900字范文 > 态度 attitude英语短句 例句大全

态度 attitude英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-29 09:40:25


态度 attitude英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation on Knowledge and Attitude to Indoor Environmental Pollution and Relevant Health Problems among Deyang City"s Administrative Staff;德阳机关工作人员室内环境污染认知、态度及相关健康问题调查

2.Knowledge and Attitude Towards Tobacco Among Students in Beijing in ;北京市学生烟草相关知识态度现状调查

3.A Survey and Analysis on Various Factors Determing Their Leisure Life Attitude of Undergraduates in Normal Universities;大学生闲暇生活态度影响因素研究


1.intra attitude organization态度内组织态度内组织

2.resolute attitude坚决的态度,果断的态度

3.reverent attitude恭敬的态度,虔诚的态度

4.an unfriendly look, gesture, attitude不友好的神情、 姿态、态度

5.a hoity-toity person, manner傲慢的人、态度.

6.a bored disinterested manner厌倦, 漠视的态度

7.a suspicious look, attitude怀疑的样子、态度

8.an artificial manner做作的态度[举止]

9.permissive attitudes, behaviour放任的态度、 行为

10.a recalcitrant child, attitude倔强的孩子、态度.

11.an expectant attitude旁观 [观望] 的态度

12.a scornful attitude [smile]轻视的态度[微笑]

13.2. Pursuing a pragmatic approach.二、坚持务实态度。

14.Maintain a high sense of responsibility对人民高度负责的态度

15.To take such an attitude is to seek truth from facts.这种态度,就是实事求是的态度。

16.To adopt an attitude is to seek truth from facts, isn"t it?这种态度就是实事求是的态度,不是吗?

17.hands-off attitude不干涉的态度,不参与的态度

18.negative attitude change态度负向改变态度负向改变



1.Sex related knowledge,attitudes and behaviors among middle school students in Shanghai city;上海市中学生性相关知识、态度及行为分析

parative Analysis ofAttitudes Toward the Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education Between Chinese Doctors and Graduates;临床医生和医学生对GMER态度的比较

3.Knowledge andAttitudes towards HIV/AIDS among the Policemen of Re-education Through Labor institutions in Urumchi City;乌鲁木齐市劳教场所中警务人员艾滋病知识及态度调查分析


1.Research on the Manner Education Goal of the Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching New Curriculum;高中化学新课程中态度教育目标的研究

2.Summery:Let the students join in the sports to be the study topic, choose the examine and study ways, go to understand themanner of joining the sports, discuss the new ideas of teaching way at P.以中专生运动参与态度为研究课题 ,采用调查问卷法与理论分析法进行经验性研究 ,全面了解与分析中专生运动参与态度 ,探讨当前中专校体育教学改革的新视角。


1.The establishment ofeco-attitude and implementation of the green management practices determine the extent and level of green hotels.生态态度的确立与绿色管理行为的实施决定着绿色饭店的创建程度和水平,文章通过建立生态态度和绿色管理的度量指标体系,通过因子分析方法,对湖北省星级饭店进行实证分析,得出了我国绿色饭店创建与管理仍处于初级阶段的结论。


6)attitude strength态度强度

1.Introduction Brand attitude accessibility is related to brandattitude strength, which is usually viewed as a well-established feature ofattitude strength.运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。

2.The re sults showed that the explicit attitude tended to be consistent with implicit at titude whenattitude strength was strong, but the two scores tended to be oppose d when attitude was low.本研究探讨了态度强度对个体的内隐—外显年龄态度间关系的调节作用。


