900字范文 > 侗族民居 Dong residential areas英语短句 例句大全

侗族民居 Dong residential areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 23:19:02


侗族民居 Dong residential areas英语短句 例句大全

侗族民居,Dong residential areas

1)Dong residential areas侗族民居

1.With this life,under the influence ofDong residential areas,there are some unique architectural function,space forms and architectural forms.在这种生活习惯的影响下,侗族民居出现了一些独特的建筑功能、空间形式和建筑形式。


1.Research on Stilted Building Decoration of Dong Nationality in Tongdao通道县侗族民居吊脚芦装饰构件初考

2.An Analysis of the Dong People"s Architecture and its Cultural Connotation侗族民居建筑特色及其文化内涵探析

3.On Protecting the Characteristics of Domestic Houses--Taking TongDao Dong national domestic houses for example;论传统民居特色的保护——以通道侗族民居为例

4.Research on Traditional Settlement s Regional Character and Modern Enlightenment of Dong Nationality in Southeast Region of the Guizhou Province;黔东南侗族民居的地域特质与现代启示

5.To Traceable the Differences of Ganlan Style Residential Architecture of Miao People and Dong People in Southeast of Guizhou Province黔东南苗族、侗族“干栏”式民居建筑差异溯源

6.Cultural Significance and Transition of the Traditional Civil Residence of Dong Nationality in the Tourism Background--A Survey on the Field of Dong Nationality in the Linxi Village of Sanjiang in Guangxi Province旅游业背景下侗族传统民居的文化意义与变迁——对广西三江林溪侗族村寨的田野考察

7.Some Substrata of Dong-Tai Language in Local Dialect at the Regions Inhabited by Multi-nationalities--Take Qiannan Buyi And Miao Autonomous Prefecture for Example民族杂居地区土话中的侗台语底层现象——以黔南布依族苗族自治地区为例

8.The Imagination and Narration of Ethnicity of "National Writer" of Dong;侗族“民族作家”的族群想象及其叙事

9.On Ancester-Worship by Dong People Who Inhabite Together and Dispersedly in Hubei对散杂居湖北侗族的祖先崇拜的阐释

10.A Study Summary of the Religious Music of Guizhou Minorities--the Dong Nationality(Continued)贵州少数民族宗教音乐研究——侗族篇

11.An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus --Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers;侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌——黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献

12.Class,Politics and Ethnicity:Rereading The Dong People by Teng Shusong阶级、政治与民族性表意焦虑——重读侗族作家滕树嵩短篇小说《侗家人》

13.Ethnic Memory and Humanistic Reconstruction of the Zhuang&Dong People, the Xiou and Luoyue Descendants;瓯骆族裔—壮侗语民族的族群记忆与人文重建

14.Musicological Analysis of Folk Sacrificial Music of Dong nationality of Guangxi;广西侗族民间祭祀音乐之音乐学分析

15.The Current Status,Protection and Prospect of Dong Nationality Multigart Folk Song;侗族多声部民歌的现状及保护与发展

16.Judging fromDong Nationality songs to know the scemmary of Chinese national complen voice;浅谈中国多声部民歌中的“侗族大歌”

17.Analysis of Folk Songs in Liudong, an Area for Dong People in Guizhou;贵州六洞地区侗族民间音乐曲式分析

18.On Dong - nationality Folk Songs from "Weex Yeek"从“weex yeek”看侗族民歌的特征


Tongdao Dong national domestic houses通道侗族民居

3)Brief Account on Customs of Chinese Dong Nationality Inhabitancy湘西侗族民居习俗

4)Dong folksongs侗族民歌

1.The colorfulDong folksongs are still alive broadly in the real life of Dong people.多姿多彩的侗族民歌仍然广泛存活于侗族人的现实生活中,人们演唱侗歌并非纯粹的艺术行为,而是审美交流的一种基础方式,相应地形成了一整套运用侗歌表演来展演审美习俗的繁复而固定表演机制。

5)Zhuang-Dong language group壮侗语民族

1.To Promote the Prosperity of Economy and Trade between China and ASEAN by Culture ——And a Discussion on the Importance of the Status ofZhuang-Dong language group;文化促进中国与东盟的经贸繁荣——兼论壮侗语民族的重要地位

6)Kam-Tai family侗台语民族

1.Since long ago researches onKam-Tai family are scattered.长期以来对侗台语民族的研究大多是零散的,主要以其中的某一个民族为研究对象,很少有从整体上来研究侗台语民族,特别是从它与百越、南岛语族之间的关系层面来研究。



遗传多态性──中国的民族广西三江侗族自治县侗族 金峰摄[图]
