900字范文 > 分类确定税率 Classification Confirming the Tax Rate英语短句 例句大全

分类确定税率 Classification Confirming the Tax Rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-02 09:49:11


分类确定税率 Classification Confirming the Tax Rate英语短句 例句大全

分类确定税率,Classification Confirming the Tax Rate

1)Classification Confirming the Tax Rate分类确定税率


1.Form Fairness and Essence Fairness of Classification on Taxable Income to Determine Tax Rate论应税所得分类确定税率的形式公平与实质公平

2.An ad valorem tariff is expressed as a fixed percentage of the value of the imported product.从价税是按照进口商品价值来确定税率百分比征收的;

3.To Discuss How Ascertainning Optimum Tax Rate of the Social Security Tax Rate;浅议如何确定社会保障税的最优税率

4.The following cigarettes, irrespective of their tax classification shall all be taxed at the rate of Grade A cigarettes:下列卷烟不分征税类别一律按照甲类卷烟税率征税:

5.The rate of cost-plus margin in the formula shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.公式中的成本利润率由国家税务总局确定。

6.Determination of anti-dumping tax rate by dynamic game analysis on similar commodities;完全信息动态下对相似商品反倾销税率的确定

7.Determination of Anti-dumping Duty Rates on Similar Commodities Under Vertical Market Structure垂直市场结构下相似品反倾销税率的确定

8.(5) spare parts of cars, of which tariff and import duties reduction and exemption shall be determined according to the localization rate;(5)汽车零部件,对此关税和进口税的减免应根据国产化率确定;

9.For outside purchased white spirits made from more than two kinds of alcohol, the tax rate used shall be the highest tax rate of the alcohol.外购两种以上酒精生产的白酒,一律从高确定税率征税。

10.It would also include the products and services affected by a particular measure, identified by appropriate tariff line and CPC classification.还将包括受到一特定措施影响的产品和服务,按适当的税号和CPC分类确定。

11.Theoretical Analysis of the Orienting of Function of the Individual Income Tax and Designing of Tax Rate;个人所得税的功能定位及税率设计的理论分析

12.Meaing and Uncertainty Analysis of Property Tax Levy;物业税开征的意义及其不确定性分析

13.The Rule for Discerning the General Permanent Establishment Under International Tax Law;国际税法中一般类型常设机构的确定规则

14.Defining Tax base and rate定义计税基数和税率

15.Determination of Average Profit to Investment Rate and Profit-Tax to Investment Rate of Oil-Gas Field Development Project;油气田开发项目平均投资利润率和利税率的确定

16.Application Research of Classification Method on Evaluation Ratepaying Credit Grade;纳税信用等级评定分类方法应用研究

17.(ii) the customs value of identical or similar goods as determined under the provisions of Article 5;(ⅱ)根据第5条的规定确定的相同或类似货物的完税价格;

18.(iii) the customs value of identical or similar goods as determined under the provisions of Article 6;(ⅲ)根据第6条的规定确定的相同或类似货物的完税价格;


determination of tax rate税率确定

3)classification accuracy分类正确率

1.In order to enhance theclassification accuracy of brain-computer interface(BCI),a novel tri-polar concentric ring Laplacian electrode is designed.为了提高脑机接口的分类正确率,设计了一种基于三同心圆环的拉普拉斯电极,此电极能够快速测量4阶精度的头皮拉普拉斯电位(LEEG),具有极高的空间分辨率和定位性能。

2.By means of the parameter C of the model adjusted optimally,and a judge-function introduced practically,theclassification accuracy of SVMM is improved well.通过对SVM分类器中惩罚参数优选,结合实际需要并加入一个判断函数,提高了SVM分类器的分类正确率。

3.By means of the penalty parameter C of the model adjusted optimally,and a decision-function introduced practically,theclassification accuracy of SVMM is improved well.通过对SVMM分类器中惩罚参数C的优选,结合生产工程需要引入判断函数,提高了SVMM分类器的分类正确率。

4)correct classification rate正确分类率

5)Classification accuracy分类准确率

6)The Determination of the Rate of Real Estate Tax物业税税率的确定


