900字范文 > 听力损害 hearing impairment英语短句 例句大全

听力损害 hearing impairment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-26 13:21:59


听力损害 hearing impairment英语短句 例句大全

听力损害,hearing impairment

1)hearing impairment听力损害

1.Objective To investigate the curative effect of the early intervention therapy mainly combining with Ganciclove on thehearing impairment resulted from cytomegalovirus infection in infants.目的探讨以更昔洛韦为主综合早期干预巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染致婴儿听力损害的疗效。

2.Result: The level ofhearing impairment of all the patients in.结果:24例耳硬化症患者听力损害程度均为B~E级。


1.Effect of AGEs/RAGE Extracts on Hearing Impairment in Diabetic of Type 2 Rats;AGEs/RAGE对糖尿病大鼠听力损害的影响

2.Results: There were14 cases with hearing lesion and18 cases with positive mood of anxiety.结果有14名听力损害;18名有焦虑情绪阳性。

3.He received gentamicin and salicylate showed minor hearing impairment.他接受庆大霉素和水杨酸盐治疗,发生轻度听力损害。

4.Long lasting,high intensity sounds are the most damaging to hearing and produce the most stress in humans.长期高强度的声音对听力损害最大,给人类带来最紧张的情绪。

5.Characterization of Hearing Loss in Aged Type 2 Diabetics and Its Correlation Factors;老年2型糖尿病患者听力损害特征及相关因素分析

6.Clinical Study of Hearing Medicine Evaluate in Post-traumatic Hearing Loss;外伤性听觉损害听力学评价的临床研究

7.Analysis 60 Cases about that Arteriosclerosis and Broken Labyrinth Lead to Hypacusia动脉硬化与迷路损害所致听力障碍60例分析

8.temporary hearing loss暂时性听力损失 暂时性听力损失

9."audiology: The study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment. "听力学 研究听力的科学,尤指听力受损及其疗法。

10.The study of hearing, especially hearing defects and their treatment.听力学研究听力的科学,尤指听力受损及其疗法

11.Vestibular and limb peripheral nerve impairment in auditory neuropathy听神经病并发的前庭及肢体神经损害

12.A study of the pathological mechanisms of nerve lesion in auditory neuropathy听神经病神经损害的病理机制探讨

13.Acoustic Reflex Growth Function in Noise Induced Hearing Loss噪声性听觉损害的声反射增长函数

14.His hearing is somewhat impaired.他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。

15.hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve.由于听觉神经损伤而导致听力丧失。

16.Listen at a moderate volume to avoid hearing damage请用适度音量收听以免损伤听力

17.Having a diminished or defective sense of hearing,but not deaf.听力受损的听力官能减弱或有缺陷但未聋的。

18.We cannot shut our eyes to things that harm the interests of the masses.对于损害群众利益的事情,我们不能听之任之。


Hearing loss听力损害

3)hearing damage听力损害

1.The symptoms ofhearing damage and autonomic nerve function disorder were detected.结果观察组与对照组相比,听力损害程度明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0。

2.The results showed the close relations between glomerule disease and internal earhearing damage.本文应用日本永岛 A-自动记录测听仪对103例肾小球疾病患者进行听力测试,并以25例正常人作为对照,结果表明,肾小球疾病与内耳听力损害有密切关系,听力损害发生率尿毒症组为94。

4)explosive hearing injury炮震性听力损害

1.Relationship between anxiety andexplosive hearing injury;炮震性听力损害与焦虑情绪的关系分析

5)Post traumatic hearing loss外伤后听力损害

6)Noise induced auditory impariment听觉损害


