900字范文 > 竹竿子 Zhu-Gan-zi英语短句 例句大全

竹竿子 Zhu-Gan-zi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-08 01:38:25


竹竿子 Zhu-Gan-zi英语短句 例句大全



1.Zhu-Gan-zi was the props which had been held by the court music and dance performers named Can-Jun-se in Song Dynasty.宋代宫廷乐舞表演者参军色所持舞具"竹竿子"源于古代引舞之旌旗,但在发展过程中,曾受到西藏传统艺术热巴舞中持旄牛尾而舞的表演形式之影响,这种影响大约在吐蕃时期发生,通过西域而传入中原宫廷,它可以视为汉藏艺术传播史上的一个重要例证。

2)bamboo pole [rod]竹竿


1.The soft pulp inside the hard stems坚硬竹竿内的柔软竹衣

2.small bamboo of southeastern China having slender culms flexuous when young.中国东南部小竹,幼年竹竹竿纤细弯曲。

3.Carrying a pole through a city gate/in and out in a straight line城门里扛竹竿,直来直去

4.Aerobics Upon the Bamboos--A Teaching Plan for the Course of Bamboo Pole Dance;竹竿上的健美操——竹竿舞课的教学设计方案

5.small bamboo having thin green culms turning shining black.小竹,绿色细竹竿呈现发光的黑色。

6.A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other.钓竿是:一端有钩子、另一端有傻子的竹竿。

7.A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other钓竿是:一端有构子、另一端有傻子的竹竿。

8.Of course I am not saying all our university students are indifferent.当然,笔者不欲以一竹竿打翻一船人。

9.so the long straight stems of bamboo are not like tree wood.所以它长长的直直的竹竿和树干不同。

10.Be careful! Don"t jab his eye out with your bamboo pole.小心! 你的竹竿别捅了他的眼睛。

11.bamboo is so strong that it is often used to build houses and bridges.竹竿又相当结实,可以用来建房架桥。

12.Gao Shi: Yes. And that was a good beginning for their love.高师:对。跳竹竿舞是他们爱的开端。

13.On no account must you walk under the bamboo pole on which trousers or pants were hanging out to dry.晒裤子用的竹竿底下,是万不可钻过去的,等等。

14.“Then can we have a correct time measurement relying only on this bamboo pole?“那靠这根竹竿儿,就能知道准确的时间吗?”

15.A device around which a garment is draped for hanging from a hook or rod.衣架挂在一个钩子或竹竿上的悬挂衣服的器具

16.You could lift a big piece of bamboo with one hand.一只手轻轻松松地就能举起一根大竹竿。

17.With a bamboo pole she is beating off a flock of sparrows hovering over the seedling patches.她正在用竹竿驱赶一群在秧田上空盘旋的麻雀。

18.Each section contained a lit candle, and was manipulated by a dancer who held it aloft by a bamboo handle.玩龙灯的人便拿着下面的竹竿,每个人持一节。


bamboo pole [rod]竹竿

3)bamboo dancing跳竹竿

1.Using literature material and interviews,this article studies the origin,characteristics,cultural delivery and skills of Li nationalitybamboo dancing.运用文献资料法、访谈法,分析黎族跳竹竿运动的起源、特点、传递的文化知识和技能。

4)bamboo pole dance竹竿舞

1.An Exploration of Bamboo Pole Dance in College Public Physical Education;对竹竿舞引进大学公共体育教学的探讨

2.Because of its easy-learned motions and varied forms,bamboo pole dance,originated from folk dances,becomes many students tavirate.竹竿舞起源于民间舞蹈,动作简单易学,形式多样,配上优美的民族音乐,深得很多高校学生的喜爱。

5)a bamboo pole ]竿子

6)Zhuganhe watershed竹竿河流域

1.Calculation and analysis of the non-point source pollution ofZhuganhe watershed;竹竿河流域面源污染模拟计算和分析

2.This thesis is focusedon studying the non-point source pollution ofZhuganhe watershed.本论文的主要工作是选取淮河流域中竹竿河流域作为典型山区类型进行非点源污染模拟计算,分析淮河流域山区型非点源污染产输出特点,作为淮河流域非点源污染研究中的一个重要研究成果。


