900字范文 > 审计意义 significance of audit英语短句 例句大全

审计意义 significance of audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 23:57:41


审计意义 significance of audit英语短句 例句大全

审计意义,significance of audit

1)significance of audit审计意义

2)the important significance of audit审计重要意义

3)aesthetic meaning审美意义

1.But there exists inevitable difference between Chinese and western culture, which causes that there exists diffrence between them such as aesthstic pychology, aesthstic course andaesthetic meaning .但中西文化存在的必然差异,导致这两者之间在审美心理、审美过程、审美意义等方面不可避免地存在不同与差异。

2.Zhang Peiji s Chinese translation of three sentences from the perspectives of conceptual meaning,imagic meaning andaesthetic meaning and offers new versions of the three sentences for the sake of better cross-cultural communication.从概念意义、形象意义和审美意义角度,对张培基先生的三句译文进行分析,并给出了新的译文,以增进跨文化交际中的交流。

3.In the new history period, it is necessary to re-understand it and approach the story s unique social value andaesthetic meaning.在新的历史时期应对其进行重新解读,探讨其独特的社会价值和审美意义。


1.Aesthetic Characteristics and Aesthetic Significance of China s Pop Music;中国流行音乐的美学特质及审美意义

2.Body Narration: An Analysis on the Aesthetic Significance of The Sleeping Beauty;身体的言说:《睡美人》的审美意义

3.Solitary Images and Their Aesthetic Significances in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms;《三国演义》的孤独者形象及其审美意义

4.The View on Metaphorical Derivation of Red and Its Aesthetic Significance汉字“红”的隐喻词义生成及审美意义

5.The Esthetic Significance of Mirror Image in Zhang Ailing s Novels;论张爱玲小说中镜子意象的审美意义

6.The Expression of Blood Image and its Aesthetic Meaning in Ancient Chinese Literature;古代文学中的“血”意象表达及审美意义

7.An Aesthetical Interpretation of the Tragic Female Image in Pursuit of Love in Western Literature西方文学中爱情女性悲剧的审美意义

8.The Cultural Connotation and Aesthetical Significance of the "Image" in the Book of Changes;《周易》之“象”的文化内涵及审美意义

9.Symbolic Information and Aesthetic Significance of Female Self-portrait;女性自画像的符号信息及其审美意义

10.The Use of Abstract Factors in Representational Painting;具象绘画中的抽象因素及其审美意义

11.Disaster,Death and Life An Analysis of the Esthetics Significance of the Disaster Movie;灾难、死亡、生命——灾难片的审美意义探析

12.Artistic Feature and Aesthetic Significance of ‘Nigugu’ of Jun County;浚县“泥咕咕”艺术特色和审美意义

13.Exploration of Ji Kang s Music Ideology and Analysis of Its Aesthetic Meanings;嵇康音乐思想探源及其审美意义浅析


15.The Contemporary Significance of the Study on Aesthetic Culture Ecology and Its History;审美文化生态和审美文化史研究的当代意义

16.Towards Aesthetic Experience-On the Great Significance of Aesthetic Experience Study;走向审美体验——试论研究审美体验的重要意义

17.Discussion on the Witchcraft"s Significance for Constructing Aesthetic Relations and Aesthetic Psychology论巫术对审美关系和审美心理建构的意义

18.On the Cultivation of Communism Beliefs According to Aesthetic Ideology;论审美意识形态与共产主义信仰培育


the important significance of audit审计重要意义

3)aesthetic meaning审美意义

1.But there exists inevitable difference between Chinese and western culture, which causes that there exists diffrence between them such as aesthstic pychology, aesthstic course andaesthetic meaning .但中西文化存在的必然差异,导致这两者之间在审美心理、审美过程、审美意义等方面不可避免地存在不同与差异。

2.Zhang Peiji s Chinese translation of three sentences from the perspectives of conceptual meaning,imagic meaning andaesthetic meaning and offers new versions of the three sentences for the sake of better cross-cultural communication.从概念意义、形象意义和审美意义角度,对张培基先生的三句译文进行分析,并给出了新的译文,以增进跨文化交际中的交流。

3.In the new history period, it is necessary to re-understand it and approach the story s unique social value andaesthetic meaning.在新的历史时期应对其进行重新解读,探讨其独特的社会价值和审美意义。

4)aesthetic significance审美意义

1.Symbolic Information and Aesthetic Significance of Female Self-portrait;女性自画像的符号信息及其审美意义

2.This paper makes some approaches to the transmitting of theaesthetic significances in translating classic Chinese poetry into English.一方面既要传递其整体的音韵效果,另一方面更要着重传递其内在的审美意义,从诗词的意境、神韵、情绪、表达方式、诗人的敏感性和风格等要素入手,深入把握原诗的声韵、节奏、用词、形象、意象、谋篇布局和构思等。

3.Swallow is a commonly-used creature imago in TU Fu s poetry,which can be respectively described in states of political ideality,aesthetic significance and moral ideality.在杜甫诗歌中,燕子是一种用得比较多的动物意象,可以把它描述为政治理想状态下的燕子、审美意义状态下的燕子和道德理想状态下的燕子。

5)aesthetic sense审美意义

6)meaning of appreciating ugliness审丑意义


