900字范文 > 经贸交往 economy and trade exchange英语短句 例句大全

经贸交往 economy and trade exchange英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-15 09:25:34


经贸交往 economy and trade exchange英语短句 例句大全

经贸交往,economy and trade exchange

1)economy and trade exchange经贸交往

1.The effects show three aspects: leading role in political cooperation, interactive role ineconomy and trade exchanges, and enhancement in cooperation of security.这种作用主要表现为三大方面:政治合作的主导作用、经贸交往的推动作用、安全合作的提升作用。


1.With approval of the higher authorities concerned, we, for the purpose of strengthening economic and trade intercourse with foreign countries, are looking for qualified economic and commercial talents with a working knowledge of English.我公司为了加强对外经贸交往,经上级主管部门批准,现公开招聘懂英语的经贸人才。

2.We realize that the current Euro-Asian economic and trade contacts are a far cry from meeting demands.我们意识到,目前欧亚经贸交往已远远不能满足需要.

3.Economic and Trade Exchanges Among Southern Bordering Provinces in Modern Times;近代南部边疆地区省际间的经贸交往——以珠江流域为考察中心

4.The economy and trade exchange between Tianjin, an important economic city of north China, and the Russian Federation is currently steadily developing, and has shown new features.中国北方重要经济城市天津与俄罗斯联邦的经贸交往目前正稳步发展,并呈现出新的特色。

5.The national territory of the Western Xia Dynasty has some Arabs, and that has normal political and economic trade association between the Western Xia Dynasty and Arabian worlds.西夏时期,境内活动有不少阿拉伯人,西夏和阿拉伯世界有正常的政治、经贸交往。

6.In the past, production and trade were hampered in these areas because of poor communications, and people had to rely on donkeys and mules for the transport of goods.以往,由于交通 不方便,这里的生产、经贸全靠驴、骡驮运,

7.Economic Contact between Hami and the Central Plains during the Ming Dynasty-Focusing on the Exchange of Tributing and Granting;明代哈密与中原地区的经济交往——以贡赐贸易为中心

8.Guangzhou (Canton) has always Been a port for foreign exchange and trade.广州一直是对外交往和贸易的港口。

9.Economic and trade ties have been an important component (part) of China-U.S. relations and the most active element in the contacts between the two countries.经贸关系历来是中美关系的重要组成部分,也是两国交往中最为活跃的一个方面。

10.The Economic and Trade Exchange in Early Qing Dynasty between Taiwan and Other Coastal Provinces;清代前期台湾与沿海各省的经贸往来

11.Study on Communication and Development of Guangxi in the China-Asean Free Trade Area;广西在中国—东盟自由贸易区的交往发展研究

12.The Trade Intercourse between Guangxi Borderland and Pan-Beibu Gulf Countries in Earlier Period of the Qing Dynasty清前期广西边疆与泛北部湾国家的贸易交往

13.The Study of "Great China Economy Circle" Economy-Trade Communion Development;“大中华经济圈”经贸交流发展问题研究

14.Indeed, economists have tended to be even more critical of trade barriers than have other groups in society.确实,经济学家往往比其他社会集团更倾向于抨击贸易壁垒。

15.Link up trade contracts and promote economic cooperation----Tianjin General Foreign Trade Corporation.沟通贸易往来,促进经济合作天津市对外贸易总公司。

16.In recent years, the economy and trade contacts between the countries of China and South Korea have been developing rapidly.近年来,中韩两国之间的经贸往来发展迅速。

17.Sounds like we should be hanging out with more fund managers.听来似乎我们应该多和一些基金经理人交往交往。

18.Jane has finished with her new boyfriend already.简已经不再与新交的男朋友来往了。


Trade Intercourse贸易交往

1.TheTrade Intercourse between Guangxi Borderland and Pan-Beibu Gulf Countries in Earlier Period of the Qing Dynasty清前期广西边疆与泛北部湾国家的贸易交往

3)strengthen economic and trade intercourse with foreign countries加强对外经贸交往

4)economic intercourse经济交往

1.So its obvious that culture identity is of significance ineconomic intercourse.文化认同是全球化时期最为重要的一种社会情感,它可以维系一个民族的存在,也可以促进一个组织的发展,同时也可以在一定的范围内达成共识;从这一点可以看出它对于经济交往的重要意义。


6)Economic and trade diplomacy经贸外交


北京市英迪经贸学院北京市英迪经贸学院是1993年经北京市教育委员会批准成立的中外合作办学的高等经贸学院。中国合作方为北京市机械局职工大学;外国合作方为英迪(国际)教育机构。办学许可证:京成教字(1993)第036号、京成教社字(1993)第033号、京教合准字(98)08号、京教合准字(2000)036号。1998年我院被北京市教委评估为“优良学校”、被北京市教委评估为“合格学校”。北京市英迪经贸学院是一所以全英语授课为特色的学院。北京市英迪经贸学院于1993年成功引进国外大学的大学预科和本科课程,借鉴国外大学办学经验,按照国际学籍及考核管理程序严格进行教学质量控制,以使得在英迪学院学习的学生与在国外大学就读类似专业的学生水平相同,其与国外大学同步开设的大学水平专业课程,受到国外合作大学承认。学生在学习的最后阶段转移至国外合作大学,完成学业后,获就读大学的学士学位证书。学院开设的所有专业都以保持毕业生的高就业率为导向,并培养学生的综合技能,同时满足学生毕业后进一步深造的需要。北京市英迪经贸学院开设的与国外大学合作的本科课程采用一年三学期制,均为全英语授课,以外国教师主讲,使用国外原版教材, 使得学生不仅具有流利的英语语言能力,同时,具备大学专业知识。三个级别的英语强化培训课程,科学的分级进阶方式,成为学生自如的使用英语学习大学课程的阶梯,给学生营造良好的全英语教学环境。学院同时为学生提供了以英文书籍为主的图书馆、免费开放的计算机房和国际互联网络、全空调教室和学习场所。良好的学习条件,充分体现以学生学习为本的思想。北京市英迪经贸学院对学生的培养目标是精通英语、电脑、专业知识的涉外管理人才,并成为学生继续攻读硕士、博士学位的基石。我们倡导学生打好基础再出国,因为这是一种省时又省钱的深造途径。英迪学院的毕业生主要分布在国外和国内的外企、合资企业,且具有优异的就业纪录,这是基于:学生具有优秀的英语语言能力、综合的专业知识、国外留学的背景。
