900字范文 > 侗族民歌 Dong folksongs英语短句 例句大全

侗族民歌 Dong folksongs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-03 08:44:57


侗族民歌 Dong folksongs英语短句 例句大全

侗族民歌,Dong folksongs

1)Dong folksongs侗族民歌

1.The colorfulDong folksongs are still alive broadly in the real life of Dong people.多姿多彩的侗族民歌仍然广泛存活于侗族人的现实生活中,人们演唱侗歌并非纯粹的艺术行为,而是审美交流的一种基础方式,相应地形成了一整套运用侗歌表演来展演审美习俗的繁复而固定表演机制。


1.On Dong - nationality Folk Songs from "Weex Yeek"从“weex yeek”看侗族民歌的特征

2.The Fate of Dong Folk Songs in Internet网络传播条件下侗族民歌的命运趋向

3.On Cultural Heritage of Dong Folk Songs from the Cultural Function Change of Dong Folk Songs Performance;从侗歌展演文化功能的变迁看侗族民歌文化的传承

4.A Study on the Cultural Ecology and Performing Characteristics of the Folk Songs of the Miao and Dong Nationalities;苗族与侗族民歌的文化生态与演唱特点研究

5.The Survival Condition and the Cultural Adaptation of the Transmission Main Body of Dong s Folk Song;侗族民歌传承主体的生存境况与文化适应

6.Habitat Harmony And the Interpretation of Survival--Anthropology Investigation about Qiandongnan Dongs in Guizhou Province ;和谐栖息的生存演绎——贵州省黔东南侗族民歌的人类学调查

7.On the Performance Context and Cultural Function of Dong Folksongs in the Viewpoint of Aesthetic Anthropology;审美人类学视野中侗族民歌的表演语境与文化功能

8.Dong People′s Song and Narrative Skill of Scholar′s poem--From Anthropology′s Angle to Probe into Poem′s Social Function;侗族民歌与文人诗的叙事策略——从人类学视角对诗歌社会功能的探究

9.Judging fromDong Nationality songs to know the scemmary of Chinese national complen voice;浅谈中国多声部民歌中的“侗族大歌”

10.The Current Status,Protection and Prospect of Dong Nationality Multigart Folk Song;侗族多声部民歌的现状及保护与发展

11.An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus --Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers;侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌——黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献

12.The Unusual Position of the Dong Chorus in Chinese Polyphonic Folk Songs;侗族大歌在中国多声部民歌中的独特地位

13.The Fold Song and Dance and Cultural Changes of Dong Nationality with the Influence of Tourism旅游影响中的龙胜侗族民间歌舞及文化变迁

14.An Attempt of Exploration of Management Model Ethnic Performance Tourism Produc: A Case Study of Miao Dong Minorities of Qiandongnan Area;少数民族歌舞旅游产品管理模型初探——以贵州黔东南苗族侗族为例

15.Intellectual Property Protcetion of National and Folk Traditional Culture --Taking Big Songs of the Dongs as an Example;民族民间传统文化的知识产权保护——以侗族大歌为例

16.Value Analysison Two Dong-Nationality Song Teaching in Dong-Nationality Community侗族社区内两种侗歌教学的价值分析

17.On Theme Identifying in Folk Song Discourse──Taking the Dong Pipa Song of Shangzhong for example;论民歌语篇中主位的识别——以尚重侗族琵琶歌为例

18.The Protection and Inheriting of Dong People Proto-zoologic Folk Songs--Take "Liu-yue-liu Song Gatherings of San Xing Po" as Example侗族原生态民歌的保护与传承——以“三省坡六月六歌会”为例


Tong nationality folk song and dance侗族民间歌舞

3)Dong minority big song侗族大歌

1.Dong minority big song intellectual property rights protection discussion and legal protection analysis;侗族大歌知识产权保护探讨与法律保护分析

2.A Survey of Singing Styles and Forms Characteristics of Dong Minority Big Song;侗族大歌演唱及形式特征研究

4)the Dong chorus侗族大歌

1.50 -Year Studies on the Dong Chorus (continued from last lov. );侗族大歌研究50年(下)

2.An Outstanding Achievement in the Development of the History of the Dong Chorus ——Historic contribution of the Chorus of the Dong folk singers;侗族大歌发展史上的一次辉煌——黎平侗族民间合唱团对侗族大歌发展的历史性贡献

3.But with the acceleration of human modernization,the Dong chorus is continuously affected and totally shocked by modernization, external cultures and market economy.侗族大歌是侗族民间世世代代以口传心授为传承方式并流传下来的、具有自己独特完整的多声部支声复调音乐体系的无伴奏、无指挥原生性的民间合唱音乐。

5)the polyphonic Dong Chorus侗族大歌

1.From the aspect of folk musicology, it is of great value and significance to sum up and de-scribe the studies and scientific research results ofthe polyphonic Dong Chorus during the past 50 years, and to discuss the environment and the time in which the Dong Chorus came into being, and the overall form and classification of the music.从民族音乐学的角度,将50年间(1953-2002年)国内、外侗族大歌研究的成果进行归纳、描述,对侗族大歌产生的环境、产生的年代以及音乐的总体形态特征和分类等进行探讨,具有重要的价值和意义。

6)the Dong songs and dances侗族歌舞



遗传多态性──中国的民族广西三江侗族自治县侗族 金峰摄[图]
