900字范文 > 地球化学论文集 treatise collections on geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

地球化学论文集 treatise collections on geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-17 13:21:27


地球化学论文集 treatise collections on geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

地球化学论文集,treatise collections on geochemistry

1)treatise collections on geochemistry地球化学论文集


1.Recent Progress in Biogeochemistry--Guide toTreatise Collections on Geochemistry Volume. 8现代生物地球化学研究进展——《地球化学论文集》第8卷导读

2.hydrogeochemical indication for prospecting水文地球化学找矿标志

3.Globalization,Nationalism and pluralization;论文化及文学的全球化、民族性与多元化问题

4.The petrography and lithogeochemical characteristics of the Archean metamorphic plutonic intrusive of the Helong area, Jilin province are discussed in this paper.本文论述了和龙地区太古宙变质深成侵入体的岩石学、岩石化学、地球化学特征。

5.Geochemistry Characters Discussion and Convergency Analysis for Oil and Gas of Baise Basin;百色盆地油气地球化学特征及集聚成藏分析

6.Contemporary Japanese Literary Theories in the Global Language Environment--From the Theory of Work to the Theory of Text and the Theory of Hypertext;全球化语境下的日本当代文学理论——从作品论到文本论、超文本论

7.On the humanities and quality education in Higher Educational Institutions under the Background of Globalization;论全球化背景下的大学人文素质教育

8.On Chinese Native Literature under the Context of Globulization;论“全球化”语境下中国乡土文学写作

9.Globalization and Its Influence upon Study of Literature and Art Theory;试论“全球化”及其对文艺学研究的影响

10.On the National Literature’s Tactics in the Globalization’s Language Environment;论全球化语境中民族文学的策略应对

11.On the Relationship between Globalization and Chinese Literature and Art Theory s Development;略论全球化与中国文艺学发展之关系

12.An Outline of Science of Civilization Theoretical Call for Reflection on Civilization in the Age of Globalization;文明学论纲——全球化时代文明反思的学理呼唤

13.The Globalization and Pluralistic Development of Culture--Concurrently on the Role of Confucianism in the Global Cultural Dialogues;文化的全球化与多元发展——兼论儒学在全球文化对话中的作用

14.Hydrogeochemistry of the fluoride in groundwater in the Dali area of the Guanzhong Basin关中盆地大荔地区地下水氟水文地球化学规律

15.On the Cultural Status and Academic Values of Modern Usage of Classical Style of Writing;论现代文言文的文化地位与学术价值

16.Hydrogeochemical Behavior and Numerical Modeling of Fluorine;氟的水文地球化学行为及其数值模拟

17.Developing Earth Science Culture and Serving Construction of Harmonious Society;发展地球科学文化 服务构建和谐社会

18.Hydrogeochemical characteristics in the arsenic poisoning area in western Jilin Province吉林西部砷中毒区水文地球化学特征



3)geochemical enrichment地球化学富集

4)theoretical geochemistry理论地球化学


1.Study onhydrogeochemistry and evaluation technology of petroleum preservation conditions for marine strata;海相地层水文地球化学与油气保存条件评价

2.Hydrogeochemistry Characteristics of 512 Deposit in Yili Basin, Xinjiang;新疆伊犁盆地512矿床水文地球化学特征

3.Kinetics ofhydrogeochemistry in assimilated soil-limestone karst system and its implications;土壤-灰岩岩溶系统中水文地球化学动力学过程模拟及其意义

6)earth science culture地球科学文化

1.This paper studies the background and the meaning of the construction of theearth science culture.本文从地球科学文化建设的时代背景与意义出发,在深入分析我国地球科学文化现状的基础上,提出了新时期地球科学文化建设的基本思路与主要对策。


