900字范文 > 输流管 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

输流管 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-20 18:39:30


输流管 pipe conveying fluid英语短句 例句大全

输流管,pipe conveying fluid

1)pipe conveying fluid输流管

1.The stability and chaotic motions of a clamped-clampedpipe conveying fluid,excited by the simple periodic motion of its supporting base in a direction of being normal to the pipe line,were discussed.本文详细讨论了两端固支输流管在其支承简谐运动激励下的稳定性及混沌运动。

2.The chaotic vibrations of a clamped-clampedpipe conveying fluid, excited by the harmonic motions of its supporting base, were investigated theoretically.对基础简谐运动激励下两端固定输流管道的混沌运动进行了研究。


1.Study on dynamic responses of submarine fluid conveying pipeline under eddy stimulation水下悬跨输流管道流致振动响应研究

2.Research on Nonlinear Vibration Model and Simulation of Fluid-conveying Pipes;输流管道非线性振动模型及仿真研究

3.Study on the Mechanism of Transverse Vibration and Its Control of Pipes Conveying Fluid输流管道横向振动机理及其控制研究

4.eteral regurgitation膀胱-输尿管尿液反流

5.Dynamic Characteristics on Friction Drag Reduction for Fluid Transport Using Flexible Tubes柔性管流体输送紊流减阻的力学特征

6.Strengthen Management for Packing of Dangerous Goods in Transportation, for Improving Safety in Logistics加强危险品运输包装管理 提高物流运输安全

7.Welded steel pipe for low pressure serviceGB/T3092-1993低压流体输送用焊接钢管

8.Welded stainless steel pipes for liquid deliveryGB/T12771-1991流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管

9.Galvanized welded steel pipe for low pressure serviceGB/T3091-1993低压流体输送用镀锌焊接钢管

10.Plasticized polyvinyl chloride tubing for transport of fluidsGB/T13527.1-1992软聚氯乙烯管(流体输送用)

11.Welded steel pipe for mine liquid serviceGB/T14291-1993矿用流体输送电焊钢管

12.Stainless steel seamless pipes for fluid transportGB/T14976-1994流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管

13.When the pipelines burst, oil poured across the street.输油管破裂后,油流满了街道。

14.Analysis on the Countercurrent of Contrast Medium in Hysterosalpingography.子宫输卵管造影术中造影剂逆流分析

15.of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids.属于或关于运输或循环流动液体的管。

16.a backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter.尿液从膀胱回流到输尿管。

17.Study of Flow-Induced Vibration in Pipes on Offshore Platform and in Water;海洋环境下的输液管道流体激振研究

18.Risk Assessment to the River Tranversing Oil Pipeline of Great or Middle Type;大中型穿越河流输油管道的风险评估


pipes conveying fluid输流管

1.Some recent advances on dynamic design ofpipes conveying fluid are reviewed in this paper.从5个方面评述了近年来输流管道流固耦合振动的研究进展。

3)pipe conveying fluid输流管道

1.Stability ofpipe conveying fluid under axial load;轴向载荷输流管道的稳定性分析

2.Research on natural frequency of pinned-pinnedpipe conveying fluid;两端铰支输流管道固有频率的研究

3.Based on the stress anylysis of element,the vibration differential equation of thepipe conveying fluid on elastic foundations is derived,the mode and the nature frequency of the pipe are calculaed by variable-separating method and numerical method.根据对单元体受力分析推导出了弹性地基输流管道的振动微分方程,应用分离变量法和数值方法计算了弹性地基输流管道在两端铰支情况下的模态和固有频率。

4)pipes conveying fluid输流管道

1.An effective solution to dynamic response ofpipes conveying fluid;求解输流管道动态响应问题的一种有效方法

2.Internal resonance conditions of supportedpipes conveying fluid两端支承输流管道内共振条件分析

3.The parametric resonance of clamped-pinnedpipes conveying fluid was investigated experimentally.用实验方法研究了一端固定、一端铰支输流管道在脉动内流作用下的参数共振问题。


1.The differential quadrature method(DQM)is extended to solve the natural frequencies ofpipe.采用微分求积法求解输流管道的固有频率。

2.Very often when mechanical operation applied topiped flowing fluid, a state transform will occur as a result inducing a hydraulic transient, or even waterhammer when situation is severe.因此,研究输流管道系统中的流固耦合现象对于了解系统的力学特性、稳定系统运行、提高运行可靠度等方面具有重要的实用及学术价值,在航空航天、石油化工、水利电力、城市供排水等众多的工业领域中具有重要的意义。

6)curved pipe conveying fluid输流曲管

1.Considering the environmental damping, this paper investigated the chaotic vibrations of a Kelvin-Voigt typecurved pipe conveying fluid subjected to motion-limiting constraint.考虑环境阻尼因素的影响,研究了具有运动约束作用Kelvin-Voigt型输流曲管的混沌运动现象。


