900字范文 > 损害补偿 impairment compensation英语短句 例句大全

损害补偿 impairment compensation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-29 09:55:02


损害补偿 impairment compensation英语短句 例句大全

损害补偿,impairment compensation

1)impairment compensation损害补偿

1.This issue analyzes the existing problems of the compensation to the subjects impairment during clinical drug trial nowadays, giving discussion to the subjects of general principles of subjectsimpairment compensation, the determination of compensation standard and the general procedure of compensation.本文分析了药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿方面目前存在的问题,对药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿的一般原则、补偿标准的确定和补偿一般程序等问题进行探讨。

2.It suggests that the corresponding laws ofimpairment compensation should be perfected.本文介绍我国目前药物临床试验中受试者损害补偿存在的问题和对策。


1.On the Construction of Damages Mechanism of the Injured in Industrial Accidents;试论工伤事故受害人损害补偿机制之构建

2.Discussion on the Application of the Indemnity Principle in the Third Field Insurance;试论损害补偿原则在第三领域险中的应用

3.Taking up the Cudgel for A Just Cause and the Compensation for Injury to the Executant;论见义勇为与对见义勇为者的损害补偿

4.Amends made, as for damage or loss.赔偿对诸如损害或损失而做的补偿

5.An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory.加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。

6.Analysis on the Legal Applicability of Industrial Injury Indemnity工伤损害赔偿与补偿的法律适用分析

7.To do something to compensate for damage or harm do做某事来补偿所造成的损害或伤害

pensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered.赔偿金,赔偿物对毁坏、损失或伤害的补偿

9.How can we make up to you for what you have suffered?我们如何补偿你所遭受的损害?

10.How can we make it up to them for what they have suffered?我们如何能补偿他们所遭受的损害?

11.How can we make up to you for what you"ve suffered?我们如何能够补偿你所遭受的损害?

12.The Study on the Compensation Mechanism of Agricultural Natural Disaster Losses in China;我国农业自然灾害损失补偿机制研究

13.(law) compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated.(律)保障顺利赔偿和受害方权利的损失补偿金。

14.On Comparative Study between System of Compensation for Divorce Damage and Divorce Compensating System;离婚损害赔偿制度和离婚补偿制度比较研究

15.Research on the System of Compensation for the Infringement Damage in Traffic Accidents;道路交通事故侵权损害赔偿补偿体系初探

16.an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss.补偿给别人带来的间接的伤害或者损失的行为。

17.The applicant shall pay appropriate compensation for any losses arising therefrom.其因此所生之损害,由申请人予以相当之补偿。

18.Research on Folk Beliefs in Yimeng Mountainous Rural Area;和谐社会与环境损害公共补偿制度的构建


compensation of damages补偿损害

3)compensatory damages补偿性损害赔偿

1.Punitive damages are damages awarded to the plaintiff in addition tocompensatory damages, and are intended to punish the defendant for his wrongdoing, and to deter the defendant and other latent wrongdoers from conducting the same or similar misconduct in the future.惩罚性损害赔偿乃是为惩罚被告的不法行为,以及威吓被告与其它潜在的不法行为人,使其不再于未来从事相同或相类似的不法行为之目的,而于补偿性损害赔偿之外,另行课予额外赔偿金额的制度。

4)Principle of Indemnity损害补偿原则

1.The Insurer s Non-Recovery Defenses Based on thePrinciple of Indemnity: A Discussion under Inshore and Freshwater Hull Clauses;保险人基于损害补偿原则的拒赔抗辩——在《沿海、内河船舶保险条款》下的讨论

2.It is based on the principle of indemnity, but its functions are far beyond to prevent the insured to obtain the profits which exceed his actual loss and to avoid the occurrence of moral hazard.它以贯彻保险法的损害补偿原则为自己的根本出发点,但其功能和意义又远不止防止被保险人获得超额利益、避免道德风险的发生。

5)compensation for the spiritual damage精神损害补偿

6)indemnity principle损害补偿原则

1.In the consideration of the nature of the loss, theindemnity principle is suitable to the material loss which could be measurable by the money, while the payment principle to the abstract loss which could not be measurable by the money.损害补偿原则是我国保险法的基本原则,应用该原则既能保障被保险人在经济上恢复到保险事故发生之前的状态,又能防止被保险人不当得利。


