900字范文 > 元素地球化学 element geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

元素地球化学 element geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 12:53:09


元素地球化学 element geochemistry英语短句 例句大全

元素地球化学,element geochemistry

1)element geochemistry元素地球化学

1.Mineral composition andelement geochemistry of Co-rich crust from the YJC sea mount in the Central Pacific Ocean;中太平洋YJC海山富钴结壳矿物组成与元素地球化学

2.Spatial paleosalinity distribution andelement geochemistry of argillaceous source rocks in the upper part of 4~(th) Member of Tertiary Shahejie Formation in Dongying Sag东营凹陷沙四段上部泥质烃源岩元素地球化学及其古盐度的空间差异性

3.Authors use the principles ofelement geochemistry and application apply them to the investigation of bottom layer sus pended load and sediment movement in the Qianjiang Bay of Cuang ao, Shantou City,sampling 10 suspended loads of the bottom layer and 20 sediments.应用中子活化方法分析9个表、底悬移质和20个底质沉积物样品里的34个元素,并应用元素地球化学方法,研究广澳前江湾泥沙和悬移质运移情况,通过对数据综合分析处理后,提出该海域的悬移质及底质泥沙运动的方向有向中心地带汇聚的趋势。


1.Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements in the Suspended Particulate Matters of Xiangjiang River湘江悬浮物的稀土元素地球化学研究

2.Geochemical Characteristics of REE in the Permo-Carboniferous System in Hebi Area鹤壁地区石炭-二叠系稀土元素地球化学特征

3.Simple analysis of geochemical feature of mineral elements in the northwest Guizhou浅析黔西北地区铅锌矿成矿元素地球化学特征

4.Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Multi-Elements and Prospecting Criteria in Northwestern Guizhou Province黔西北地区多元素地球化学特征与找矿标志


6.The Elements Geochemistry Characteristics of Interlayer Oxidation Zone in Sandstone Type Uranium Deposits;层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿元素地球化学特征

7.The Paleoenvironmental Significance of Characteristic of Element Geochemistry in Sediments;沉积物元素地球化学特征的古环境学意义

8.The elemental geochemistry characteristics indicate that elements abundance is controlled seriously by grain size of sediment.元素地球化学特征表明,元素的丰度受沉积物粒度控制明显。

9.Soil trace element geochemistry indicates that the area is an organic carbon and bromine negative anomaly area.土壤微量元素地球化学表征为有机碳含量、元素负异常区。

10.Elements Association and Geochemistry of Trace Elements of Ni-Mo Polymetallic Deposits in Northwestern Hunan湘西北镍钼多金属矿床的元素组合及微量元素地球化学

11.Geochemistry of Rare Earth Elements of Anqing Copper Deposit in Anhui Province安徽安庆铜矿床稀土元素地球化学研究

12.A Study on the Abundance Relationships Among Trace Elements and Its Application;微量元素地球化学丰度关系及其应用研究

13.geochemical behaviour of elements元素的地球化学性状

14.geochemical migration of elements地球化学的元素迁移

15.elements, geochemical distribution of元素的地球化学分布

16.geochemical character of the elements元素的地球化学性质

17.Environmental Geochemistry of Trace Elements ?微量元素环境地球化学

18.geochemical cycle of elements地球化学的元素循环


elemental geochemistry元素地球化学

1.Theelemental geochemistry of the surface sediments in the Chukchi Sea and its adjacent areas;楚科奇海及其邻近海域表层沉积物的元素地球化学特征

2.The results ofelemental geochemistry and microbial mineralogy analyses on this fossilized wood show that it was very likely form.对浙江省朱家尖岛发现的"石化木"———一种形似珊瑚的铁、锰质岩石,进行了元素地球化学、微生物矿物学等的研究,发现它们是在微生物成矿作用下,经Fe,Mn分异和矿化过程形成的。

3.In this paper, the mineralogy, the micro-textures and theelemental geochemistry of the cobalt-rich crusts from the Central Pacific Ocean were analyzed systematically using the ICP-AES, the EPMA, and the X-ray diffraction combined with mathematical statistics such as factor analysis and cluster analysis, and so on.本文利用ICP-AES、EPMA、X-ray衍射等测试技术以及聚类分析和因子分析等多种数理统计方法,系统地对中太平洋海区富钴结壳的元素地球化学特征、矿物组成和微观组构进行了研究,并探讨了其成因机制,获得以下主要认识:1中太平洋海区富钴结壳类型多样,均为水成成因,其矿物相主要由锰矿物相、铁矿物相和非金属矿物相组成;富钴结壳壳层发育多种原生和次生构造类型。

3)geochemistry of elements[地]元素地球化学

4)geochemical element地球化学元素

5)geochemical elements地球化学元素

1.Transfering feature ofgeochemical elements on the vertical section of moss in Antarctic;南极地区苔藓剖面中地球化学元素的营养运移特征

2.Soil microbes are influenced by aboveground vegetation, soilgeochemical elements and edaphic pollutants such as battery waste.土壤微生物受到地上植物、土壤地球化学元素以及电池等污染物质的影响。

3.Through studyinggeochemical elements in two prof.大别山北麓分布有大量的黄土—古土壤,通过对两个剖面黄土—古土壤中地球化学元素的对比分析研究,以及磁化率的分析,期望获得中更新世气候环境的变化规律,为预测该区域今后的气候环境变化提供科学依据。

6)Fluoride element geochemistry氟元素地球化学


