900字范文 > 舞弊分类 the classification of fraud英语短句 例句大全

舞弊分类 the classification of fraud英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-12 10:44:37


舞弊分类 the classification of fraud英语短句 例句大全

舞弊分类,the classification of fraud

1)the classification of fraud舞弊分类

2)Fraud type舞弊类型


1.In recent years, many marketing corporations have been faced with the problem ofcheating on the accounting information,which has brought a serious economic consequence directly.本文从经济学的角度 ,运用理性原理分析了上市公司会计信息舞弊的深层次原因 ,认为现行的制度安排诱发了会计信息的违法性造假 ,要根治上市公司的会计信息舞弊行为必须进行制度创新。

2.Based on the game model of "prisoner dilemma", this paper set up the game model of the students’cheating in an examination and the game model of the teacher—student’scheating in an examination, indicated the reasons of the students’cheating in an examination, put forward the conditions and countermeasures of how to prevent thecheating in an examination.本文运用“囚徒困境”博弈模型,建立了学生考试舞弊的博弈模型和师生考试舞弊博弈模型,指出了学生考试舞弊的本质原因,并提出了防治考试舞弊的条件和对策。

3.Higher education examinations for self-learners are quite prosperous nowadays in China,yetcheating is a serious problem in the examinations,where cheaters with different and complicated intentions use variouscheating means,what s important,they do so nearly openly.随着我国自考事业的蓬勃发展,考试舞弊的问题也日益严重,呈现出手段多样化、动机复杂化、人员广泛化、行为公开化的特点。


1.Malpractices in Listed Firms: Institution, Market and Honesty --discussion on the malpractice and anti-malpractice in listed firms;上市企业舞弊:制度、市场与诚信——兼论中国上市企业舞弊与反舞弊

2.He was a corrupt official, playing favoritism and committing irregularities.他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。

3.We detected her in a fraud我们查出她有舞弊行为。

4.corrupt practices, eg the offering and accepting of bribes舞弊行为(如行贿受贿).

5.Symbiosis of Mechanism and Countermeasures on Accounting Fraud and Audit Fraud会计舞弊与审计舞弊的共生机理及其治理思路

6.Corrupt governance:The Analysis based on the characteristics of financial fraud of listed companies舞弊治理:基于上市公司财务舞弊特征的分析

7.Malpractice, Anti-malpractice and Enlightenment of Imperial Examination on Modern Examination;科举考试舞弊、防弊及对现代考试的启示

8.Occputational Fraud, Internal Control and Internal Auditing--A Case Study of Occputational Fraud in Societe Generale职务舞弊与内部控制、内部审计——兼评法国兴业银行职务舞弊案例

9.Investigation of fraud was their commission.调查诈欺舞弊是他们的任务

10.The whole contract stinks of corruption.整个的合同带有舞弊的味道。

11.Lex Tullia de ambitu关于选举舞弊的杜里亚法

12.Lex lulia de adulteriis关于选举舞弊的尤利亚法

13.I dare say he jobs in elections.我敢说他在选举中肯定营私舞弊。

14.He jobbed his son into the position.他用舞弊手段为儿子谋得这个职位。

15.” Corruption” not in the sense that representatives are bribed.“营私舞弊”不是说国会议员有收受贿赂。

16.The corrupt officers during the last phase of the Qing Dynasty were engaged in fraud for selfish ends.清朝末期官员营私舞弊, 政治十分腐败。

17.Corrupt practices include bribery, treating.舞弊行为包括受贿,请客拉拢。

18.This American company is steeped in fraud up the armpits.这家美国公司营私舞弊极为严重。


Fraud type舞弊类型


1.In recent years, many marketing corporations have been faced with the problem ofcheating on the accounting information,which has brought a serious economic consequence directly.本文从经济学的角度 ,运用理性原理分析了上市公司会计信息舞弊的深层次原因 ,认为现行的制度安排诱发了会计信息的违法性造假 ,要根治上市公司的会计信息舞弊行为必须进行制度创新。

2.Based on the game model of "prisoner dilemma", this paper set up the game model of the students’cheating in an examination and the game model of the teacher—student’scheating in an examination, indicated the reasons of the students’cheating in an examination, put forward the conditions and countermeasures of how to prevent thecheating in an examination.本文运用“囚徒困境”博弈模型,建立了学生考试舞弊的博弈模型和师生考试舞弊博弈模型,指出了学生考试舞弊的本质原因,并提出了防治考试舞弊的条件和对策。

3.Higher education examinations for self-learners are quite prosperous nowadays in China,yetcheating is a serious problem in the examinations,where cheaters with different and complicated intentions use variouscheating means,what s important,they do so nearly openly.随着我国自考事业的蓬勃发展,考试舞弊的问题也日益严重,呈现出手段多样化、动机复杂化、人员广泛化、行为公开化的特点。

4)fraudulent practice舞弊

1.Discussion onfraudulent practice in computerized accounting and its countermeasure;会计电算化舞弊及其防范措施的问题探讨

2.Besides the reasons of the studens them self,fraudulent practices in the college entrance examination are also closely related with the exam environment.高考舞弊除了学生自己的原因外,还与考试环境密不可分。

3.Thefraudulent practice in various examinations in Ming dynasty was the reflection of the decayed action in the administration of officials on the selection and application of able people.明代的各级各类考试中的舞弊现象,是吏治腐败在人才选拔任用上的反映。


1.Game Analyses of Malpractice of Independent Audit and Studies of Counterplan;独立审计舞弊的博弈分析与对策研究

2.This paper introduces briefly the concepts and functions of the accounting computerization, reveals the phenomena and methods of themalpractice in the accounting computerization, and probes into how to prevent and control themalpractice behaviors in the accounting computerization.简介了会计电算化的概念和作用,对会计电算化舞弊的现象和手段做了披露,就如何防范和控制会计电算化的舞弊行为进行了探讨。

3.The work experience enables the author to summarise the characteristics and forms of economic dutymalpractice.根据工作实践,谈了经济职务舞弊的特点与类型及经济职务舞弊稽查中发现问题的技巧。


1.An Study on Fraudulent Financial Reporting of Listed Companies;上市公司财务报告舞弊研究

2.Listed Company s Financial Report Fraud and It s Regulation in China;我国上市公司财务报告舞弊及其规制

3.The Corporation Governance Features of Fraud Firms;舞弊公司的公司治理特征研究


上市公司十大现金舞弊排行榜NO.1 金花股份(600080.SH)"使者"也离假面花会计师事务所:以前是岳华会计师事务所,开始是上海万隆会计师事务所舞弊类型:高现金舞弊、受限现金舞弊 相关处罚:暂无 金花股份近几年年报以及半年报的货币资金一直都保持在3.5亿元左右,不仅金额巨大,而且几年下来几无变化,问题或现端倪。我们曾经撰文质疑,这些货币资金很可能已经被质押或被占用。直至10月14日,因控股股东金花投资未能履约,银行存款被强制划走,金花股份的%26#8220;假现金%26#8221;才被揭开面纱。 其实自11月以来,金花股份就已将28500万元以存单质押的方式为控股股东金花投资及其关联公司提供全额银行承兑保证。如今,质押期满,金花投资及其关联公司却无力偿还,导致公司存款28500万元已被银行扣除;同时以公司名义借贷,由金花投资保证以其资产抵押或第三方保证的共计31700万元的10笔银行借款也被金花投资占用。以上占用资金合计60200万元,而金花股份从未就该银行存款质押做出披露,投资者还真以为这些都是公司能够支配的自由现金。 现在连忠心服务了八年的老搭档%26#8212;%26#8212;岳华会计师事务所都明哲保身,宁可丢失客户也不愿意违背良心出具标准无保留意见,还有谁能够救得了金花股份呢? NO.2 明星电力(600101.SH)明日黄花昨日星 会计师事务所:四川君和会计师事务所 舞弊类型:高现金舞弊、受限现金舞弊 相关处罚:上证所公开谴责 在的最后时刻,明星电力真的成了耀眼的%26#8220;明星%26#8221;,但此%26#8220;明星%26#8221;毫不光彩。 能够排名十大现金舞弊排行榜第二,可以说第一大股东明伦集团是有预谋的。在入主明星电力之后,首先用4.2亿元的现金投资明星康桥和明星商社,这两个子公司后来成为明伦集团重要%26#8220;道具%26#8221;,然后又以明星电力的名义寻求银行借款,转移到自己的账上。截至,还占用资金29100万元。但明星电力的厄运还没有完,香港力亿和天津杰超占用明星电力约14300万元的国际贸易货款,明星商社又以明星电力的定期存款分别为深圳升达等三家公司向银行申请的承兑汇票提供金额为15800万元的担保,并已陆续到期,其银行定期存单已有1.2亿元资金被银行扣除,预计到年底还将有近4000万元资金被银行扣除 。 NO.3 金城股份(000820.SZ)大股东的空城计 会计师事务所:2002年以前是北京中洲光华会计师事务所,开始是北京中兴宇会计师事务所 舞弊类型:高现金舞弊、现金流水舞弊 相关处罚:深交所公开谴责 金城股份的第一大大股东%26#8212;%26#8212;金城集团变着法子从上市公司身上揩油。先是利用代销产品,不及时偿还销售款项,导致实际占用经营性资金;然后又让上市公司提供医疗、环卫等非经营性资金。截至半年报期末,累计余额为58314万元被其占用。 另外,金城集团为了掩盖巨额占用金城股份资金的事实,还利用倒贷款的形式,取得临时贷款在会计期末表面偿还上述欠款,随后转身即从金城股份将款项划回金城集团。以此手段,金城股份分别于、和1~5月划给金城集团114100万元、105100万元和55700万元。 NO.4 *ST成功(000517.SZ)"成功"之道非常道 会计师事务所:浙江天健会计师事务所 舞弊类型:高现金舞弊、现金流水舞弊 相关处罚:深交所公开谴责 连续两年年报的会计%26#8220;差错更正%26#8221;,让我们怀疑其是否在滥用%26#8220;差错更正%26#8221;这一工具以掩盖隐瞒某些事实。
