Literature Studies;从奥尼尔的两部剧作看文学研究中的科学态度

8.Study Jiang Zemin s Selected Works with Marxism attitude;以马克思主义的科学态度学习《江泽民文选》

9.The Courage to Stick to Truth and the Scientific Attitude--On Reading The Philosophical Writings of Zhou Kang坚持真理的勇气和科学态度——读《周抗哲学文集》

10.A Questionable "Scientific Attitude":Commentaries on How to Measure Hu Shi"s Attitude to Chinese Herbalist Lu Zhong"an令人困惑的“科学态度”——怎样评判胡适对中医陆仲安的态度

11.A Research on the Education of "Scientific Attitude, Emotion and Values" in Junior Middle School Science Course;初中科学课程中“科学态度、情感与价值观”教育的研究

12.This alone is the scientific approach.这才是科学的态度。

13.To Understand and Implement the Scientific Notion of Development in a Scientific Way;以科学的态度认识和落实科学发展观

14.The Attitude Universities Should Take Between Scientific Beliefs and Utilitarian Awareness;大学在科学观念与功利意识间的态度

15.The development of an academic discipline is a dual dynamic process, consisting of both intellectual and institutional factors.学科发展史是学科理智史和学科制度史的双重动态史。

16.Deal with "Three Represents" policy by means of scientific attitude;用科学的态度对待“三个代表”重要思想

17.Prediction, Science and the Humanistic Attitude to the Future;预言、科学和对未来的人文主义态度

18.Choice between Science and Anti-science: The Early Jesuits Attitudes to Science;两难选择:早期耶稣会对科学的态度



3)scientific feeling and attitude科学情感态度

4)attitudes toward science对科学的态度

5)attitudes to science公众对科学的态度

6)scientific attitude and methods科学的态度与方法


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