900字范文 > 输液管道 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

输液管道 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-26 03:31:31


输液管道 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

输液管道,pipe conveying fluid

1)pipe conveying fluid输液管道

1.By using Harmilton"s principle and Euler"s theory of elastic beam and taking Coriolis force of fluid into consideration,this paper builds the mathematical model for the problem on free vibration of elasticpipe conveying fluid,employs the Galerkin approach to find solutions to the model,analyzes the solutions and obtains corre.研究了在石油行业、化学工业以及核电工程中广泛运用的弹性输液管道振动问题,采用欧拉梁理论和哈密顿原理,在考虑科氏力影响的情况下建立数学模型,运用伽辽金法对模型进行求解,并对所得解进行分析得到相应的结论。

2.The general expression for the instantaneous potential energy functional of elastic system is given at first, and then the special for the arbitrarily curved and twistedpipe conveying fluid is obtained.给出了弹性系统瞬时势能泛函的一般表达式,得到了其关于任意挠曲输液管道的具体表达式。


1.Study of Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipes on Offshore Platform and in Water;海洋环境下的输液管道流体激振研究

2.Study on the Responses of Vortex-Induced Vibration of Submarine Pipelines and Experimentation;海洋输液管道的涡激振动响应分析及实验研究

3.Temperature decaying characteristics along refrigerant pipeline of multi-coupled unit air conditioning systems多联机系统制冷剂输液管道温度衰减特性研究

4.A pipe for conducting liquid.水管输送液体的管道

5.A pipe or channel for conveying fluids, such as water.导管输送液体的管子或渠道,如输水

6.To channel(piped liquid, for example) through a bypass.管道运输通过迂回管道输送(如装入管内的液体)

7.any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action.任何通过毛细管作用运输液体的管道。

8.To convey(liquid or gas) by means of pipes.用管道来传输(液体或气体)

9.conveys liquid waste from toilets, etc..一种从象在厕所中运输液体的管道。

10.a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas.一种用来运输液体或气体的复杂的管道。

11.Restricted Intraoperative Fluid Management Impacts Bowel Function Recovery术中限制输液管理对肠道功能恢复的影响

12.Necessity of Post-weld Heat Treatment for Alkaline Solution Transporting Pipeline碱液输送管道焊后热处理必要性的探讨

13.Study on acoustic emission method for the detection of leaks in liquid delivery pipeline液体输送管道泄漏的声发射检测方法研究

14.Vigilance for changes of compatibility in the infusion tube while transfusion treatment警惕输液治疗时输液管中的配伍变化

15.The Design of Separator and Transmission Pipeline for Biomass-Pyrolysis Liquefaction Device;生物质热解液化装置中分离器及输送管道的设计

16.Observation on effect of continuing drip with micro-infusion pump to humidify artificial airway for patients after accepting tracheotomy气管切开术后微量输液泵持续滴注法湿化人工气道的效果观察

17.The Effect of the Cytokines of Tubal Fluid in Pathogenesis of Salpingitis Infertility输卵管液细胞因子与输卵管炎性不孕

18.bring in through pipes, as of liquids such as oil.以管输送,如油等液体。


pipes conveying fluid输液管道

1.A new method is proposed to calculate the critical fl ow velocity ofpipes conveying fluid.建立了求解输液管道临界流速的新方法 ,该方法把奇异函数与傅立叶级数相结合 ,将此问题转换成的实矩阵的二次特征值问题。

2.A method of Fourier series is proposed to calculate the critical flow velocity ofpipes conveying fluid.傅里叶级数法被用于计算输液管道的临界流速,与有限元等数值法相比,更为简单可靠。

3)running piping of liquid chlorine液氯管道输送

4)liquid delivery pipeline液体输送管道

1.Actuality and research direction ofliquid delivery pipelines leak detection technology.;液体输送管道泄漏检测技术的现状与研究方向

2.Study on acoustic emission method for the detection of leaks inliquid delivery pipeline液体输送管道泄漏的声发射检测方法研究

5)long distance liquid ammonia pipe长输液氨管道

6)shallowly buried fluid-conveying pipeline浅埋输液管道

1.Axial stress analysis ofshallowly buried fluid-conveying pipeline under impulsive excitation;考虑土体-结构-流体耦合作用,研究流体脉动对浅埋输液管道轴向应力的影响。


管道SCADA(见管道数据采集与监控系统)管道SCADA(见管道数据采集与监控系统)popeline supervisory control and data acquisition system管道SCADA(PIPelinesuPervisory eontroland data aequisition system)与监控系统。见管道数据采集
